Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "weight factor in somers2 function"
2006 Jan 04
silly, extracting the value of "C" from the results of somers2
Sorry I have a very simple question:
I used somers2 function from Design package:
> z<- somers2(x,y, weights=w)
results are:
C Dxy n Missing
0.88 0.76 500 0.00
Now I want to call only the value of C to be used in further analyses, but I
fail to do it. I have tried:
> z$C
> z[,C]
Error in z[,C]: incorrect number of dimensions
and some other silly
2009 Jul 31
automation question
I have columns in two tables that need to be compared in order to get a
statistic. The function calculating the statistic is somers2. Here are the
two columns I must calculate, row by row.
name1 name2
1 Pred_pres_a_indpdt[,3,,] population[,23]
2 Pred_pres_b_indpdt[,3,,] population[,24]
3 Pred_pres_c_indpdt[,3,,] population[,25]
4 Pred_pres_d_indpdt[,3,,]
2009 Jul 31
another automation question
This code works:
somertime<-function(i,j)somers2(Pred_pres_a_indpdt[,i,,], population[,j])
How can I make variable "h" work?
2009 Jul 31
function problem
I have a series of columns that need to be evaluated in various tables. I
need to apply a function in the following manner somers2(name1,name2). name1
is a vector of x inputs for the function which correspond to a vector of y
inputs in name2.
2004 Aug 30
While installing Hmisc...
Dear R-Gurus:
This afternoon I was installing the "Hmisc" package.
I use R in Linux (Fedora Core 1 (yarrow)) on a Compaq presario with 128 MB RAM laptop.
Opening an R session as a root user (superuser), I issued
and waited.
R downloaded the package, installation was going on, and on the standard output I could see that a list of
2001 May 22
Surrogate splits for decision trees
Dear R,
Short verse of the question:
Is there R code which will calculate surrogate splits
and/or delta impurity for decision trees at each node?
Long Version:
I have local, legacy code which I use to calculate my decision trees.
I would like to switch to R, but as I understand it surrogate splits
are not implemented.
Surrogate splits and feature ranking are described in Breiman et al
2001 Nov 12
Additional Documentation for rpart?
Dear r-help,
I am looking for additional documentation on the "adj" column in rpart's
splits matrix. The help says:
gives the adjusted concordance for surrogate splits
I am looking info about "adjusted concordance". I cannot find this phrase
in either Therneau & Atkinson original RPART documentation or the CART
This question came up in the
2007 Oct 23
Multivariate regression tree: problems with surrogate splits
R helpers,
I am working with the R program performing multivariate regression trees (MRT). I have a matrix with species and environmental variables saved as a CSV file (sprot_matrix.csv), I have 42 species and 8 environmental variables (SECCHI+PH+TA+PTOT+NTOT+CHLA+AREA+ MEANDEP) for 104 samples
Sample 2
2008 Mar 26
pseudo R square and/or C statistic in R logistic regression
Dear all,
I am now doing the logistic regression using R. (glm, family=binomial). Besides the standardize summary statistics generated from R, I am also interested in some more informations concerning the model fitting / prediction etc; Particularly I am interested in "pseudo R squar" and "C statistic". I searched the R- help and could only get very limited information. (Post
2010 May 18
proportion of treatment effect by a surrogate (fitting multivariate survival model)
Dear R-help,
I would like to compute the variance for the proportion of treatment
effect by a surrogate in a survival model (Lin, Fleming, and De
Gruttola 1997 in Statistics in Medicine). The paper mentioned that
the covariance matrix matches that of the covariance matrix estimator
for the marginal hazard modelling of multiple events data (Wei, Lin,
and Weissfeld 1989 JASA), and is implemented
2003 Nov 07
Annoteting graphs using text
Dear All,
I am new to R and am trying to learn how to create functions using R.
Below is code which calculates Lin's Concordance Coefficient. After
I calculate the coefficient I want to create a scatter plot which
annotates the coefficient along with preceding text onto the plot.
The below code doesn't seem to work. If I use only the object
'lincc' on the text command it works
2002 Aug 04
Pseudo R^2 for logit - really naive question
I am using GLM to calculate logit models based on cross-sectional data. I
am now down to the hard work of making the results intelligible to very
average readers. Is there any way to calculate a psuedo analoque to the R^2
in standard linear regression for use as a purely descriptive statistic of
goodness of fit? Most of the readers of my report will be vaguely familiar
and more comfortable with
2006 Apr 18
lambda, uncertainty coefficient (& Somers D)
Dear colleagues in R,
Has anybody implemented the
1) (Goodman & Kruskal) lambda
or the
2) (Thiel's) uncertainty coefficient
statistics (in the asymmetric and symmetric forms), or is anyone aware
that they might reside in some package? A search in the R archives
does indicate that they are (somehow) part of the CoCo package, but I
would rather not start learning how to transform my
2008 Dec 12
Concordance Index - interpretation
Hello everyone.
This is a question regarding generation of the concordance index (c
index) in R using the function rcorr.cens. In particular about
interpretation of its direction and form of the 'predictor'.
One of the arguments is a "numeric predictor variable" ( presumably
this is just a *single* predictor variable). Say this variable takes
numeric values.... Am I
2012 Jan 04
Extract concordance from coxph.object
Dear all,
As I said in my previous email I have just upgraded to R 2.14.0 on Windows 7. I have just run the 'coxph' function and notice that a Concordance statistic is produced. Is there any way to extract this information from the output?
E.g. can I call the concordance value independently of calling the output?
Many thanks,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 25
problems with the last version of R
R helpers,
I would like to know if it is possible that the last version of R is not giving the surrogate splits when you perform a Multivariate regression tree analysis? I installed the programm in different computers and i run the some matrix and it didn't gave me this information. With a previus version R 2.1.1. I do get the information for the surrogates. Please let me know how to get the
2013 Jan 27
When I look at the summary of an rpart object run on my data, I get 7 nodes but when I plot the rpart object, I get only 3 nodes. Should the number of nodes not match in the results of the 2 functions (summary and plot) or it is not always the same?
Look forward to your reply,
rpart(formula = mydata$class ~ ., data
2006 Apr 21
Hi R-users,
I'm having some problems in using the Hmisc package.
I'm estimating a cox ph model and want to test whether the drop in
concordance index due to omitting one covariate is significant. I think (but
I'm not sure) here are two ways to do that:
1) predict two cox model (the full model and model without the covariate of
interest) and estimate the concordance index (i.e. area
2010 Feb 28
Gradient Boosting Trees with correlated predictors in gbm
Dear R users,
I’m trying to understand how correlated predictors impact the Relative
Importance measure in Stochastic Boosting Trees (J. Friedman). As Friedman
described “ …with single decision trees (referring to Brieman’s CART
algorithm), the relative importance measure is augmented by a strategy
involving surrogate splits intended to uncover the masking of influential
variables by others
2011 Jan 24
How to measure/rank ?variable importance when using rpart?
--- included message ----
Thus, my question is: *What common measures exists for ranking/measuring
variable importance of participating variables in a CART model? And how
this be computed using R (for example, when using the rpart package)*
---end ----
Consider the following printout from rpart
summary(rpart(time ~ age + ph.ecog + pat.karno, data=lung))
Node number 1: 228 observations,