similar to: Questions regarding biplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Questions regarding biplot"

2010 May 31
Documentation of biplot for princomp
Hi, I think that the documentation for the biplot function `biplot.princomp' is inconsistent with what it actually does. Here is what the documentation states: pc.biplot If true, use what Gabriel (1971) refers to as a "principal component biplot", with lambda = 1 and observations scaled up by sqrt(n) and variables scaled down by sqrt(n). Then inner products between
2009 Feb 19
Source code for nlm()
Hi, Where can I find the source code for nlm()? I dowloaded the R2.8.1.tar.gz file and looked at all the .c and .f files, but couldn't find either nlm.c or nlm.f There is an nlm.r file, but that is not useful. Thanks for any help, Ravi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging
2006 Sep 18
Propensity score modeling using machine learning methods. WAS: RE: LARS for generalized linear models
There may be benefits to having a machine learning method that explicitly targets covariate balance. We have experimented with optimizing the weights directly to obtain the best covariate balance, but got some strange solutions for simple cases that made us wary of such methods. Machine learning methods that yield calibrated probability estimates should do well (e.g. those that optimize the
2006 Nov 14
Matrix-vector multiplication without loops
Hi, I am trying to do the following computation: p <- rep(0, n) coef <- runif(K+1) U <- matrix(runif(n*(2*K+1)), n, 2*K+1) for (i in 0:K){ for (j in 0:K){ p <- p + coef[i+1]* coef[j+1] * U[,i+j+1] } } I would appreciate any suggestions on how to perform this computation efficiently without the "for" loops? Thank
2008 Apr 23
BB - a new package for solving nonlinear system of equations and for optimization with simple constraints
Hi, We (Paul Gilbert and I) have just released a new R package on CRAN called "BB" (stands for Barzilai-Borwein) that provides functionality for solving large-scale (and small-scale) nonlinear system of equations. Until now, R didn't have any functionality for solving nonlinear systems. We hope that this package fills that need. We also have an implementation of the
2006 Sep 29
X-axis labels in histograms drawn by the "truehist" function
Hi, I have a simple problem that I would appreciate getting some tips. I am using the "truehist" function within an "apply" call to plot multiple histograms. I can't figure out how to get truehist to use the column names of the matrix as the labels for the x-axis of the histograms. Here is a simple example: X <- matrix(runif(4000),ncol=4) colnames(X)
2008 Mar 18
How to reverse colors in filled.contour?
Hi, I am plotting values of log(hazards ratio) as a function of two predictors, using the plotting function filled.contour(). Here is a simple simulated example of this: x <- seq(0,1, length=20) y <- seq(0,1, length=20) z <- outer(x,y, function(x,y) x^2 + y^2 ) zmat <- matrix( rexp(n=400, rate = z+0.001), 20, 20) filled.contour(x, y, log(zmat),
2006 Sep 15
LARS for generalized linear models
Hi, Is there an R implementation of least angle regression for binary response modeling? I know that this question has been asked before, and I am also aware of the "lasso2" package, but that only implements an L1 penalty, i.e. the Lasso approach. Madigan and Ridgeway in their discussion of Efron et al (2004) describe a LARS-type algorithm for generalized linear models. Has
2009 Feb 20
Diagnostics for single-observation deletion in Cox models
Hi, Storer and Crowley (JASA 1985) presented an approach for approximating the changes in maximum partial-likelihood parameter estimates for the Cox model when a single observation is deleted. Is there an R implementation of this approach? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Best, Ravi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Ravi
2009 Oct 15
Generating a stochastic matrix with a specified second dominant eigenvalue
Hi, Given a positive integer N, and a real number \lambda such that 0 < \lambda < 1, I would like to generate an N by N stochastic matrix (a matrix with all the rows summing to 1), such that it has the second largest eigenvalue equal to \lambda (Note: the dominant eigenvalue of a stochastic matrix is 1). I don't care what the other eigenvalues are. The second eigenvalue is
2007 Jun 05
biplot package
Dears, I've been learning biplot (Gabriel, 1971) and I found the function 'biplot', inside of the package 'stats', useful but, a bit limited. So, I'm thinking to start a colaborative package to enhance this methods to other multivariate methods. In this way, I would like to start it, making public a new function (biplot.pca, still in development, but running) that make
2006 Oct 27
Multivariate regression
Hi, Suppose I have a multivariate response Y (n x k) obtained at a set of predictors X (n x p). I would like to perform a linear regression taking into consideration the covariance structure of Y within each unit - this would be represented by a specified matrix V (k x k), assumed to be the same across units. How do I use "lm" to do this? One approach that I was thinking of
2008 Mar 27
A faster way to compute finite-difference gradient of a scalar function of a large number of variables
Hi All, I would like to compute the simple finite-difference approximation to the gradient of a scalar function of a large number of variables (on the order of 1000). Although a one-time computation using the following function grad() is fast and simple enough, the overhead for repeated evaluation of gradient in iterative schemes is quite significant. I was wondering whether there are
2006 Nov 29
How to solve differential equations with a delay (time lag)?
Hi, I would like to solve a system of coupled ordinary differential equations, where there is a delay (time lag) term. I would like to use the "lsoda" function "odesolve" package. However, I am not sure how to specify the delay term using the syntax allowed by odesolve. Here is an example of the kind of problem that I am trying to solve: > library(odesolve)
2008 Nov 21
Discrepancy in the regression coefficients for Cox regression - PBC data set
Hi, When I run the following Cox proportional hazards model on the Mayo clinic's PBC data set (given in the "survival" package), the regression coefficients do not agree with the results presented in Table 4.6.3 (p. 195) of Fleming & Harrington's book. library(survival) data(pbc) ans.cox <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ log(bili) + log(alb) + age + log(protime) +
2008 Oct 29
Regression versus functional/structural relationship?
Hi, I am dealing with the following problem. There are two biochemical assays, say A and B, available for analyzing blood samples. Half the samples have been analyzed with A. Now, for some insurmountable logistic reasons, we have to use B to analyze the remaining samples. However, we can do a comparative study on a small number of samples where we can obtain concentrations using both A and
2009 Nov 26
R: RE: R: Re: R: Re: chol( neg.def.matrix ) WAS: Re: Choleski and Choleski with pivoting of matrix fails
Thanks for your message! Actually it works quite well for me too. If I then take the trace of the final result below, I end up with a number made up of both a real and an imaginary part. This does not probably mean much if the trace of the matrix below givens me info about the degrees of freedom of a model... Simona >----Messaggio originale---- >Da: RVaradhan at >Data:
2009 Jul 02
lokern package
Dear Martin, I have been playing a lot with the glkerns() function in the "lokern" package for "automatic" smoothing of time-series data. This kernel smoothing approach of Gasser and Mueller seems to perform quite well for estimating the function and its derivatives (first and second derivatives). In fact, this is one of the best methods based on my simulation studies for
2011 Aug 09
reflecting a PCA biplot
Hi Listers, I am trying to reflect a PCA biplot in the x-axis (i.e. PC1) but am not having much success. In theory I believe all I need to do is multiply the site and species scores for the PC1 by -1, which would effectively flip the biplot. I am creating a blank plot using the plot command and accessing the results from a call to rda. I then use the calls to scores to obtain separate site and
2008 Apr 09
Skipping specified rows in scan or read.table
Hi, I have a data file, certain lines of which are character fields. I would like to skip these rows, and read the data file as a numeric data frame. I know that I can skip lines at the beginning with read.table and scan, but is there a way to skip a specified sequence of lines (e.g., 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29, etc.) ? If I read the entire data file, and then delete the character