similar to: Seemingly Unrelated Regressions question - not R question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Seemingly Unrelated Regressions question - not R question"

2010 Sep 03
How to use lm() output for systemfit() 'Seemingly unrelated regression'
I am having problem using output of lm() function for further analysing using systemfit package. Basicaly, the problem s following - I generate several formulas using lm() > fo1 <- lm(r98[,2] ~ f98[,1] + f98[,2] + ... + f98[,43]) > fo2 <- lm(r98[,1] ~ f98[,1] + f98[,2] + ... + f98[,43]) and than I want to estimate a general model using package systemfit. > fitsur <-
2006 Dec 06
Re : stat question - not R question so ignore if not interested
For the first question x'(y-bx)<>0 or Cov(Ui,Xi)<>0 you have heterogeinity problem ! OLS estimator in this case in biased. The bias is equal to (Exx')^{-1}Exu You obtain obtain correct estimator by use instrumental variable or 2SLS ... Justin BEM Elève Ingénieur Statisticien Economiste BP 294 Yaoundé. Tél (00237)9597295. ----- Message d'origine ---- De
2007 Oct 12
Plotting question
I am constructing plots ( regular not lattice ) and my initial command is par(mar=c(3,4,2,2), mfcol=c(5,2)) and then I create 10 plots on the page. It looks great but the plots on the page go in the order 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Where the numbers denote decile breakdowns. Is there an easy way to make them go from left to right so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I could try
2006 Nov 14
putting a column name on a zoo object
does anyone know how to put a column name on a zoo object. I think achim and gabor are off line or they have gotten totally tired of me an decided to ignore me ( which is totalyy understandable ). logbidask<-log((aggfxdata[,"bid"] + aggfxdata[,"ask"])/2.0) logbidask doesn't have a name and I can't figure out how to get one on it ? aggfxdata is a zoo object.
2006 Nov 12
I think a simple question
I have index ( of a vector ) values of say tempin<-c(1 31 61 91 121 all the way upto 1411) What I want is a function that takes in a number say, x = 5, and gives me an new vector of tempout<-1 6 31 36 91 96 121 126 .......... 1411 1416 This can't be so hard but I can't get it and I've honestly tried. Obviously, tempin + 5 gives me the missing values but I
2007 Aug 24
Turning a logical vector into its indices without losing its length
I have the code below which gives me what I want for temp based on logvec but I was wondering if there was a shorter way ( i.e : a one liner ) without having to initialize temp to zeros. This is purely for learning purposes. Thanks. logvec <- c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE) temp<-numeric(length(invec)) temp[invec]<-which(invec) temp [1] 1 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 obviously, the
2007 Feb 05
ar function in stats
I had a couple of questions about the ar function that i was hoping someone could answer. I have the structure below testSeries<-structure(c(-3.88613620955214e-05, 0, -7.77272551011343e-05, 0, -0.000194344573539562, -0.000116624876218163, -3.88779814601281e-05, 0, 3.88779814601281e-05, -0.000155520995647807, -0.000116656621367561, -3.88885648225368e-05, -3.88900772017586e-05,
2006 Oct 17
barplot question
i'm doing a bar plot and there are 16 column variables. is there a way to make the variable names go down instead of across when you do the barplot ? because the names are so long, the barplot just shows 3 names and leaves the rest out. if i could rotate the names 90 degrees, it would probably fit a lot more. or maybe i can use space to make the horizontal width longer ? I looed up ?barlot but
2007 Apr 13
Problem with predict in systemfit
A friend of mine sent me below so I am posting below. If it is not enough information, please just let me know and I will tell him. Thanks. -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 3:58 PM To: Leeds, Mark (IED) Subject: R question I am using the "predict" function after I have done a simultaneous estimation of a system using "systemfit". fitsur is the output
2007 Oct 11
confusion with R syntax
