Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Double labels and scales"
2012 Mar 27
Help on predict.lm
I'm new here, but will try to be as specific and complete as possible. I'm
trying to use “lm“ to first estimate parameter values from a set of
calibration measurements, and then later to use those estimates to calculate
another set of values with “predict.lm”.
First I have a calibration dataset of absorbance values measured from
standard solutions with known concentration of
2010 Oct 24
Contour Plot on a non Rectangular Grid
Dear All,
I would like to plot a scalar (e.g. a temperature) on a non-rectangular
domain (or even better: I would simply like to be able to draw a contour
plot on an arbitrary 2D domain). I wonder if there is any tool to
achieve that with R. I did some online search in particular on the list
archives, found several queries similar to this one but was not able to
find any conclusive answer.
2007 Aug 08
Relocating Axis Label/Title --2
Apologies for the previous mail (I sent it off too early by mistake).
This is the correct example:
ylab = list(expression(paste(dN/dlogD[agg]," ["*cm^-3*"]"))),
xlab = expression(paste(D[agg],"
2017 Nov 07
Fitdistrplus and Custom Probability Density
Dear All,
Apologies for not providing a reproducible example, but if I could, then I
would be able to answer myself my question.
Essentially, I am trying to fit a very complicated custom probability
distribution to some data.
Fitdistrplus does in principle everything which I need, but if require me
to specify not only the density function d, but also the cumulative p and
and inverse cumulative
2009 Sep 03
dividing a dataframe column by different constants
Dear R users, today I've got the following problem.
Here you are a dataframe as example.
There are some SAMPLES for which a CONCentration was recorded through TIME.
The time during which the concentration was recorded is not always the same,
10 points for Sample A, 7 points for Sample B and 11 for sample C
Also the initial concentration was not the same for the three samples.
I would like
2009 Jul 20
Histograms on a log scale
Dear All,
I would like to be able to plot histograms/densities on a semi-log or
log-log scale.
I found several suggestions online
Now, consider the code snippet taken from
# Get a random
2005 Oct 11
Problems with plot function
Hello all R users,
My simulation function works correctly, but I have problems with plot
function. You will find the following code using it.
Thank you for your help
simulation <- function(k, n){
conc <- seq(0,10,by=0.5)
#choixg <- seq(1, length(conc))
choixg <- rep(0,length(conc))
for (i in 1:length(conc)){
2017 Nov 07
Fitdistrplus and Custom Probability Density
Why not define your own functions based on d?
myCumDist <- function(x) { integrate(d, lower=-Inf, upper=x)$value }
myQuantile <- function(x) { uniroot(f=function(y) { h(y) - x },
interval=c(-5,5)) } # limits -5,5 should be replaced by your own which
might require some fiddling
d <- function(x) { exp(-x^2/2)/(sqrt(2*pi)) } # just an example for you to
test with; use your own
2019 Jul 09
[R] Curl4, Quantmod, tseries and forecast
Hi Ralf,
I tried the following
> install.packages("RCurl")
which went OK, but then same story when I tried to install tseries.
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/libblas.so.3.8.0
2013 Mar 24
Parallelizing GBM
Dear All,
I am far from being a guru about parallel programming.
Most of the time, I rely or randomForest for data mining large datasets.
I would like to give a try also to the gradient boosted methods in GBM,
but I have a need for parallelization.
I normally rely on gbm.fit for speed reasons, and I usually call it this
gbm_model <- gbm.fit(trainRF,prices_train,
offset = NULL,
misc =
2013 Feb 09
Addressing Columns in a Data Frame
Dear All,
Probably a one liner, but I am banging my head against the floor.
Consider the following
DF <- data.frame(
but then I cannot retrieve a column by doing e.g,
I tried to play with the quotes and so on, but so far with no avail.
Any suggestion is welcome.
2008 Dec 05
Trouble with gridBase and inset plots
Dear All,
I ma having a trouble in generating a figure containing 3 insets with
the gridBase package.
I always get an error message of the kind:
Error in gridPLT() : Figure region too small and/or viewport too large
No matter which parameters I choose. The plots works nicely with two
insets only, but when I try adding the third one, my troubles begin.
I am probably doing something wrong in the
2012 May 03
Identifying the particular X or Y in a sorted list
Dear All,
I have a data sets as shown below A (Patient ID ), B and C are the
Concentration of drug in blood on day 1 and day 4, D is the difference in
conc. To do this in R I have written a code as follows, identified the
number of patients who have more concentration on day 4 . Here I want to
identify specifically the patient ID (is he patient 1 or 2 or 5 and 7),
whose concentration is more.
2005 Apr 19
Help with predict.lm
I have measured the UV absorbance (abs) of 10 solutions of a substance at
known concentrations (conc) and have used a linear model to plot a
calibration graph with confidence limits. I now want to predict the
concentration of solutions with UV absorbance results given in the new.abs
data.frame, however predict.lm only appears to work for new "conc" variables
not new "abs"
2005 Oct 13
problems with loop and plot function
Hi all R users,
I have problems with my second loop for drawing the three curves in the
same graphic. I need help please
Thank you in advance
simulation <- function(k, n){
conc <- seq(0,100,by=0.5)
#choixg <- seq(1, length(conc))
choixg <- rep(0,length(conc))
for (i in 1:length(conc)){
choixg[i] <- (k
2011 Dec 15
From Distance Matrix to 2D coordinates
Dear All,
I am struggling with the following problem: I am given a NxN symmetric
matrix P ( P[i,i]=0, i=1...N and P[i,j]>0 for i!=j) which stands for the
relative distances of N points.
I would like use it to get the coordinates of the N points in a 2D
plane. Of course, the solution is not unique (given one solution, I can
translate or rotate all the points by the same amount and generate
2002 Jan 18
Replacing data.frame values
I have two data frames, NameAndConc.df and
WhichOnes.df. NameAndConc.df has two columns, the
first column is the names of some material, and the
second column is the concentration of active
> NameAndConc.df
name conc
1 material1 0.8
2 material2 0.5
3 material3 0.4
WhichOnes.df has two columns, each of which specifies
which material.
> WhichOnes.df
2011 Jun 26
bwplot questions: box order, axis breaks, and multiple y-axis labels
Hi all,
I used bwplot in lattice to create a 6-panel boxplot grouped by a
conditioning variable (param) that displays concentration (conc) in
response to treatment (trtmnt). Here is the functional part of my
code followed by my three questions:
2009 Mar 22
Estimating LC50 from a Weibull distribution
I am attempting to estimate LC50 (analogous to LD50, but uses exposure
concentration rather than dose) by fitting a Weibull model; but I
can't seem to get it to work. From what I can gather, I should be
using survreg() from the survival package. The survreg() function
relies on time-to-event data; my data result from 96 h exposures
(i.e., dead or alive after a fixed period; 96 h). I've
2012 Oct 26
Stata Database & R
Dear All,
I am given some data to analyze. The data is in the form of a Stata
database (.dta file).
What is the best way to import it into an R dataframe?
Is there any particular caveat I should be aware of?
Many thanks