similar to: gnlsControl

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches similar to: "gnlsControl"

2006 Feb 15
no convergence using lme
Hi. I was wondering if anyone might have some suggestions about how I can overcome a problem of "iteration limit reached without convergence" when fitting a mixed effects model. In this study: Outcome is a measure of heart action Age is continuous (in weeks) Gender is Male or Female (0 or 1) Genotype is Wild type or knockout (0 or 1) Animal is the Animal ID as a factor
2003 Jul 24
nls.control in gnls
Hi, I've made a selfStart function for use with gnls and the following piece of code works nicely: check1 <- gnls(y ~ spot.shape.fct(xcord, ycord, background, spotintensity, rho, sigma, delta, mux, muy), start=getInitial(y ~ spot.shape.fct(xcord, ycord, background, spotintensity, rho,
2004 Jul 23
nlme parameters in nlmeControl
Hello all. I'm doing a simulation study where I will be making use of the 'nlme' package. I want to loosen up the convergence criteria so that I increase the likelihood of convergence (potentially at the cost of obtaining slightly less than ideal results). The parameters in the function nlmeControl() control the convergence criteria. These default values can be modified to make
2003 Sep 16
gnls( ) question
Last week (Wed 9/10/2003, "regression questions") I posted a question regarding the use of gnls( ) and its dissimilarity to the syntax that nls( ) will accept. No one replied, so I partly answered my own question by constructing indicator variables for use in gnls( ). The code I used to construct the indicators is at the end of this email. I do have a nagging, unanswered
2009 Jan 22
convergence problem gamm / lme
Hope one of you could help with the following question/problem: We would like to explain the spatial distribution of juvenile fish. We have 2135 records, from 75 vessels (code_tripnr) and 7 to 39 observations for each vessel, hence the random effect for code_tripnr. The offset (‘offsetter’) accounts for the haul duration and sub sampling factor. There are no extreme outliers in lat/lon. The model
2005 Jul 17
how to solve the step halving factor problems in gnls and nls
Hi R-users, Could you give me some advice in solving the problem of such error message from gnls and nls? ## begin error message "Problem in gnls(y1 ~ glogit4(b, c, m, t, x), data.frame(x..: Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step " ##and "Problem in nls(y ~ 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/scal)), data = x..: step factor reduced below minimum "? Thank you in
2007 Dec 18
Specifying starting values in lme (nlme package) using msScale
I am using package nlme and would like to specify initial values for a linear mixed-effects model to help with convergence. I am trying to specify those initial values using the msScale option under ?control? in the lme() function: lme(Y ~ X1, random= ~ X1|X2, control=list(msScale=lmeScale)) where, (as far as I understand), lmeScale is a function that can take initial values for parameters.
2006 Jan 31
lme in R (WinXP) vs. Splus (HP UNIX)
R2.2 for WinXP, Splus 6.2.1 for HP 9000 Series, HP-UX 11.0. I am trying to get a handle on why the same lme( ) code gives such different answers. My output makes me wonder if the fact that the UNIX box is 64 bits is the reason. The estimated random effects are identical, but the fixed effects are very different. Here is my R code and output, with some columns and rows deleted for space
2004 Jan 14
Generalized least squares using "gnls" function
Hi: I have data from an assay in the form of two vectors, one is response and the other is a predictor. When I attempt to fit a 5 parameter logistic model with "nls", I get converged parameter estimates. I also get the same answers with "gnls" without specifying the "weights" argument. However, when I attempt to use the "gnls" function and try to
2001 Jun 01
nls works but not gnls
This works fine: fit42<-nls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) But this, identical except using gnls, doesn't converge: fit43<-gnls(Vfs~SSlogis(Months,Asym.Int+Asym.Group*Groupdum,xmid,scal), data=df, start=c(Asym.Int=22,Asym.Group=5,xmid=2,scal=6), na.action=na.omit) Error in gnls(Vfs
2007 Oct 17
nmle: gnls freezes on difficult case
Hi, I am not sure this is a bug but I can repeat it, The functions and data are below. I know this is nasty data, and it is very questionable whether a 4pl model is appropriate, but it is data fed to an automated tool and I would have hoped for an error. Does this repeat for anyone else? My details: > version _ platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
2006 Jul 23
How to pass eval.max from lme() to nlminb?
Dear R community, I'm fitting a complex mixed-effects model that requires numerous iterations and function evaluations. I note that nlminb accepts a list of control parameters, including eval.max. Is there a way to change the default eval.max value for nlminb when it is being called from lme? Thanks for any thoughts, Andrew -- Andrew Robinson Department of Mathematics and Statistics
2007 Apr 26
gnls warning message
Dear R users; I was trying to fit a nonlinear model using gnls (nlme version 3.1-80, R 2.5.0, WinXP) and I got the following error and warning message: Error in gnls(ht ~ a1 * hd * (1 - a2 * exp(-a3 * (dbh/dq2))), data = hdat, : Step halving factor reduced below minimum in NLS step In addition: Warning message: $ operator is deprecated for atomic vectors, returning NULL in:
2000 Feb 11
R CMD check [nlme|MASS] fails (PR#431)
Mmmh, seems as if I really should change my options as I seem to keep sending off empty bug-reports ;-/ Sorry guys. Here is the content that should have been in the last e-mail: `R CMD check nlme' fails on my machine. The final output in nlme-Ex.Rout is: > library(nlme) > data(Soybean) > fm1 <- nlme(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), data = Soybean, + fixed =
2006 May 26
lme, best model without convergence
Dear R-help list readers, I am fitting mixed models with the lme function of the nlme package. If I get convergence depends on how the method (ML/REM) and which (and how much) parameters will depend randomly on the cluster-variable. How get the bist fit without convergence? I set the parameters msVerbose and returnObject to TRUE: lmeControl(maxIter=50000, msMaxIter=200, tolerance=1e-4,
2009 Jan 28
t.test in a loop
Hi All, I've been having a little trouble with creating a loop that will run a a series of t.tests for inspection, Below is the code i've tried, and some checks i've looked at. I've used the get(paste()) idea as i was told previously that the use of the eval should try and be avoided. I've run a single syntax to check that my systax is correct and works without any problems