I just noticed something by accident with R syntax that I'm sure is correct but I don't understand it. If I have a simple numeric vector x and I subscript it, it seems that I can then subscript a second time with TRUE or FALSE, sort of like a 2 dimensional array in C. Does someone know if this is documented somewhere Because it's neat but I never knew it existed. To me it seems like a
2006 Oct 18
not understanding a
I did a ? but i don't think i understand it. if a, b,c,d are numeric vectors then could someone explain the difference between"cbind",list(a,b,c,d)) and cbind(a,b,c,d). or point to an archive on it. the return value of cbind is a matrix or dataframe depending on what is sent in but i don't understand wheen it would be useful to use i realize it
2007 Apr 16
Names in vector occurring in another vector
I have a vector of character strings such as mainnames<-c("CAD","AUD") and another vector say checknames<-c("CAD.l1","AUD.l1","JPY.l1","EUR.l1","CAD.l2","AUD.l2","JPY .l2","EUR.l2") I want a new vector of character strings that is just
2006 Oct 09
read.zoo question
I have comma delimited asci data with each row being in the format : 2006-01-24 02:41:24.00011,1.22930000,5,1.22950000,7 . . . . and i'm trying to use read.zoo ( which is similar to read.table ) to read in the data. the data goes all the way out to milliseconds and i can't figure out what to put for the format field. if i put nothing, then read.zoo gets rid of the the whole time and
2006 Oct 17
looking for a cleaner way to do something
I have two numeric vectors each of length 17 and each is named the exact same way. so obsnum ppppp ppppm pppmp . dot dot dot...... temp1 is 1417 52 63 85 obsnum ppppp ppppm pppmp . dot dot dot...... temp2 is 1213 41 50 97 what i want to have is a resultant matrix with 2 rows and 16 columns where the 16
2006 Oct 02
install packages question
I am at a new job where my sys admin installed R in linux and it does run when I log in as a user. I am on linux 2.1.2 but i'm not sure if it''s redhat etc ( but i doubt this matters for my question ). The alias put in my .envfile ( for the kshell ) is R = "/ms/dev/fsf/R/2.0.0/install/.exec/ia32.linux.2.4.lib6/lib/R/bin/exec/R" and my R_HOME is
2007 Jul 06
algebra/moving average question - NOTHING TO DO WITH R
This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with R but I was hoping that someone might know because there are obviously a lot of very bright people on this list. Suppose I had a time series of data and at each point in time t, I was calculating x bar + plus minus sigma where x bar was based on a moving window of size n and so was sigma. So, if I was at time t , then x bar t plus minus sigma_t would be
2007 May 08
statistics/correlation question NOT R question
This is not an R question but if anyone can help me, it's much appreciated. Suppose I have a series ( stationary ) y_t and a series x_t ( stationary )and x_t has variance sigma^2_x and epsilon is normal (0, sigma^2_epsilon ) and the two series have the relation y_t = Beta*x_t + epsilon My question is if there are particular values that sigma^2_x and sigma^2_epsilon have to take in
2007 Sep 11
xyplot question
I have the code below and it works fine if I print the xyplot but if I take the print out, then I just get a blank pdf. The same holds if I just send the plot to the console without the print ( I get nothing ). My question is whether this is always the case with xyplot or is there something wrong with my settings ? I am on linux ( redhat ) and using R.2.5.0. Thanks. load("stocks.dat")
2007 Jun 12
Panel data
Dear all R users, I have a small doubt about panel data analysis. My basic understanding on Panel data is a type of data that is collected over time and subjects. Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) model used on this type of data. Therefore can I say that, one of statistical tools used for analysis of panel data is VAR model? If you clarify my doubt I will be very grateful. Thanks and regards,
2007 Sep 04
Confusion using "functions to access the function call stack" example section
I was going through the example below which is taken from the example section in the R documentation for accessing the function call stack. I am confused and I have 3 questions that I was hoping someone could answer. 1) why is y equal to zero even though the call was done with gg(3) 2) what does parents are 0,1,2,0,4,5,6,7 mean ? I understand what a parent frame is but how do the #'s relate