Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "gower distance calculation"
2004 Nov 09
gdist and gower distance
Dear All,
I would like to ask clarifications on the gower distnce matrix calculated by the function gdistin the library mvpart.
Here is a dummy example:
> library(mvpart)
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: splines
mvpart package loaded: extends rpart to include
multivariate and distance-based partitioning
> x=matrix(1:6, byrow=T, ncol=2)
> x
2005 Apr 18
Very Slow Gower Similarity Function
I am a relatively new user of R. I have written a basic function to calculate
the Gower similarity function. I was motivated to do so partly as an excercise
in learning R, and partly because the existing option (vegdist in the vegan
package) does not accept missing values.
I think I have succeeded - my function gives me the correct values. However, now
that I'm starting to use it with
2006 Aug 13
Gower Similarity Coefficient
I'm interested in clustering my data using the Gower Similarity Coefficient,
and I was wondering if R is capable of using that metric
Timothy Rye
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2009 Jul 14
Cluster analysis with missing data
Hi folks,
I tried for the first time hclust. Unfortunately, with missing data in my
data file, it doesn't seem
to work. I found no information about how to consider missing data.
Omission of all missings is not really an option as I would loose to many
Thanks in advance
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2006 Mar 08
function gdist, dist and vegdist in mvpart
Dear R community,
I am analyzing plant communities with the function mvpart, using a
dissimilarit matrix as input. The matrix is calculated with the funtion
fit <- mvpart(gdist (ba12[,18:29], meth="maximum", full=TRUE,
sq=F) ~ beers + slope_dem + elev_dem+ plc_dem + pr_curv+
+curv+max_depth+doc_rocks+ abandon+land_use+ca_old,
data=ba12, xv="p")
2005 Sep 26
calculating distances using Gower's coefficient on mixed variables.
I want to compute the distances in a mixed variable matrix using the
Gower coefficient. I understand it is possible to calculate distances in
a matrix with mixed variables using the dudi.pco command. How would this
2008 Oct 13
Gower distance between a individual and a population
Hi the list,
I need to compute Gower distance between a specific individual and all
the other individual.
The function DAISY from package cluster compute all the pairwise
dissimilarities of a population. If the population is N individuals,
that is arround N^2 distances to compute.
I need to compute the distance between a specific individual and all
the other individual, that is only N
2012 Oct 15
weighting variables using Gower with DAISY
I am running DAISY in R and using the GOWER metric since I am working with
mixed variables. I am wondering if there is a way to weight the different
variables. I see that there is a weight value for Gower but do not know if
this is how to weight the diffrent variables with different weighting
values. Please advise if there is a way to weight the different variables.
Thank you.
2010 Feb 26
Error in mvpart example
Dear all,
I'm getting an error in one of the stock examples in the 'mvpart' package. I tried:
fit3 <- rpart(gdist(spider[,1:12],meth="bray",full=TRUE,sq=TRUE)~water+twigs+reft+herbs+moss+sand,spider,method="dist") #directly from ?rpart
...which returned the following:
Error in apply(formatg(yval, digits - 3), 1,
2011 Oct 03
distance coefficient for amatrix with ngative valus
I need to run a PCoA (PCO) for a data set wich has both positive and negative values for variables. I could not find any distancecoefficient other than euclidean distace running for the data set. Are there any other coefficient works with negtive values.Also I cannot get summary out put (the eigen values) for PCO as for PCA.
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2013 Dec 08
Why daisy() in cluster library failed to exclude NA when computing dissimilarity
According to daisy function from cluster documentation, it can compute
dissimilarity when NA (missing) value(s) is present.
But why when I tried this code
x <- c(1.115,NA,NA,0.971,NA)
y <- c(NA,1.006,NA,NA,0.645)
df <- as.data.frame(rbind(x,y))
It gave this
2008 Sep 02
cluster a distance(analogue)-object using agnes(cluster)
I try to perform a clustering using an existing dissimilarity matrix that I
calculated using distance (analogue)
I tried two different things. One of them worked and one not and I don`t
understand why.
Here the code:
not working example
'data.frame': 150 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Sepal.Length: num 5.1 4.9 4.7
2010 Jul 20
Exporting NMDS distance matris to csv
If you submit these lines, you end up with variable "vare.dis". I want
to export vare.dis to csv. Stuck I am.
library(vegan,logical.return = TRUE) #return=true verifies package is
library(MASS,logical.return=TRUE) #return=true verifies package is
data(varespec) #varespec is an example data file in the vegan package
vare.dis <- vegdist(varespec)
2011 Nov 24
I cannot get species scores to plot with site scores in MDS when I use a distance matrix as input. Problems with NA's?
Hi, First I should note I am relatively new to R so I would appreciate answers that take this into account.
I am trying to perform an MDS ordination using the function ?metaMDS? of the ?vegan? package. I want to ordinate species according to a set of functional traits. ?Species? here refers to ?sites? in traditional vegetation analyses while ?traits? here correspond to ?species? in such
2006 Oct 21
Problems running IsoMDS using vegdist with pres-abs data and two sites with zero distance
I have just (finally) started to poke around in R and wanted to analyse
a stream fish dataset with 28 sites and 18 species. When trying to
follow the Vegan manual to run nmds from distance measures calculated by
the vegdist function it turns out that I have two sites (streams) with
the exactly the same four species (I have used pres-abs data in this
case). When I try to run isoMDS I get an
2010 Apr 16
managing data and removing lines
I am very new to R and I've been trying to work through the R book to gain a
better idea of the code (which is also completely new to me).
Initially I imputed my data from a text file and that seemed to work ok, but
I'm trying to examine linear relationships between gdist and gair, gdist and
gsub, m6dist and m6air, etc.
This didn't work and I think it might have something to do
2009 Oct 14
metaMDS NMDS: use of alternative distances?
Dear r-helpers!
How can I integrate other distances (in the form of a dist object) into function metaMDS? The problem: metaMDS needs the original data.frame for the calculation and only the default distances of function vegdist are allowed.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
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2013 Dec 07
How to perform clustering without removing rows where NA is present in R
I have a data which contain some NA value in their elements.
What I want to do is to **perform clustering without removing rows**
where the NA is present.
I understand that `gower` distance measure in `daisy` allow such situation.
But why my code below doesn't work?
# plot heat map with dendogram together.
2010 Feb 02
hvcluster() with distance method from vegdist(), package = vegan
i'd be happy if someone could provide help with the following problem:
i have a dist.matrix that comes from vegdist() function of the vegan
package. the used method = "horn" is not accepted as argument in
is there a way to incorporate the method "horn" in hvcluster()?
thanks in advance!
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2012 Oct 18
want to count 2 NULLS as disimilar with DIANA/DAISY/GOWER
I am using DIANA/DAISY/GOWER. Some of my categorical data include NULLS.
When assessing disimilarity, these NULLS are considered similar. I do not
want these NULLS to contribute towards similarity. Instead is there a way
for these NULLS to each be considered different so as to contribute to
disimiliarity and not simillarity? Also, I do not want to change these NULLS
in the data as I need them for