similar to: loading data and executing queries with R and Mysql

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "loading data and executing queries with R and Mysql"

2005 Jul 21
Rprof fails in combination with RMySQL
Dear R community, I tried to optimized my R code by using Rprof. In my R code I'm using MySQL database connections intensively. After a bunch of queries R fails with the following error message: Error in .Call("RS_MySQL_newConnection", drvId, con.params, groups, PACKAGE = .MySQLPkgName) : RS-DBI driver: (could not connect mylogin@mydatabase on dbname "myDB"
2007 Jun 06
Question: RMySQL bulk load/update one column, dbWriteTable()?
Hi, I have a question reading using RMySQL trying to load one R vector into a table column. To be more specifically, the table is there populated. Now I add a new column and want to populate this. Can some colleagues on this list teach me how to do this? I know how to write one R object/table into MYSQL table using dbWriteTable. But in this situation, I just want to do one column. Thanks
2008 Apr 11
Hi All, I've finally gotten around to database access using R. I'm happily extracting rows from a MySQL database using RMySQL, but am having problems appending rows to an existing table. What I *want* to do is to append rows to the table, allowing the database to automatically generate primary key values. I've only managed to add rows by using dbWriteTable( con,
2007 Mar 20
RMySQL load error
I'm having trouble getting RMySQL to load. I was able to build it and install it (RMySQL_0.5-11.tar.gz). I was also able to build and install mysql-5.0.37. I've read many postings about this but have not found a mention of my particular problem (some closely related). I get the "unable to load shared library, no such file" error, but all the files do exist, and
2001 Mar 19
generic database access methods
I've been putting together a package that defined generic methods for database access. The packages is called "Rdbi." It borrows as much as possible from existing database packages / proposals. I'd like to start a discussion about the proposed interface. Here's what I've come up with so far: # # Rdbi: connectionMethods.R # dbConnect <- function(dbObj, ...)
2009 May 05
RMySQL insert statements?
Heya Folks, I can not find anything on executing insert statement through RMySQL, can someone please enlighten me? All i've found so far on getting data into a database is the write table functionality. Reading all data into memory appending additional information and writing that into a table is fine on my test environment, but won't be possible on the production environment because of
2005 Mar 09
RMySQL installed but not availalable
I don't use MySQL but I have seen messages like this before. They often have replies which indicate that you need to follow the instructions more closely. I suggest you search the list for these previous posts as I'm sure there is help there, somewhere! Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: Adriano von Sydow [mailto:pdasilva at] > Sent: Thursday, 10 March 2005 5:13
2007 Dec 18
R brakes when submitting a query to MySQL
Hello, I would like to retrieve data stored in MySQL database, so I installed RMySQL package. I can successfully connect with the my database using the following code > dvr<-dbDriver("MySQL") > con2<-dbConnect(dvr,group="exbardiv") > mysqlDescribeConnection(con2) <MySQLConnection:(972,0)> User: mmorag Host: localhost Dbname: exbardiv
2009 May 06
rmysql query help
R HELP, I am trying to use an R script to connect to a mysql database. I am having a problem using a variable in the where clause that contains a "space" in its value. If I include the variable inside the quotes of the query - i think it is searching for the name of the variable in the database and not the value of the variable. If I put it outside the quotes, then it complains
2010 Sep 17
How to connect R to Mysql?
I installed the RMySql package in R 2.11.1 64 bit Now how can I connect R with MySql? I am using a windows 7 64 bit version. Please help ASAP. -- Thanks & Regards Arijeet Mukherjee +91-8981598879 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 10
Problems with plot and X11 in ubuntu
Hello, I am an italian student, who is trying to use R 2.3.1 with Ubuntu 6.10 (last version). When I try to use the plot command, I get the error: "could not find any X11 fonts Check that the Font Path is correct" How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much Davide [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Oct 16
Database newbee problem...
Hi all, This is a potentially very stupid question about MySQL <-> R interaction, but I have not been able to solve it. I'm just trying to connect R to my MySQL databse, and gets this: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: methods > m <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(m,group="testdb") Process R segmentation fault at Wed Oct 16 07:04:30
2005 Feb 01
How to get a table of MySQL database as a matrix variable in R
It seems that the dbReadTable() method provided by RMySQL could not get rid of the headers, neither the index column... So 1. Can I use read.table() method to get a table of MySQL database? >From the help document the argument of 'file' of read.table() method could be a connection... 2. How can I obtain a matrix from the database table contains all elements except the headers and the
2009 Feb 23
Help with R and MySQL
Hello, This forum has been very helpful to me in the past, and I've run out of ideas on how to solve my problem. I had been using R and MySQL (and Perl) together for quite some time successfully on my Windows XP machine. However, I recently had some problems with MySQL (the ibdata file had become 35GB on my hard drive, turns out it's a known bug with InnoDB), and ultimately the way I
2010 Jan 27
RMySQL - Bulk loading data and creating FK links
I have a table (contact) with several fields and it's PK is an auto increment field. I'm bulk loading data to this table from files which if successful will be about 3.5million rows (approx 16000 rows per file). However, I have a linking table (an_contact) to resolve a m:m relationship between the an and contact tables. How can I retrieve the PK's for the data bulk loaded into
2004 Dec 16
Hello everyone, this is my first post. Nice to meet all of you. I am having some troubles using R in combination with PHP and MySQL. I would appreciate any assistance very much! This is kind of long, so if you'd like a shorter version let me know. I am working on a project that takes a list of points (inputted via the web, and stored into a MySQL DB), and runs an R script on them.
2007 Apr 13
MySQL query and character set
Hi! I retrieve data from a MySQL Database, containing special characters (german umlaute - ???). rs<-dbSendQuery(con,statement=paste("SELECT ...") The query itself works without problem, but displaying the data generates an error at the first line containing such characters. data<-fetch(rs,n=-1) data[x] Whereas the following command works fine: >
2009 Aug 07
RMySQL - overwrite record, not table
Hi, useR- In RMySQL, how do I overwrite records? (equivalent to "replace" query). For example, suppose that dat2 is a newer data.frame than dat1. con <- dbConnect(MySQL()) res <- dbWriteTable(con, "DBname", dat1, row.names=F, append=T, replace=T) res <- dbWriteTable(con, "DBname", dat2, row.names=F, append=T, replace=T) This would not update/replace the
2013 May 16
connect to local mySQL database
Hi, I would like to access a local mysql database. In python using the sqlite3 library it is quite straightforward. I just have to pass the path to the sqlite-file; sqlite3.connect('.../xy.sqlite') Is there something similar in R (or specifically in the RMySQL package)? It seems like I have to use the MySQL function in the RMySQL package in order to ... "initializes a MySQL
2002 Dec 01
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 13:23:04 -0600
Hi, I've run into a bit of a problem with using the RMySQL library. I've been attempting to create a temporary table in a MySQL database and then perform a SELECT with a WHEREs clause on the table. In effect perform a SELECT with a subSELECT. The problem is that it never seems to be able to find the table after I create it. I've been using the dbSendQuery method to create the table