Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "'Save Workspace' gives "recursive default argument reference" -- workaround?"
2007 Apr 24
Size of an object in workspace
Hi folks,
Is there a function to show the size of an R object? eg. in Kbytes?
Couple months ago Bendix Carstensen posted this marvelous little function lls(), which shows all objects in the current workspace by mode, class and 'size'. This is a wonderful enhancement to the build-in ls() already and I now have it sourced in my Rprofile.site at startup.
The only drawback is,
2008 Jan 30
"hist" combines two lowest categories -- is there a workaround?
When preparing a series of histograms I found that hist was combining
the two lowest categories or bins, 1 and 2. Specifying breaks, as
illustrated below, resulted in the correct histogram:
values <- sample(10,500,replace=TRUE)
hist(values,breaks = 0:10)
Apparently, the number of values strictly less than 1 is shown in the
first bin (and since none is less than 1,
2006 Sep 27
Space required by object?
Does R provide a function analogous to LS() or str() that reports the
storage space, on disk or in memory, required by objects?
Ben Fairbank
2006 Dec 14
Better way to change the name of a column in a dataframe?
Hello R users --
If I have a dataframe such as the following, named "frame" with the
columns intended to be named col1 through col6,
> frame
col1 col2 cmlo3 col4 col5 col6
[1,] 3 10 2 6 5 7
[2,] 6 8 4 10 7 1
[3,] 7 5 1 3 1 8
[4,] 10 6 5 4 9 2
and I want to correct or otherwise change the
2006 Jan 05
Splitting the list
I've changed the heading because this really is another thread. I
think it inevitable that there will, in the course of time, be other
lists that are devoted, in some shape or form, to the concerns of
practitioners (at all levels) who are using R. One development I'd
not like to see is fracture along application area lines, allowing
those who are comfortable in coteries whose
2008 Jun 20
The Green Book and its relevance to R
I bogged down about half way through reading the Green Book, in part
because it became increasingly difficult to understand how some of the
ideas related to R, as opposed to S (which I have not used). Does any
reader know whether there is a document that points out differences
between S and R that would be helpful in reading the Green Book?
Ideally, perhaps, I need a "crib sheet" to
2007 Jan 19
Newbie question: Statistical functions (e.g., mean, sd) in a "transform" statement?
Greetings listeRs -
Given a data frame such as
time1 time2 time3 time4
1 70.408543 48.92378 7.399605 95.93050
2 17.231940 27.48530 82.962916 10.20619
3 20.279220 10.33575 66.209290 30.71846
4 NA 53.31993 12.398237 35.65782
5 9.295965 NA 48.929201 NA
6 63.966518 42.16304 1.777342 NA
one can use "transform" to
2005 Jun 28
Using data frames for EDA: Insert, Change name, delete columns? (Newcomer's question)
I am finding complex analyses easier than some elementary operations in
R. In particular I want to do some low level exploratory data analyses
with data in a data frame but cannot find commands to easily insert,
remove (delete), rename, and re-order (arbitrarily, not sort) columns.
I see that the micEcon package has an insertCol command, but that is for
matrices, not data frames. I have looked
2007 Jan 26
Use a text variable's value to specify another varaible?
Greetings guRus --
If a variable, e.g., 'varname', is a character string, e.g. varname <-
"datavector", and I want to apply a function, such as table(), to
datavector, what syntax or method will do so using only the variable
varname? This seems similar to indirect addressing, but I have not seen
a method for it in the R manuals. Is there a general name for such
2007 Jan 04
Seek general information about time/date storage and functions in R
Hello R List -
I have to import Excel files (either as .csv files or using RODBC) into
R (2.4.1, Windows) and operate on dates and times (e.g. find minutes
between times, change dates to days of week or analyze by weeks of
year). The help files for format.Date, strptime, as.POSIX,
DateTimeClasses, etc. etc. are informative but perhaps a little terse.
I have googled unsuccessfully for a more
2005 Jun 20
Factanal loadings as large as 1.2 with promax -- how unusual?
