Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "When to use quasipoisson instead of poisson family"
2010 Sep 16
Nemenyi test as a post-hoc test to Kruskal Wallis
Dear all,
I've discovered the possibility to do the Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test in the library(coin); oneway_test()
With the given example I am unfortunately not able to reproduce the test. What does trafo and contrMat mean?
I have a dataframe with 176 elements in 7 classes. It may be a problem, that my model isn't balanced? In Class1 I happen to have 4 elements, while there are 90 in
2012 Jan 09
Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
Dear fellow R users,
Keywords: Kruskal-Wallis, Post-Hoc, pair-wise comparisons, Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test, coin package, oneway_test
I am using the "oneway_test" function in the R package "coin" and I am obtaining results which I cannot believe are accurate. I do not wish to waste anyone's time and so if the following problem is rather trivial, I apologize, however I
2010 Apr 22
Jonckheere-Terpstra test using coin package?
Is it possible to implement the Jonckheere-Terpstra test for ordered
alternatives using the coin package: Conditional Inference Procedures
in a Permutation Test Framework?
I found jonckheere.test{clinfun}, but it uses a normal approximation
when ties are present in the data. To make this concrete, I've
a small dataset. Thanks. --Dale
Hollander and Wolfe, 1999 Table 6.6, pg 205
2008 Nov 29
function for simultaneous confidence interval of regression coefficients
Would someone be so kind as to point me to a function that will calculate
simultaneous confidence intervals of regression coefficients based upon
their distribution as (under the assumption of normal errors, with
\mathbf{X} as the design matrix):
$\hat{\mathbf{\beta}} \sim N(\mathbf{\beta},
'confint' calculates individual coefficients so
2006 Dec 12
I'm trying to use expression() to write a text to a graphic in the margin.
writes a perfect beta greek character, but I need to add a subindex
"max", and I'm trying:
simply writes "beta max" in the plot.
Please, Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
2005 Oct 10
Under-dispersion - a stats question?
Hello all:
I frequently have glm models in which the residual variance is much
lower than the residual degrees of freedom (e.g. Res.Dev=30.5, Res.DF
= 82). Is it appropriate for me to use a quasipoisson error
distribution and test it with an F distribution? It seems to me that
I could stand to gain a much-reduced standard error if I let the
procedure estimate my dispersion factor (which
2012 Oct 14
Poisson Regression: questions about tests of assumptions
I would like to test in R what regression fits my data best. My dependent
variable is a count, and has a lot of zeros.
And I would need some help to determine what model and family to use
(poisson or quasipoisson, or zero-inflated poisson regression), and how to
test the assumptions.
1) Poisson Regression: as far as I understand, the strong assumption is
that dependent variable mean = variance.
2012 Oct 22
glm.nb - theta, dispersion, and errors
I am running 9 negative binomial regressions with count data.
The nine models use 9 different dependent variables - items of a clinical
screening instrument - and use the same set of 5 predictors. Goal is to
find out whether these predictors have differential effects on the items.
Due to various reasons, one being that I want to avoid overfitting models,
I need to employ identical types of
2002 Mar 21
Underdispersion with anova testing methods
Using anova of a glm with test = "Chisq", I get this:
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: poisson, link: log
Response: Days
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|)
NULL 373 370.56
Block 3 71.05 370 299.51 2.543e-15
Variety 1 94.04 369
2011 Dec 19
pls help to print out first row of terms(model) output in example program
I've written a convenience function for multicollinearity diagnosis.
I'd like to report to the user the formula that is used in a
regression. I get output like this:
> mcDiagnose(m1)
[1] "The following auxiliary models are being estimated and returned in a list:"
[1] "`x1` ~ ."
[1] "`x2` ~ ."
I'd like to fill in the period
2006 Jan 25
About lmer output
Dear R users:
I am using lmer fo fit binomial data with a probit link function:
> fer_lmer_PQL<-lmer(fer ~ gae + ctipo + (1|perm) -1,
+ family = binomial(link="probit"),
+ method = 'PQL',
+ data = FERTILIDAD,
+ msVerbose= True)
The output look like this:
> fer_lmer_PQL
Generalized linear mixed model fit
2009 Jul 14
Simulation functions for underdispered Poisson and binomial distributions
Dear R users
I would like to simulate underdispersed Poisson and binomial
distributions somehow.
I know you can do this for overdispersed counterparts - using
rnbinom() for Poisson and rbetabinom() for binomial.
Could anyone share functions to do this? Or please share some tips for
modifying existing functions to achieve this.
Thank you very much for your help and time
2008 Dec 04
Simulating underdispersed counts
Anyone who knows a fast and accurate algorithm for generating draws from an underdispersed Poisson distribution. Or even better, if there is a package containing such an implementation.
2009 Apr 20
New versions for the distr-family of packages
New versions released for the distr family of package
We would like to announce the availability on CRAN (with possibly a
minor delay until on every mirror) of new versions of our packages
in the "distr"-family (version 2.1),
2009 Apr 20
New versions for the distr-family of packages
New versions released for the distr family of package
We would like to announce the availability on CRAN (with possibly a
minor delay until on every mirror) of new versions of our packages
in the "distr"-family (version 2.1),
2012 May 29
Help needed in wavelet transforming
I am currently working on forecasting hourly electricity prices where I am
required to do wavelet transformation. First I need to calculate
decomposition coefficients of the wavelet transform, then I need to select
wavelet function using multiresolution technique. I would be really
grateful if I can find any help in this matter.
Thanking You
with regards,
Name : Tarun Trivedi
2012 May 29
Help needed in wavelet transformation
I am currently working on forecasting hourly electricity prices where I am
required to do wavelet transformation. First I need to calculate
decomposition coefficients of the wavelet transform, then I need to select
wavelet function using multiresolution technique. I would be really
grateful if I can find any help in this matter.
Thanking You
with regards,
Name : Tarun Trivedi
2005 Jun 01
I'm trying to select a subset of a dataframe while
dropping some factors. While the dataset gets smaller
all Factor levels remain and I need to get rid of
them. Strangely enough, I am almost certain that the
same code on the same data worked OK earlier today -
and it is not the first time that I'm not able to
replicate earlier results with this command (I know, I
might just be going
2012 Aug 23
party package: ctree - survival data - extracting statistics/predictors
Dear R users,
I am trying to apply the analysis processed in a paper, on the data I'm working with.
The data is: 80 patients for which I have survival data (time - days, and event - binary), and microarray expression data for 200 genes (predictor continuous variables).
My data matrix "data.test" has ncol: 202 and nrow: 80.
What I want to do is:
- run recursive partitioning on
2012 Mar 26
Different result with "kruskal.test" and post-hoc analysis with Nemenyi-Damico-Wolfe-Dunn test implemented in the help page for oneway_test in the coin package that uses multcomp
Dear Researchers,
Sorry for this email but I am not a statistician, and for this I have this
problem to understand. Thanks in Advance for help and suggestions.
I have 21 classes (00, 01, 02, 04, ....,020) with different length. I did a
kruskal wall test in R with the following code
kruskal.test(m.class.l, m.class.length.lf)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: m.class.l and