similar to: Need help for coding an extension to ferret

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Need help for coding an extension to ferret"

2006 Oct 12
Patching ferret problems...
Hi dave, and everyone ;) I''ve finished my extension to export loaded results into json. Here''s a little benchmark of what i''ve done : >> Benchmark.realtime {, :limit => 1000).hits.each { |x| INDEX[x.doc].load.to_json } } => 7.38711595535278 >> Benchmark.realtime {''type:hardware'',
2006 Oct 20
Big problem with 0.10.12 gem :O
> Here''s the dump... ahFeel <= here''s the dumb :/ Cheers :) J?r?mie ''ahFeel'' BORDIER -- Posted via
2007 Apr 03
[Repost] Problem with url searching..
Hi all, I''ve posted that few weeks ago but no one answered, but this feature is REALLY important for us. I have many objects with a url field, of course containing standards urls... I''m trying to match them but i actually got problems with that. Here''s a little code of what i would like to achieve: require ''rubygems'' require
2006 Oct 20
Bug in search matching ?
Hi :) Here''s a little code reproducing something that i consider as a bug, if it''s not please explain :] Thanks by advance, Cheers, J?r?mie ''ahFeel'' BORDIER -- Posted via
2007 Jul 09
Strange document loss
Hi all :-) I''m experiencing strange document loss with Ferret 0.11.4 / Ruby 1.8.4. The index handles around 3000 documents, and sometimes during a query_update operation, the delete is done but not the add. That''s very random and happens after a lot of queries (many K). I''ve tried to look into Ferret''s C code, everything looks like going well, the add *LOOKS
2006 Aug 24
[0.10.0] LazyDoc#fields does not return symbols
Hi again, fields() method of Ferret::Index::LazyDoc return an array of integer (maybe the integer of the symbol? I don''t know) instead of symbols as explained in the doc : Any ideas ? -- Posted via
2007 Feb 16
Bug in IndexSearcher with limit => all and any offset
Here''s the deal: static TopDocs *isea_search_w(Searcher *self, Weight *weight, int first_doc, // OFFSET int num_docs, // LIMIT Filter *filter, Sort *sort, filter_ft filter_func,
2007 Jun 12
index browser inconsistent with IndexReader
Hi, We have an index of around 1M web pages as part of our web app. The app uses ferret by way of RDig to perform searches. We have noticed anecdotally that some searches don''t work the way we thought they should, as if documents were missing from the index. Yesterday we came upon a concrete instance of this. Our documents have several fields, one of which is called :keywords and
2007 Feb 27
segfault in ferret 0.11.0
Hi, Just downloaded the new ferret 0.11. I''m on OSX btw. I get this error everytime I run my unit tests: Loaded suite ferret_updater_unit_test Started E/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/erb.rb:504: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin8.7.1] Abort trap When I revert back to 10.14 I dont get this error. When I comment out the line:{:path =>
2007 Jun 24
Resetting ferret index before test runs
I need to reset the ferret index between test runs. It seems like there are a few ways to reset the ferret index. * Deleting the index directory -- is this really bad form? * calling rebuild_index * (any others?) What would y''all recommend? (Sorry, I''m from Texas) Preferably, I''d like a way to reset the index that I can integrate into a selenium test. -David
2006 Sep 04
IPAPPEND with memdisk / freedos (odin)
Hi all :) that's my first post, he =) I need some help about having the IPAPPEND 3 in my freedos (odin) environnement after a PXE boot using PXELinux / Memdisk... i've been searching for few hours now, but didn't found anything.. Is there a way to get that done ? Thanks in advance J?r?mie 'ahFeel' BORDIER
2007 Jan 22
Ferret-talk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 8
Hi everyone, thank you for the help last time. A quick question, through rereading the ferret tutorial I realized that by adding :key => :id to the index loading, I could access my documents through index["11"], in addition to using the doc_id from ferret through index[122]... This is great, and saves me a line or two a lot of places in my code. However, is there a way of extracting
2007 Mar 22
Url searching ?
Hi all :) I have many objects with a url field, of course containing standards urls... I''m trying to match them but i actually got problems with that. Here''s a little code of what i would like to achieve: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' require ''ftools'' class TestAnalyzer def token_stream(field, str) ts =
2006 Oct 11
Memory allocation bug with
Hi Dave ( again ! ) I''ve been searching for a while into my extension code to understand what was the matter, and Florent Solt who hasn''t got my extension has the same problem, so it figured to be a ferret problem.. Unfortunately, we''re unable at the moment to reproduce it in a little code so you could debug easilier... I''m working on it. Heres the issue :
2007 May 10
Segmentation fault on large index
I''m getting a segmentation fault on a large index (15GB). I''m running ferret 0.11.4 on OpenSuSE 10.2 with ruby 1.8.6. The segmentation fault appeared after I optimized the index, see further below for the error message I got before that. Ferret works perfectly on other (smaller) indexes. Is this a known issue, and if so, is there a workaround? --------------------- after
2007 Aug 08
issues with index for table with over 18 million records
I have a MySQL table with over 18 million records in it. We are indexing about 10 fields in this table with ferret. I am having problems with the initial building of the index. I created a rake task to run the "Model.rebuild_index" command in the background. That process ran fine for about 2.5 days before it just suddenly stopped. The log/ferret_index.log file says it got to about
2007 Jan 10
LazyDoc over DRb
Hey all, I''m distributing requests to a small farm of Ferret servers across the network using DRb. In a specific part of my program, I''m trying to find an entry across servers, and for that, I''m using index[''example_doc_id''].load as the return value of the function in question. This returns a Ferret::Index::LazyDoc, which is all fine and dandy,
2007 Jan 28
LazyDocs vs. ActiveRecord
Hi .. i''ve been using lazydocs for quite some time now and it''s a real pleasure working with them.. you should definately use them.. my implementation: as far as i know, Jens wanted to implement them in acts_as_ferret as well :-) Ben