similar to: Problem with Julian function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Problem with Julian function"

2009 Aug 19
Confidence interval on parameters from optim function
Hi everyone, I have two questions: I would like to get confidence intervals on the coefficients derived from the optim() function. I apply optim() to a given function f > res <- optim(c(0.08,0.04,1.),f,NULL,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0.,0.,0.)) And I would like to get the p-value and confidence intervals associated with > res$par My second question deals with error message. I
2008 Mar 13
Plot contour over filled contour
Dear R-users, I haven't found a way in the searchable archive to overplot a contour (lines) over a surface. I have a (n,m) matrix that represents sea surface temperature that I have plotted using image.plot(), filled.contour() or image(). I would like to overplot this image with some contour lines of mixed layer depth values(same size matrix). How can I do this? Any help is appreciated,
2007 Jan 31
Problem decoding .flac files
I've been having problems with Amarok and K3B, but I think it comes down to a problem with flac. All my music and audio files are encoded in flac format. I've ripped my CDs using KAudioCreator and using this command to encode them (split for formatting): flac --best -o %o --tag=Artist=%{artist} --tag=Album=%{albumtitle} --tag=Date=%{year} --tag=Title=%{title}
2004 Jun 14
Quirks with system.time and simulations
I tried the code that Richard O'Keefe posted last week, to wit: library(chron) <- function (y, m, d) as.POSIXlt(chron(julian(y=y, x=m, d=d))) n <- 100000 y <- sample(1970:2004, n, replace=TRUE) m <- sample(1:12, n, replace=TRUE) d <- sample(1:28, n, replace=TRUE) system.time(, m, d)) [1] 8.78 0.10
2009 Aug 21
gantt chart for dataset
hi, Thanks for responding of gantt charts. but i have some problem regarding with gantt charts. i.e. Ymd.format <- "%Y/%m/%d" Ymd <- function(x){ as.POSIXct(strptime(x, format=Ymd.format))} <- list( labels =c("First task","Second task","Third task","Fourth task","Fifth task"), starts
2006 Nov 16
Gantt chart problem after upgrade to R 2.4.0
I am having a problem with a gantt chart since moving to R2.4.0. from 2.3.1 I made some adaptations to the code from and successful produced a simple gantt chart. However when I upgraded to 2.4.0 it no longer works as desired. See for the two charts. The charts were produced
2010 Feb 27
help with Gantt chart
Hi, I don't know to solve this error that is returned, even though I understand it: library(plotrix) Ymd.format<-"%Y/%m/%d"<-list(labels= c("First task","Second task (1st part)","Third task (1st part)","Second task (2nd part)","Third task (2nd part)", "Fourt task","Fifth task","Sixth
2004 Feb 23
Need help on parsing dates
I know this: > library(date) > x="1979-04-04" >, "ymd") > print(try) [1] 4Apr79 and that `x' here has to be a string, e.g.: > x=1979-04-04 > print(x) [1] 1971 I'm stuck in reading from a file. I say: > A <- read.table(file="try") > print(A) V1 V2 1 1979-04-04
2014 Jul 17
FW: Selección eficiente de individuos
Hola, Otra forma, utilizando la función de intervalos y la que comprueba si otro intervalo se solapa del paquete "lubridate": #---------------------- library(lubridate) fe.chas <- data.frame( entra=c('2001-01-01','2001-06-01','2003-01-01') ,sale=c('2002-01-01','2002-06-01','2004-01-01') ) ref <-
2007 Mar 12
timeDate & business day
I have a daily time series and have two questions to get some help with. Firs,t I have dates in simple numeric values. e.g. ymd [1] 20050104 20050105 20050106 20050107 20050110 20050111 20050113 20050114 [9] 20050118 20050120 20050121 20050124 20050125 20050126 20050127 20050128 [17] 20050201 20050202 20050203 20050204 Now, I'd like to compute statistics, e.g. acf, by business days. So, I
2007 May 23
