similar to: CI -- fixed effects -- response -- mixed models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "CI -- fixed effects -- response -- mixed models"

2007 Mar 09
Problem with ci.lmer() in package:gmodels
Dear Friends, Please note that in the following CI lower > CI higher: > require(lmer) > require(gmodels) > fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy) > ci(fm2) Estimate CI lower CI upper Std. Error p-value (Intercept) 251.66693 266.06895 238.630280 7.056447 0 Days 10.52773 13.63372 7.389946 1.646900
2008 Feb 24
Color of CI bars in Hmisc::Dotplot()
Dear R-helpers, (1) I can't figure out how to tell Dotplot that I want the colors of the CI bars to be the same as the colors of the dots. For example: t2a.ci3 <- data.frame(est = c(7, 20, 75), lower = c(-9, 0.5, 42), upper = c(22, 39, 109)) mypal <- c('skyblue3', 'mistyrose3') condNames <- c('noise', 'horn', 'marimba') Dotplot(1:2 ~
2006 Sep 13
Of fixed column format (and more fixed mindsets)
> > Message: 107 > Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:25:09 -0400 > From: Michael Kubovy <kubovy at> > Subject: Re: [R] Reading fixed column format > To: Anupam Tyagi <AnupTyagi at> > Cc: r-help at > Message-ID: <3EBEC9D3-559C-4607-838D-46042D36A3AA at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII;
2006 Oct 24
Dear r-helpers, plot(all.effects()) uses trellis for its output, and often produces several effect plots in a layout. Can anyone tell me how to set the arguments to plot.effect which default to row=1, col=1, nrow=1, ncol=1, more=FALSE so that I can plot multiple effect plots on one layout? I was hoping that a call like last <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(3, 1)) lay <-matrix(c(1:4,), 2, 2,
2006 Nov 28
Slight discrepancy between predict.lm() and all.effects()
In the course of exploring response prediction, I stumbled upon a small discrepancy between the CIs produced by predict.lm() and all.effects() require(mlmRev) require(effects) hsb.lm <- lm(mAch ~ minrty * sector, Hsb82) <- data.frame( minrty = rep(c('No', 'Yes'), 2), sector = rep(c('Public', 'Catholic'), each = 2)) hsb.eff <-
2006 Nov 27
Help with response CIs for lme
Hi, Can someone please offer a procedure for going from CIs produced by intervals.lme() to fixed-effects response CIs. Here's a simple example: library(mlmRev) library(nlme) hsb.lme <- lme(mAch ~ minrty * sector, random = ~ 1 | cses, Hsb82) (intervals(hsb.lme)) ( <- data.frame minrty = rep(c('No', 'Yes'), 2), sector = rep(c('Public',
2006 Oct 06
glm and plot.effects
Dear R-helpers, I don't see a difference between the following two plots of effect objects, which I understand should be different. What am I missing? require(doBy) require(effects) data(budworm) m1 <- glm(ndead/20 ~ sex + log(dose), data=budworm, weight=ntotal, family=binomial) m1.eff <- all.effects(m1) plot(m1.eff, rescale.axis = FALSE, selection = 2, main = 'rescale =
2008 Feb 10
grep etc.
Dear R-helpers, How do I transform v <- c('insd-otsd', 'sppr-unsp') into c('insd--otsd', 'sppr--unsp') ? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22903
2006 Apr 14
R: Dotplot x-axis
Take a look at the "scales" argument in dotpolot. Maybe you need something like: position<-exp(-5:0)/(1+exp(-5:0)) dotplot(type~freq/(3027-freq), scales=list(x=list(log=T, at=position, lab=round(position, 3))) ) Stefano >-----Messaggio originale----- >Da: r-help-bounces at >[mailto:r-help-bounces at]Per
2008 Jan 02
Random Bernoulli sequences with given point-biserial correlation?
