similar to: Adding duplicates by rows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Adding duplicates by rows"

2005 Nov 23
vector of permutated products
Given an x-vector with, say, 3 elements, I would like to compute the following vector of permutated products (1-x1)*(1-x2)*(1-x3) (1-x1)*(1-x2)*x3 (1-x1)*x2*(1-x3) x1*(1-x2)*(1-x3) (1-x1)*x2*x3 x1*(1-x2)*x3 x1*x2*(1-x3) x1*x2*x3 Now, I already have the correctly sorted matrix of permutations! So, the input looks something like: #input x<-c(0.3,0.1,0.2) Nx<-length(x) Ncomb<-2^Nx
2006 Dec 14
Delete all dimnames
Hello, how can I get rid of all dimnames so that: $amat Var3 Var2 Var1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2006 Sep 22
Compiling a contingency table of counts by case
I have asked a similar question before but this time the problem is somewhat more involved. I have the following data: case;name;x 1;Joe;1 1;Mike;1 1;Zoe;1 2;Joe;1 2;Mike;0 2;Zoe;1 2;John;1 3;Mike;1 3;Zoe;0 3;Karl;0 I would like to count the number of "case" in which any two "name" a. both have "x=1", b. the first has "x=0" - the second has
2006 Oct 03
Reshape into a contingency table/Fisher's test
Dear all, how can I "reshape"/"cast" the following matrix 00;01;10;11 John.Mike;123;313;12;31 John.Jim;54;57;39;36 John.Steve;135;47;47;74 Mike.Jim;63;37;27;16 Mike.Steve;15;15;5;61 Jim.Steve;6;10;34;35 into a set of stacked 2x2 contingency tables 0;1 John;123;12 Mike;313;31 John;54;39 Jim;57;36 John;135;47 Steve;47;16 ... so that the "fisher.test" and
2006 Dec 04
Count cases by indicator
Hi, In the data below, "case" represents cases, "x" binary states. Each "case" has exactly 9 "x", ie is a binary vector of length 9. There are 2^9=512 possible combinations of binary states in a given "case", ie 512 possible vectors. I generate these in the order of the decimals the vectors represent, as:
2007 Feb 06
Questions on counts by case
Hi all, for the data below I would like to 1. generate a dummy variable for each group "gr" of the same composition by people, then save each portion in a separate file, 2. compute the frequency of "1"'s in "x" for each person by group "gr". So, "mike" will have freq=2/3, as he has two "1" and one "0" in 3 groups.
2005 Dec 04
Construct a data.frame in a FOR-loop
Say I have a FOR-loop for computing powers (just a trivial example) for(i in 1:5) { x<-i^2 y<-i^3 } How can I create a data.frame and a 3D plot of (i,x(i),y(i)), i.e. for each iteration Thanks, Serguei Kaniovski -- ___________________________________________________________________ ??sterreichisches Institut f??r Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) Name: Serguei Kaniovski
2007 Nov 28
Replacing values job
Hallo, I have two vectors of different lengths which contain the same set of values: X < -c(2,6,1,7,4,3,5) Y <- c(1,1,6,4,6,1,4,1,2,3,6,6,1,2,4,4,5,4,1,7,6,6,4,4,7,1,2) How can I replace the values in Y with the index (!) of the corresponding values in X. So 2 appears in X in the first coordinate, so all 2’s in Y should be replaced by 1, etc. Thank you for your help, Serguei
2007 Nov 28
Order observations in a dataframe
Dear All, Suppose I have the following dataframe: country;weight;group bul;10;1 cze;12;1 grc;12;1 hun;12;1 prt;12;1 rom14;1 fra;29;2 ita;29;2 gbr;29;2 aut;10;3 bel;12;3 The "group" variable denotes the id-number of a group of countries. How can I re-label the groups in the descending order of their cumulative "weight", which wound be: country;weight;group fra;29;1 ita;29;1
2008 Dec 24
Implementing a linear restriction in lm()
Dear All! I want to test a coeffcient restriction beta=1 in a univariate model lm (y~x). Entering lm((y-x)~1) does not help since anova test requires the same dependent variable. What is the right way to proceed? Thank you for your help and marry xmas, Serguei Kaniovski ________________________________________ Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
2007 Dec 05
Information criteria for kmeans