Flac Files Messed Up By Amarok
A while back I posted about issues with flac files that were not able to be decoded. Here's what I do know: I've ripped most of my collection to my hard drive using KAudioCreator and I've specified that they be stored in flac format. All files play without trouble through Amarok. I found out there was a problem when I had selected files in a playlist and picked "burn"
2013 Dec 09
Plot mortality data and show trend
I have a mortality data over many years and I wish to plot the data and also add some smoother to clearly highlight the trend. How could I do that in R with base graphics or ggplot? I have the following sample data: require(lubridate) mdate<-seq(ymd('2000-01-01'),ymd('2010-12-31'), by = '1 day') death<- rnorm(4018, 80, 45) df<-cbind(mdate,death)
2010 Dec 08
possible bug in chron packages
Dear, According to the documentation, the parameters given in "dates" are passed to the function "chron". When trying this out, it turns out that this apparently doesn't happen, eg: > dates("20100101",format="Ymd",out.format="day mon year") [1] 01/01/10 > chron("20100101",format="Ymd",out.format="day mon
2012 Jun 08
day of the year for chron objects
Hi! Is not there an standard R function to retrieve the day of the year (since 1st Jan of the same year)? I know I can make my own using julian, but find it weird that having days(), months() etc doy() does not exist as an standard function. Also, is the following not a bit inconsistent? > a <- chron("20100506",format="ymd") > a [1] 100506 > years(a) [1] 2010
2004 May 27
Date parsing question
How do I parse a date "yyyymmdd"? I tried asking chron(s, "ymd") but that didn't work. Would the date parsing routines of the Date class of 1.9 grok this? -- Ajay Shah Consultant ajayshah at Department of Economic Affairs Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
2010 Dec 03
intraday zoo
I'm trying to read intraday zoo but running into issues (again) ... what am I missing here? (the date doesn't seem to read in correctly) > head(dat) TrdDate TrdTime impliedVol 1 20090102 09:55:03 0.3610715 2 20090102 09:55:04 0.3637943 3 20090102 09:55:05 0.3752375 4 20090102 09:55:05 0.4190025 5 20090102 09:55:06 0.3696080 6 20090102 09:55:06 0.4944981 > f <-
2018 Oct 22
Agregar variable entre dos fechas
Buenas, Tengo un dataframe con 64.000 observaciones llamado Datos y las variables "Id.Producto","Fecha"y "Rating" . La variable fecha tiene el formato: 2016-12-28 (ymd). Quiero crear la variable: "Rating.Semanal" - Esta variable tiene que ser la media agregada por "Id.Producto" de la variable "Rating", solo teniendo en cuenta
2012 Nov 16
lubridate concatenation issue
I took a look at Hadley's lubridate which seems a very neat package, but i am having a small problem with  concatenating lubridates to build vectors of it. Namely when function c( )  is applied to lubridate seems to change time to a local timezone in this particular case changing the date to previous one.  > d<-ymd('20111231') > d [1] "2011-12-31 UTC" > c(d) [1]
2012 Nov 02
Date format conversion from "2012-09-20" to "2012:09:20"
Hi R, How to get the range of values form startDate to lastDate as given below?. #***************************************************************** # Load historical data #****************************************************************** library('quantmod') endDate =Sys.Date() startDate = as.Date(endDate-30, order="ymd") dataspy = getSymbols("SPY", from = startDate,
2011 Sep 12
Hourly data with zoo
I have date data as a numeric and hourly data in 0 to 2300 hours in a dataframe. d <- rep(20110101,24) h <- seq(from = 0, to = 2300, by = 100) df <- data.frame(LST_DATE = d, LST_TIME = h, data = rnorm(24, 0, 1)) S <- chron(dates. = as.character(df$LST_DATE), times. = paste(as.character(df$LST_TIME/100), ":0:0", sep = ""), format =