similar to: customer analyzer?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "customer analyzer?"

2006 Sep 05
ferret finds ''tests'' but not ''test''
Hello all, Quick question (possibly!) - I''ve got a few records indexed and doing a search for ''test'' reports in no hits even though I know the word ''tests'' exists in the indexed field. Doing a search for ''tests'' produces a result. I would have thought that ''test'' would match ''tests'' but no such
2007 Jan 17
Hi everyone. First a quick word - I am relatively new to Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but I love learning about it and using it. Currently I am working on extending Boxroom (file repository RoR app) for the CARE Indonsia intranet, where I work as an intern. I am using ferret, and it''s working great. I noticed that if a file contains something like this "applications/entries", this
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2007 Apr 10
ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 not compatible with Ruby1.8.4
Just a quick note for future reference - at least for me, ferret won''t work on Ruby 1.8.4. gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] irb irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' A windows error message box appears - ruby.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point rb_w32_write could not be
2007 Jun 25
Ignore apostrophes in words
Hi, I just started using ferret and the aaf plugin and it seems to work quite nicely. However, my fields are very short (titles of music) and I don''t think may users will be typing in apostrophes when they are looking for something. Right now, for a simple document such as "what i''ve done" I''d like it to be indexed as "what ive done" instead. Right
2008 May 12
Using StemFilter with PhraseQuery
Hi, I''m having difficulty getting the StemFilter and PhraseQuery to work properly together. When I use a StemFilter with a PhraseQuery, searches only work if the phrase consists of stems. For example, the search phrase "reduces health care" will not work but the phrase "reduce health care" will work even though the exact text "reduces health care" is
2006 Sep 15
Custom analyzer not invoked?
Hello, I''m trying to define my own analyzer by doing something like: #----------------------------------------------------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret class MyAnalyzer < Analysis::Analyzer def token_stream(field, str) # Display results of analysis puts ''Analyzing: field:%s str:%s'' % [field, str] t =
2007 Apr 28
Determine how many documents a term occurs in
Is there a fast way to determine how many documents a term occurs in, besides iterating through every document with TermDocEnum? -- Best regards, Stian Gryt?yr
2006 Nov 02
Indexing and searching across multiple locales
Hi - I''m currently investigating support for Ferret and content that spans multiple locales. I am particularly interested in using stemming and fuzzy searches (e.g. with slop factor) across multiple locales. So far I''ve followed the online docs for implementing a Stemming Analyzer, and it is working for English terms just fine. I''ve also written a method to import data
2007 Mar 04
Getting non-stemmed terms from IndexReader
I need to get a set of terms being indexed using Ferret. I used IndexReader.terms and it returns a list of TermEnum nicely. The only problem is that my analyzer includes a stemming filter. So now, the terms I''m getting back are all stemmed. Is there anyway to get the original unstemmed terms back from the index somehow? Thanks. -- Posted via
2007 Mar 06
case-sensitivity of analyzer
Is there anything about this analyzer that says "case-sensitive" to you? module Ferret::Analysis class StemmingAnalyzer def token_stream(field, text) end end end Just wondering how I can force my index to be case-insensitive. Thanks, -Adam -- Posted via
2006 Apr 20
Creating my own analyzer
I created this analyzer: class DescriptionAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer def token_stream(field, string) if field == "code" return else return,string) end end end and created an IndexWriter with it:,
2009 Apr 09
Weird analyzer issue with the word ''fly''
Hi all I''m using a_a_f in rails with a StemmingAnalyzer, in the index and in my search. I got the idea from this topic: I''m having a problem with some search terms - i narrowed one of them down to the inclusion of the word ''fly''. Can anyone give me any clues at to what might be happening, or even how i can investigate?
2007 Nov 09
Problem with stemming and AAF
I''m sure I''m missing something completely obvious here, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction! I''ve implemented a basic search with AAF, which works as expected; I''m running a ferret drb server, and using will_paginate to page results. The code in my search_controller.rb: search_text = params[:query] || " " @products =
2006 May 12
Benchmark - Thanks Dave for making this gnawer this FAST!!
Hi List, I''ve took some time and made some tests on the performance of java-lucene, hyperestraier and ferret as Dave encourages the community of ferret to do so. Quite intersting numbers. Ferret indeed deserves to be called a high-performance port!! It''s MyFirstBenchmark ( ) so please don''t be too cruel on
2007 Jan 19
Double-quoted query with "and" fails.
Hi, We''re using Ferret 0.9.4 and we''ve observed the following behavior. Searching for ''fieldname: foo and bar'' works fine while ''fieldname: "foo and bar"'' doesn''t return any results. Is there a way to make ferret recognize the ''and'' inside the query as a search term and not an operator? (I hope I got the
2007 Apr 08
Ferret and non latin characters support
I''ve successfully installed ferret and acts_as_ferret and have no problem with utf-8 for accented characters. It returns correct results fot e.g. fran?ais. My problem is with non latin characters (Persian indeed). I have tested different locales with no success both on Debian and Mac. Any idea? (ferret 0.11.4, acts_as_ferret 0.4.0, rails 1.1.6) -- Posted via
2006 Dec 08
Using custom stem analyzer giving mongrel errors
I''m using the custom stem analyzer: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret module Ferret::Analysis class FerretAnalyzer def initialize(stop_words = FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, text),
2007 May 09
bug when assigning new analyzer?
require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret PATH = ''/tmp/ferret_stopwords_test'' index = => PATH, :create => true) index.analyzer =[]) index << {:title => ''a few good men'', :language => ''en''} index.analyzer =
2006 Dec 06
AAF - Stem Analyzer
I''m not on AAF. Can someone else help Raymond with an example? On 12/6/06, Raymond O''connor <nappin713 at> wrote: > > Matt Schnitz wrote: > > You also need to stem-analyze the incoming query. > > > > I had this same problem. :^> > > > > > > Schnitz > > Do you have an example of how to do this? I''m using