Hello, how is, for example, the Schwarz criterion is defined for kmeans? It should be something like: k <- 2 vars <- 4 nobs <- 100 dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(nobs, sd = 0.3), ncol = vars), matrix(rnorm(nobs, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = vars)) colnames(dat) <- paste("var",1:4) (cl <- kmeans(dat, k)) schwarz <- sum(cl$withinss)+ vars*k*log(nobs) Thanks
2006 Jul 18
A contingency table of counts by case
Here is an example of the data.frame that I have, df<-data.frame("case"=rep(1:5,each=9),"id"=rep(1:9,times=5),"x"=round(runif(length(rep(1:5,each=9))))) "case" represents the cases, "id" the persons, and "x" is the binary state. I would like to know in how many cases any two persons a. both have "1", b. the first has
2005 Dec 03
Correlation matrix from a vector of pairwise correlations
I've a vector of pairwise correlations in the order low-index element precedes the high-index element, say: corr(1,2)=0.1, corr(1,3)=0.2, corr(2,3)=0.3, corr(3,4)=0.4 How can I construct the corresponding correlation matrix? I tried using the "combn"-function in "combinat" package: library(combinat) combn(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4),2) , but to no avail... Thank you for your
2006 Oct 04
Optim: Function definition
Hi all, I apply "optim" to the function "obj", which minimizes the goodness of fit statistic and obtains Pearson minimum chi-squared estimate for x[1], x[2] and x[3]. The vector "fr" contains the four observed frequencies. Since "fr[i]" appears in the denominator, I would like to substitute "0" in the sum if fr[i]=0. I tried an
2011 Oct 19
Estimating bivariate normal density with constrains
Dear R-Users I would like to estimate a constrained bivariate normal density, the constraint being that the means are of equal magnitude but of opposite signs. So I need to estimate four parameters: mu (meanvector (mu,-mu)) sigma_1 and sigma_2 (two sd deviations) rho (correlation coefficient) I have looked at several packages, including Gaussian mixture models in Mclust, but I am not sure
2009 Apr 18
Dummy (factor) based on a pair of variables
Dear All! my data is on pairs of countries, i and j, e.g.: y,i,j 1,AUT,BEL 2,AUT,GER 3,BEL,GER I would like to create a dummy (indicator) variable for use in regression (using factor?), such that it takes the value of 1 if the country is in the pair (i.e. EITHER an i-country OR an j-country). Thank you for your help, Serguei ________________________________________ Austrian Institute of
2007 Nov 20
How to map clusters to a correlation matrix
Dear All, I have several socio-economic and geographic variables for the 27 EU countries. I would to use these data to derive a correlation matrix between groups of countries (for a different application). I thought of using kmeans to cluster the groups, and then calibrate between group correlations using distances between the centroids, and within group correlations using distances in a cluster
2008 Dec 26
starting values update
Hi all, does anyone know how to automatically update starting values in R? I' m fitting multiple nonlinear models and would like to know how I can update starting values without having to type them in. thank all --- On Fri, 12/26/08, <> wrote: From: <> Subject:
2009 Jun 26
Compute correlation matrix for panel data with specific ordering
Hello All, I have a panel date - here a small-scale example: df <- data.frame(cbind(rep(c("AUT","BEL","DEN","GER"),4),cbind(rep(c(1999,2000,2001,2002),4)),sample(10,16,replace=T))) names(df) <- c("country","year","x") SORT <- c("GER","BEL","DEN","AUT") I need to compute the
2008 Jan 29
Correlation matrix for data in long format
Hello, I cannot figure out how to use "tapply" to compute the correlation matrix in the variable "x" between the states? The data is in long format, e.g.: state,year,x Alabama,2001,0.45 Alabama,2002,0.47 Alabama,2003,0.48 Alabama,2004,0.44 Arizona,2001,0.34 Arizona,2002,0.32 Arizona,2003,0.38 Arizona,2004,0.36 Thank you in advance for your help, Serguei Kaniovski