similar to: Pairwise n for large correlation tables?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Pairwise n for large correlation tables?"

2007 Mar 04
Scoping issue?
Hello, The code below is supposed to be a wrapper for matplot to do columnwise visible comparison of several matrices, but I'm doing something wrong because I can't access an argument called 'colnum'. I'd be most grateful for some insight. Thanks, John Thaden Little Rock, AR ################################ # mmatplot is a matplot wrapper to compare the same column of #
2006 Jul 04
[Fwd: formatting using the write statement]
>I have a series of write statements because >i am writing to a file >where the characters strings are the column names of a dataframe >and the numbers are the elements in a particular row. >So, a file might look like > >AAA 2.1 >BB 3.1 >AHLZ 0.2 > >and it would be named "rowname".mls. > >so, each time i get to a new row, i create a new file and
2009 Mar 24
Why na.rm=FALSE is the default
Dear Colleagues, I've been searching for a post or article or something which explains why having na.rm=FALSE or as the default is a better choice than TRUE or na.omit. I understand the basic argument: it does not make sense to average a nonexistance into an aggregate, and removing them implicitly leads to accidental pairwise deletion in some cases, and sum(x) /
2007 Jun 06
lookup in CSV recipe
I await Luke''s node settings implementation with interest. At the moment however, I have this sort of ugliness: $site = $hostname ? { fred => "opsera", barney => "bedrock", default => "unknown site", ... } So I''ve knocked up this little function to use CSV files instead. Now I can just do: $site =
2011 May 18
Loop stopping after 1 iteration
Hi all, This is a very basic question, but I just can't figure out why R is handling a loop I'm writing the way it is. Here is the script I have written: grid_2_series<-function(gage_handle,data_type,filename) series_name<-paste(gage_handle,data_type,sep="_") data_grid<-read.table(file=paste(filename,".txt",sep=""))
2007 Nov 08
Extract correlations from a matrix
Dear R users, suppose I have a matrix of observations for which I calculate all pair-wise correlations: m=matrix(sample(1:100,replace=T),10,10) w=cor(m,use="pairwise.complete.obs") How do I extract only those correlations that are >0.6? w[w>0.6] #obviously doesn?t work, and I can?t find a way around it. I would very much appreciate any help! Best wishes Christoph (using R
2009 Jan 22
"latex" in Hmisc: cell formating
Hi list, Could you explain the error I see here? Thanks! ## I'm using R 2.8.0 on WinXP, Hmisc_3.4-3 > table1 <- matrix(10, 180,7) > cell.format <- matrix("", ncol=7, nrow=180) > cell.format[c(seq(3,180,6),seq(4,180,6)),] <- "color{red}" > cell.format[c(seq(5,180,6),seq(6,180,6)),] <- "color{green}" > > latex(table1,
2009 Jan 26
Power analysis for MANOVA?
Hello, I have searched and failed for a program or script or method to conduct a power analysis for a MANOVA. My interest is a fairly simple case of 5 dependent variables and a single two-level categorical predictor (though the categories aren't balanced). If anybody happens to know of a script that will do this in R, I'd love to know of it! Otherwise, I'll see about writing one
2011 Apr 04
moving mean and moving variance functions
Hello Lets say as an example I have a dataframe with the following attributes: rownum(1:405), colnum(1:287), year(2000:2009), daily(rownum x colnum x year) and foragePotential (0:1, by 0.01). The data is actually stored in a netcdf file and I'm trying to provide a conceptual version of the data. Ok. I need to calculate a moving mean and a moving variance for each cell on the following
2009 Jul 18
Comparing loadings (next to each other)
Dear colleagues, I've been running some principal components analyses, which generate tables of loadings that I'm interested in looking at. print(f1$rot$load,cutoff=.4) is what I use, and it gives me what I want. However, I'm now interested in comparing these loadings across a few data sets. In other words, I would like R to match the loadings on rownames() and display them next
2009 Jan 31
Tunnelling X for R graphics
Dear colleagues, I run R on a few different machines, and view graphs and the like by tunnelling X through SSH to my local machine. This is useful for me because my local machine can't easily handle some of the data sets I work with. However, when an ssh connection dies, the tunnelled X session also dies, which breaks R's device connection, generating this error: > Error: X11
2009 Jun 06
A very frustrating read.table error message
Dear Colleagues, Occasionally I deal with computer-generated (i.e., websurvey) data files that haven't quite worked correctly. When I try to read the data into R, I get something like this: Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 26 did not have 648 elements there any way to get R to tell me how many elements line 26 *did* have? That
2011 Feb 08
please help-DTK package
Dear all I am trying to do a multiple pairwise comparison test with Tukey-Kramer test as I have unequal sample sizes and variance. I have downloaded the DTK package from CRAN website in my computer for Windows, however I have difficulties in installing it in R. I have unzipped the compressed file in my computer and then I open R, I try to install the package through File - Source R code - DTK
2011 Jun 23
Confidence interval from resampling
Dear R gurus, I have the following code, but I still not know how to estimate and extract confidence intervals (95%CI) from resampling. Thanks! ~Adriana #data penta<-c(770,729,640,486,450,410,400,340,306,283,278,260,253,242,240,229,201,198,190,186,180,170,168,151,150,148,147,125,117,110,107,104,85,83,80,74,70,66,54,46,45,43,40,38,10) x<-log(penta+1) plot(ecdf(x),
2008 Apr 04
pairwise.t.test for paired data
Dear R-help, I have a question about pairwise.t.test and adjustment for multiple comparisons for paired data points. I have the following data: n=c("x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "y", "y", "y", "y", "y", "y",
2006 Mar 08
Multiple logistic regression
Dear R-users, Is there a function in R that classifies data in more than 2 groups using logistic regression/classification? I want to compare the c-indices of earlier research (lrm, binary response variables) with new c-indices obtained from 'multiple' (more response variables) logistic regression. Best regards, Stephanie Delalieux Department Biosystems M?-BIORES Group of Geomatics
2013 Jan 27
Package: VennDiagram. Error in draw.pairwise.venn Impossible: cross section area too large
Dear list, When I use VennDiagram package, I got a error as follow: venn.plot <- draw.pairwise.venn( area1 = 3186, area2 = 325, cross.area = 5880); Error in draw.pairwise.venn(area1 = 3186, area2 = 325, cross.area = 588) : Impossible: cross section area too large. Does anyone have suggestion? Thank you.
2008 Nov 12
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2008 Jan 02
strange behavior of cor() with pairwise.complete.obs
Hi all, I'm not quite sure if this is a feature or a bug or if I just fail to understand the documentation: If I use cor() with pairwise.complete.obs and method=pearson, the result is a scalar: ->cor(c(1,2,3),c(3,4,6),use="pairwise.complete.obs",method="pearson") [1] 0.9819805 The documentation says that " '"pairwise.complete.obs"' only
2010 Sep 10
pairwise.t.test vs t.test
Dear all, I am perplexed when trying to get the same results using pairwise.t.test and t.test. I'm using examples in the ISwR library, >attach(red.cell.folate) I can get the same result for pairwise.t.test and t.test when I set the variances to be non-equal, but not when they are assumed to be equal. Can anyone explain the differences, or what I'm doing wrong? Here's an example