Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Hmisc, latex cdec not as expected"
2006 Nov 06
Hmisc, latex cdec not as expected - again
Hello all.
Sorry for reposting this message, but I accedently sent it in
HTML-format the first time.
I have encountered at problem when using the Hmisc package to generate
I can't seem to control the number of digits in the latex-file. I have
used the Design and Hmisc packages for a while without this problem, but
after upgrading to R-2.4.0 the problem has occured.
2009 May 07
Hmisc::latex() help
Dear R-helpers,
I have a data frame (info[[j]]) that looks like this:
necklace originalPosition same run surprise1 pair surprise2
triple surprise3
1 1 1 0 2 2.709511 11
4.81884167930642 110 2.70951129135145
2 1 2 0 2 2.709511 10
1 000 1
3 0 3 NA NA
2006 Jul 27
Dear guest,
I have 2 tabels with a has_and_belongs_to_many in the model.
I also have created a join tabel with has the 2 primary keys of the
other tabels (foreign keys).
Now i want to add a record in in my join tabel. How can i do that ?
Already tanks for your help,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2008 Dec 03
Hmisc latex() and Rcmdr numSummary() percentage issues
Dear R users,
I have issues regarding latex() from Hmisc and numSummary() from
Rcmdr. Here's an example:
> library(Rcmdr)
> data(Angell, package="car")
> numSummary(Angell[,"hetero"], statistics=c("mean", "sd", "quantiles"), quantiles=c( 0,.25,.5,.75,1 ))
> .numSummary <- popOutput()
> latex(as.table(.numSummary$table),
2005 Jul 28
Displaying p-values in latex
Hi. I want to create a table in latex with regression coefficients and their
corresponding p-values. My code is below. How do I format the p-values so
that values less than 0.0001 are formated as <.0001 rather than just rounded
to 0.0000? Thank you.
2006 Feb 12
Mathematical typesetting of column heads using the latex (Hmisc) function
Dear r-helpers,
I would very much appreciate help with the following problem:
The following command (in a .Rnw file)
latex(anova(e7.lmer3, e7.lmer4), file = 'e7lmer34.tex', rowname = c
('nonlinear', 'linear'), longtable = FALSE, dcolumn = T, booktabs =
T, table.env = F)
produces the following output after running Sweave:
% latex.default(anova(e7.lmer1, e7.lmer2),
2008 Oct 18
Several problems with hmisc latex function
I'm having several problems with the Hmisc latex function. First, there
seems to be a conflict between the cellTexCmds and the cgroupTexComds. When
I'm using both at the same time, I get an error message. Here's an example.
I just added cellTexComds to the example on page 10 of this document:
2009 Aug 19
[Hmisc] latex() with ctable=T inserting unwanted empty line in .tex file when used on summary.formula(method="reverse") object
Dear useRs,
When I'm using Hmisc's latex() function with ctable=TRUE on a summary.formula with method="reverse" object and saving in a .tex file, the latter contains an unwanted empty line which makes compilation fail.
Here is a brief example :
test <- data.frame(a=sample(1:30,10),b=sample(c("good","bad","ugly"),10,replace=T))
2010 Jun 18
Latex problem in Hmisc (3.8-1) and Mac Os X with R 2.11.1
Dear all,
I did post this more or less identical mail in a follow up to another
question I posted, but under another heading. I try again, but now
under the correct header.
upon running this code (from the Hmisc library-latex function) I
believe the call to summary.formula is allright and produces wonderful
tables, but the latex command results in a correct formatted table but
where all the
2003 Nov 12
repeat until function
I'm in this situation:
I what to generate N random numbers(integer) that are different from each
One suggestion:
tabel <- rep(NULL, N)
for (i in 1:N){
temp <- as.integer(runif(1,1,max))
if(temp in tabel) {
repeat (?) (temp <- as.integer(runif(i,i,max)))
until (?) ((temp in tabel) ==FALSE)
else{ tabel[i] <- temp}
I can't use
2007 Feb 18
Suppressing \newcolumntype{} declaration in latex.default() in Hmisc
Dear r-helpers,
When use latex() on a matrix, I set the option dcolumn = T. As a
result, in front of each tabular I get
The LaTeX compiler complains about these multiple redeclarations.
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
Department of Psychology
USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400
Parcels: Room
2012 Dec 16
lyx knitr y toLatex
Estoy utilizando lyx con el módulo de knitr y tengo un problemilla con
la función toLatex del paquete memisc.
Pongo un ejemplo mejor.
En Rstudio lo puedo hacer como sigue en un fichero Rnw. y la tabla en el
pdf aparece alineada en el pdf.
X1 <- rnorm(1000)
X2 <-
2009 Oct 02
trouble with html() in Hmisc
Dear all
On my system html() conversion of a `latex()' object fails. Follows a
dummy example:
> require(Hmisc)
> data(Angell)
> .object <- cor(Angell[,1:2], use="complete.obs")
> tmp <- latex(.object, cdec=c(2,2), title="")
> class(tmp)
[1] "latex"
> html(tmp)
/tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:9: Warning: Command not found: \tabularnewline
2007 Sep 06
the survey package
Good afternoon!
I'm trying to use the survey package to get a better point of view for my data, but i need some piece of advice:
i have some data from a survey which has been stratified using 2 criteria: region(7 values), size of locality(5 values) Using the survey pakage how can i define in a correct way this design (taking into account all 4 strata not just one as in the Survey
2006 Oct 28
(kein Betreff)
Frank Harrell rote in a message dating from Oct 8th:
> n.group is an argument to latex.default in the Hmisc package
I must admit that I can't find it in the function head,
which reads on my installation:
function (object, title = first.word(deparse(substitute(object))),
file = paste(title, ".tex", sep = ""), append = FALSE, label = title,
rowlabel = title,
2006 Mar 13
Formatting an anova table using latex
Hi r-helpers,
When I issue the command
latex(anova(raw1.lmer0, raw1.lmer, raw1.lmerI), file = 'raw1.tex',
rownamesTexCmd = c('baR', 'addit', 'multip'), longtable = F, dcolumn
= T, booktabs = T, t able.env = F, colheads = NULL, colnamesTexCmd = c
('', 'df', 'aic', 'bic', 'logl', 'chisq', 'chisqdf',
2003 Jun 13
problem with latex of object summary reverse
I have the following problem (library Hmisc loaded,
iris data loaded, R Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16), packages
updated, running on a linux Debian i386):
> summary(Species~Sepal.Length,method="reverse")->a
> a
Descriptive Statistics by Species
| |setosa |versicolor |virginica
2023 Nov 17
Can someone please have a look at this query on stackoverflow?
Dear Ashim,
I don't think the aspectratio is appropriate in this context because
it would imply that the beamer (LaTeX) class is used but you're actually
using the article (LaTeX) class.
You may use specifications of the geometry package rather than
specifying options to the class:
e.g. replace your current header:
title: "Testing landscape and aspect ratio"
2006 Apr 16
Does anyone out there use dcolumn=TRUE in the latex() function in the
Hmisc library?
I would like to line up the data in a latex table I'm making using
latex(), but I'm having some issues with this feature. Since there is
no description of it in the help, I thought that it might be
incomplete or something like that.
On a related note, if anyone knows how to get the end result I want
2001 Dec 19
R strings from C
I am trying to study R internal behaviour. So long, I have not
succeeded to access the value of R strings from C.
I use:
void salvesta_tabel(
SEXP data_frame,
SEXP file
printf( "nimi %d\n", (R_CHAR)( file));
and from the R side:
salvesta.tabel <-
function (x, file = "") {
.Call( "salvesta_tabel", x, file)
When calling