Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "timeDate & business day"
2009 Jan 27
Can I create a timeDate object using only year and week of the year values?
For a model I am working on, I have samples organized by year and week of
the year. For this model, the data (year and week) comes from the basic
sample data, but I require a value representing the amount of time since the
sample was taken (actually, for the purpose of the model, it is sufficient
to use the number of weeks from the middle of the sample week to the
What I have found so
2005 Apr 19
timeSeries Date Warning messages: Set timezone to GMT!
Hello, I must be doing something wrong that's very obvious. But I just
don't see it.
I changed my Windows Time Zone to GMT and my Financial Center to Montreal.
But I still get several warnings.
[1] "GMT Daylight Time"
[1] "Montreal"
[1] "Montreal"
[1] [2005-04-19 10:55:02]
Warning messages:
1: Set
2007 Dec 11
holidayNYSE missing some
John Putz wrote:
> Thanks.
> */
> email: /**/johnputz3655@yahoo.com/* <mailto:johnputz3655@yahoo.com>
> */home: 206-632-6522
> cell: 206-910-5229/*
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Joe W. Byers <ecjbosu@aol.com>
> To: John Putz <johnputz3655@yahoo.com>
> Cc: r-sig-finance@stat.math.ethz.ch
> Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007
2009 Mar 05
Problem using RMySQL and fCalendar
I am trying to use fCalendar for date arithmetic and the RMySQL package
for accessing a MySQL database. The fCalendar math operations seem to
work fine UNTIL I load the RMySQL package. Here is a demonstration:
ean at fibonacci:~/Desktop/amCharts/rsa-metrics$ R
R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
Copyright (C) 2008 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free
2011 Jul 04
[R-SIG-Finance] FinCenter in timeSeries with "merge", "cbind" and "rbind"
Hi R users:
When I try to merge or bind (cbind or rbind) two series,
both with a "FinCenter" different that GMT, the
result is "GMT" not the original financial center?
What am I doing wrong?
setRmetricsOptions(myFinCenter = "America/Bogota")
2004 Dec 12
Re: [R-sig-finance] dates and times on Windows for fMetrics
# Here is the solution:
# Be sure that R is running in time zone GMT.
# Set your Windows environment variable to "GMT"
# Your PC Windows clock can still run in any other time zone!
# My clock is now running in Zurich in Europe.
Date = c("2003-10-09", "2003-10-10", "2003-10-13", "2003-10-14")
Open = c(1.27, 1.25, 1.27,
2004 Jun 14
Quirks with system.time and simulations
I tried the code that Richard O'Keefe posted last week, to wit:
ymd.to.POSIXlt <-
function (y, m, d) as.POSIXlt(chron(julian(y=y, x=m, d=d)))
n <- 100000
y <- sample(1970:2004, n, replace=TRUE)
m <- sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE)
d <- sample(1:28, n, replace=TRUE)
system.time(ymd.to.POSIXlt(y, m, d))
[1] 8.78 0.10
2010 Dec 16
Problem wiht mvbutils and timeDate in R 2.12
Dear list,
We have encountered problems with the package mvbutils while creating (or
reading from disk) timeSeries objects. Below is a very simple example of the
problem. We are using R 2.12 in a PC running Windows 7 64-bit Professional.
cv1 <- as.character(as.Date(1:10, origin = "1970-01-01"))
ts1 = timeSeries(1:10, cv1, units = NULL)
2007 Nov 02
R timeDate does not allow seconds?
Hello, Sorry if anyone gets this message twice, as my mailserver may not
be working.
Thanks for your response. Your idea makes a lot of sense to me, but I've
been unable to get seconds to work.
I ended up with this format finally:
Problem is I am unable to get it recognized as a date using timeDate():
2006 May 31
timeSeq and TimeDate analog in R ?
Hi All : I am attempting tomove a large amount of code from Splus to R and I was hoping that there was an equivalent in R of the Splus functions timeSeq and timeDate ?
I did an RSiteSearch but nothing came up ?
If the equivalent functions are part of some package, that's fine.
Thanks a lot.
2011 Jul 19
timeDate with month designated by three letters.
Dear R Experts:
I am trying to convert a date and time character field to timeDate where the month is presented as three letters, such as "JUN" for June, etc.
This is an example of the full character field:
"04-MAY-11 1428"
What is the proper format syntax?
I've tried
timeDate("04-MAY-11 1428",format="%d-%m-%y %H%M")
but only get
2004 Feb 23
Need help on parsing dates
I know this:
> library(date)
> x="1979-04-04"
> try=as.date(x, "ymd")
> print(try)
[1] 4Apr79
and that `x' here has to be a string, e.g.:
> x=1979-04-04
> print(x)
[1] 1971
I'm stuck in reading from a file. I say:
> A <- read.table(file="try")
> print(A)
V1 V2
1 1979-04-04
2009 Sep 11
Rmetrics timeDate - business days between dates
One of the most important calculation in applied finance is the number of
days between dates.
That kind of calculus become annoying when a specific calendar must be used.
That is the case for the business days calculus.
The package timeDate has a function isBizday to perform that kind of thing.
The problem is that using this function to calculate the number of business
days between dates has
2007 Aug 20
library(fCalendar) timeDate("12.03.2005",format="%d.%m.%Y")
Dear R users,
I have problem with the library fCalendar.
I am not using the US standard format notations. It seems like it is not
possible to have different format than the US standards.
Anyone how knows a way to go around this problem?
Here is the code I enter:
myDate = "12.03.2005"
timeDate(myDate, format = "%d.%m.%Y")
And I get following error message:
Error in if
2007 Sep 19
is there a straigthforward way to get the holidays for Toronto ?
like the function for NYSE e.g.
the timeDate class says that setting a finCenter will give the right
holidays, but how?
thank you very much.
2006 Jun 15
Problem with Julian function
Dear all,
I have a problem with the function Julian, may be a bug in the function ?
Here is a vector of character, which represents dates (May 18 to May 20
> amj <- c("2000-05-18","2000-05-18","2000-05-18","2000-05-19","2000-05-19"
> ,"2000-05-19", "2000-05-19", "2000-05-20", "2000-05-20",
2006 Nov 16
Gantt chart problem after upgrade to R 2.4.0
I am having a problem with a gantt chart since
moving to R2.4.0. from 2.3.1
I made some adaptations to the code from
and successful produced a simple gantt chart. However
when I upgraded to 2.4.0 it no longer works as
desired. See
for the two charts. The charts were produced
2004 Nov 22
what package should I include to use timeDate? I want to convert a
double (num of millis) into date object.
2009 Aug 21
gantt chart for dataset
Thanks for responding of gantt charts. but i have some problem regarding
with gantt charts. i.e.
Ymd.format <- "%Y/%m/%d"
Ymd <- function(x){ as.POSIXct(strptime(x, format=Ymd.format))}
gantt.info <- list(
labels =c("First task","Second task","Third task","Fourth task","Fifth
2024 Nov 09
Hi All,
I am reading data file ( > 1B rows) and do some date formatting like
dat$date1 <- as.Date(ymd(dat$date1))
However, I am getting an error message saying that
Error: cons memory exhausted (limit reached?)
The script was working when the number rows were around 650M.
Is there another way to handle a big data set in R?
Thank you.