Dear R-listers, Can someone suggest a method for generating a finite Bernoulli sequence that is likely to have a given point-biserial correlation with an existing Bernoulli sequence? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall
2006 Oct 07
Installing Lindsey's packages
Dear r-helpers, I downloaded (it was originally .tgz, but got unzipped by my browser). Can anyone give me detailed instructions on installing this and Lindsey's other packages on R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)---(powerpc- apple-darwin8.7.0, locale: C)? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia
2007 Apr 26
xyplot() and controlling panel.polygon()
Dear R-helpers, How do I tell panel.polygon what greoup and panel it applies to whithin xyplot(y ~ x | c, groups = g panel = function(x, y, groups, ...){ panel.polygon(x = xpol[c, g], y = ypol[c, g], default.units = 'native') panel.xYplot(x, y, groups, ...) llines(x = c(1, 6), y = c(-24.283333, 35.941667), lwd = 2, lty = 3, col = 4) } x[c, g] and y[c, g] describe
2007 Apr 21
Changing appearance of band edges in xYplot()
Dear R-helpers, I would like the bands in an xYplot() to be gray without dark edges. I've tried playing around with col.bands, but that seems not to affect the edges, although changin col.fill does change the fill as I would expect. I would appreciate pointers. _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box
2006 Mar 06
JGR doesn't launch after updating to R 2.2.1
Dear r-helpers, After updating to R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, powerpc-apple- darwin7.9.0 (from binary), JGR wouldn't launch. I then deleted everything I could find related to JGR, and reinstalled it from the latest binary. Both R and JGR are installed in /Applications/ \~LocalApps/mathStat/. Advice on how to identify the source of the problem? My machine: Machine Name:
2007 Feb 18
Suppressing \newcolumntype{} declaration in latex.default() in Hmisc
Dear r-helpers, When use latex() on a matrix, I set the option dcolumn = T. As a result, in front of each tabular I get \newcolumntype{.}{D{.}{.}{-1}} The LaTeX compiler complains about these multiple redeclarations. _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room
2008 Oct 06
Color of title in legend()
Dear R-helpers, This produces a red title. How do I make it black, without making the labels black? legend(title = 'Channel Integration', 0.7, 0.3, c('loudness','luminance'), col = c('red', 'blue'), text.col = c('red', 'blue'), lty = 1, xjust = 0.5, bty = 'n') _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University
2009 May 05
Find cyclically identical binary sequences
Dear R-helpers, I need to generate all the binary sequences of length n (here n = 8) that start with 1 and have no fewer than two of each digit, and are not cyclic permutations of each other. Here is what I have done: len <- 8 df <-^(len - 1)) %o% numeric(len)) require(partitions) for (i in 1:2^(len - 1)) df[i, ] <- binary(i, dim = len)[[1]] df <-
2006 Apr 14
Dotplot x-axis
Here's a small dataset: type <- c('hierarchical','partial','single','complete','single +hierarchical','single+partial','partial+hierarchical','single+partial +hierarchical') freq <- c(1455,729,688,65,29,28,16,17) lodds <- log(freq/(3027 - freq)) dotplot(type~lodds) I would like to have the x-axis have ticks at nice,
2005 Aug 27
Defining an ex-gaussian PDF
How does one define PDFs as yet undefined in R, such as the ex- gaussian, the sum of two RVs, one exponential, one Gaussian? The PDF would then be the convolution of an exponential PDF, dexp(), and a normal, dnorm(). Kindly cc me in your reply to r-help. Thanks, _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400
2007 Mar 21
package:AlgDesign and .Random.seed
Dear r-helpers, Could you please help me solve the following problem: When I run require(AlgDesign) trt <- LETTERS[1:5] blk <- 10 trtblk <- 3 BIB <- optBlock(~., withinData = trt, blocksizes = rep(trtblk, blk)) In response to the last command, R complains: Error in optBlock(~., withinData = trt, blocksizes = rep(trtblk, blk)) : object ".Random.seed" not found The