I am performing a large (105 variable) factor analysis with factanal,
specifying promax rotation. I kow that some loadings over 1.0 are not
unsual with that rotation, but I have some as large as 1.2, which seems
extreme. I am skirting the assumptions of the model by using responses
on a 7-point rating scale as data; I may have to go back and compute
polychoric correlations instead of product
2007 Jan 16
RODBC: sqlQuery is successful, but a similar sqlFetch returns error
Greetings guRus --
I have successfully queried a large (24,445 rows by 281 cols.) in-house
database using the following RODBC query (without the line breaks)
testout <- sqlQuery(channel, "select idSchedule,EXCL_Total from
This returns a dataframe of 24445 rows and two columns (as intended),
but the following command
2011 Jun 22
VGAM constraints-related puzzle
Hello R users,
I have a puzzle with the VGAM package, on my first excursion into
generalized additive models, in that this very nice package seems to
want to do either more or less than what I want.
Precisely, I have a 4-component outcome, y, and am fitting multinomial
logistic regression with one predictor x. What I would like to find
out is, is there a single nonlinear function f(x) which acts
2007 Apr 02
Kernel timer frequency and HTB
i have a linux box which is acting as a lan router towards the internet
doing traffic shaping.
My link is 10Mbit/s full duplex.
I have set some HTB classes with a rate of 20% (2Mbit/s) and a ceil of
95% (9.5Mbit/s). Is such an excursion of bandwidth in the HTB classes
feasible for HTB to control?
What Timer frequency (kernel menuconfig) is the most suitable among 250,
300 and 1000Hz
2009 Dec 03
Three-dimensional (3D) movement using 'R'
Hi Everyone,
I have a question regarding the construction of 3D graphs in 'R', BUT
these graphs also need to illustrate movement (with time) of the
prostate gland (using radiological techniques). I am not sure how to do
this in 'R' although I'm sure there is some way of doing it.
Below, I have copied and pasted some of the data with which I'm working
on. The data
2019 Mar 22
prettyNum digits=0 not compatible with scientific notation
FWIW, it doesn't seem to be happening on Mac OS:
> format(2^30, digits=0)
[1] "1.e+09"
> prettyNum(12345.6, digits=0)
[1] "1.e+04"
A glibc misfeature?
> On 22 Mar 2019, at 10:10 , Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Thank you, Robert for raising this here !
>>>>>> Robert McGehee
2018 Apr 20
question re: ls oddity
Hi all!
I use Centos-7 all the time. I also have a Fedora-26 VM that I use only
Today I noticed that ls on the two systems gives different results when
listing the same (networked) directory.
the one on fedora 26 shows files with spaces in the names like this:
whereas the one on Centos shows it without the quotes.
both systems
2011 Oct 27
Syntax Check: rshape2 melt()
This is my first excursion into using reshape2 and I want to ensure that
the melt() function call is syntactically correct.
The unmodifed data frame is organized this way:
site sampdate param quant
1 UDS-O 2006-12-06 TDS 10800
4 STC-FS 1996-06-14 Cond 280
7 UDS-O 2007-10-04 Mg 1620
9 UDS-O 2007-10-04 SO4 7580
19 JCM-10B 2007-06-21 Ca 79
2008 May 28
Can plot() be used for multiple plots?
Greetings helpRs --
I would like to use plot() to plot two cumulative distribution curves so
that a user of the plot can compare the distributions of the two
variables. The following code draws two distributions separately, but I
cannot find the instruction necessary to add a second cumulative
distribution to the first one.
Any suggestion would be very welcome.
x1 <-
2007 Mar 12
Can one set box line width within the matplot command?
Hello R users --
I am using matplot to prepare graphs and cannot find a way to use (for
example) box(lwd=3) within the matplot command and instead have been
setting the box line width after drawing the graph, by using box(lwd =
3). Looking over the ?par options and the matplot() help I do not see a
way to set box width within matplot. Is there such an option?
Thanks for suggestions,