similar to: heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package"

2007 Jul 27
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem
Hi, I have trouble with the heatmap function (package stats). The row labels are wrongly ordered and don't correspond to the Rowv dendrogram. I know there is a bug with the heatmap fonction. Emmanuel Paradis ( )suggested a modification to fix it but in my case the row labels are still wrongly ordered. Heatmaps with 2 phylograms have
2006 Oct 17
ape -- internal nodes and pie charts
Hi, I've been investigating the ape package for a while, and I was wondering if it is possible to: - display the names of the internal nodes (from a newick tree) - plot a pie-chart on top of each of the internal branches in a phylogram plot Thanks in advance, Cheers, Albert.
2017 Jun 19
New package: phylogram
Dear all, I'd like to introduce a new R package called *phylogram,* for working with evolutionary trees as deeply-nested lists known as "dendrogram" objects. The package provides functions for importing and exporting phylogenetic trees in the Newick parenthetic text format, as well as several functions for command-line tree manipulation. With an emphasis on speed and computational
2008 Jun 16
heatmap.2 dendogram algorithm
Hello does anyone know what algorithm is used to produce the hierarchical clustering in the gplots package using the function heatmap.2? I think it may be the complete linkage clustering algorithm, but I can't find a source that seems reliable. Thank you and sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. If I have, please let me know and I will move it to the appropriate list. -- View this
2004 Feb 08
APE: compar.gee( )
Dear all, I don't understand the following behaviour: Running compar.gee (in library ape ) with and without the option 'data', it give me different results Example: .... Start R .... > load("eiber.RData") > ls() [1] "" "mydata" "mytree" > library(ape) > # runnig with the option data= mydata > compar.gee(alt ~ R,
2011 Apr 11
heatmap clustering dendrogram export
Hi, I am a beginner for R. I had use gplots to generate a heatmap as following: >heatmap.2(matrix, col=topo.colors(75), dendrogram="column", Rowv=FALSE, trace="none", key=TRUE, keysize=0.8,"none", cexRow=0.2, cexCol=0.6) It work well. It generate heatmap whith rcolumn clustering dendrogram and I can export a very nice graph. But I don not know how
2007 Nov 12
help on drawing a tree with "ape"?
Dear all, I'm using the "ape" package in R and want to draw a phylogenetic tree with not only the tip labels but also some labels for the edges. e.g. Mark the edge AB as "m" in the tree ABC. Couldn't find a way to do that. Can someone help? Thanks, Hua
2004 Jan 04
Analyzing dendograms??
I have used heatmap to visualize my microarray data. I have a matrix of M-values. I do the following. #The distance between the columns. sampdist <- dist(t(matrix[,]), method="euclidean") sclus <- hclust(sampdist, method="average") #The distance between the rows. genedist <- dist(matrix[,], method="euclidean") gclus <- hclust(genedist,
2002 Sep 05
ape 0.1 is released
Ape is an R package for "analyses of phylogenetics and evolution". The first version (0.1) has been released on 27 August 2002 and is available on CRAN. >From the 'Description' file of version 0.1: Ape provides functions for reading, and plotting phylogenetic trees in parenthetic format (standard Newick format), analyses of comparative data in a
2003 Mar 10
ape 1.0 is on CRAN
Dear all, The version 1.0 of ape (analysis of phylogenetics and evolution) is now on CRAN. The jump from version 0.2-1 to 1.0 is explained by the fact that the initial objectives of the project have been completed. The relevant part of the Changes file is shown below. All comments, suggestions, or bug reports are welcome. Emmanuel Paradis CHANGES IN APE VERSION 1.0 NEW FEATURES
2008 Sep 04
Binary Tree Testing in "ape" package (a bug?)
Dear all, I was testing the wonderful package APE. However upon testing a particular Newick's format tree - which I think to be a non-binary tree - it yields different result as expected. > library(ape) > <- read.tree(text="(rat,mouse,(human,chimp));") > is.binary.tree( [1] TRUE Was that a bug in APE package? - Gundala Viswanath Jakarta - Indonesia
2009 Apr 07
heatmap.2 no reordering of the columns and rows
Hi,   I need to generate a heatmap on a square matrix and wouldn't want to reorder the columns and the rows on the heatmap display.    I have used the options Rowv=NULL and Colv=NULL but doesn't seem to work. Following is a snippet of the heatmap function i am using. args <- commandArgs(); inputfile <- args[2] imgfile   <- args[3] bitmap(imgfile, height=15, width=15, res=100,
2013 Jan 18
Hclust tree to Figtree w/ branch lengths
Hi, I'm doing hierarchical clustering, and want to export my dendrogram to a tree-viewing/editing software. I can do this by converting the data to Newick format (hc2Newick in ctc package), but I can't get branch lengths to show in the resulting phylogram. I figured it might help to convert my hclust object into a phylo object (as.phylo in ape package), but the following lines give me
2010 Jun 17
plotting radial dendrograms
Dear list, I am trying to plot a radial dendrogram using the ape package, which requires my data to be of class 'phylo'. Currently I have my dendrogram stored as an object of class 'dendrogram' which was produced from an outside bit of C code, but was made into an object of class 'igraph.eigenc' and converted to a dendrogram using 'as.dendrogram()' from the igraph
2006 Jun 08
"reversed" dendogram
Dear All, I am trying to find a way to plot a dendogram in reverse, that is, if the terminal leaves are labelled 1-10 bottom to top (or left to right), I would like to be able to plot it in a way such that if would display 10-1 bottom to top or left to right. Any idea how to achieve this? Thanks in advance, r. Dr. Rafael Najmanovich European Bioinformatics Institute Wellcome Trust
2017 Jun 21
getting error while trying to make dendogram based on gene expression
I am trying to make dendogram based on gene expression matrix , but getting some error: I countMatrix = read.table("count.row.txt",header=T,sep='\t',check.names=F) colnames(countMatrix) count_matrix <- countMatrix[,-1] # remove first column (gene names) rownames(count_matrix) <- countMatrix[,1] #added first column gene names as rownames) >
2017 Jun 09
Dendogram from RNAseq read count to show correlation between biological replicate using R
Dear all, I need to make dendogram from read count in a csv file across 34 samples including biological replicate. Please share R code or package to do this. Do I also need to normalized read count before using read data? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 11
Help!!! Agnes dendogram (Clustering)
The data "one" is a vector of 553 observations agglone<-agnes(one, metric = "manhattan", stand = TRUE) plot(agglone,which.plots=2, nmax=150) My problem is in the dendogram, I can not see the nodes because it is too crowded. I have attached the diagram. Any help is more than welcome. Thank you a lot!!!
2017 Jun 22
Getting error in dendogram based on gene expression
Dear All, I am trying to make dendogram based on gene expression matrix , but getting some error: I countMatrix = read.table("count.row.txt",header=T,sep='\t',check.names=F) colnames(countMatrix) count_matrix <- countMatrix[,-1] # remove first column (gene names) rownames(count_matrix) <- countMatrix[,1] #added first column gene names as rownames)
2004 Dec 04
Wishlist: heatmap/image legend (PR#7402)
Full_Name: Elizabeth Purdom Version: 1.9.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( It would be great if heatmap and/or image had the option of printing a legend bar on it somewhere that would indicate the ranges given by the colors in the heatmap (i.e. a very small image rectangle with the same colors as in the heatmap). Because heatmap is using layout, it seems pretty