similar to: Panel Data Estimators (within, between, Random Effects estimator)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Panel Data Estimators (within, between, Random Effects estimator)"

2005 Dec 18
GLM Logit and coefficient testing (linear combination)
Hi, I am running glm logit regressions with R and I would like to test a linear combination of coefficients (H0: beta1=beta2 against H1: beta1<>beta2). Is there a package for such a test or how can I perform it otherwise (perhaps with logLik() ???)? Additionally I was wondering if there was no routine to calculate pseudo R2s for logit regressions. Currently I am calculating the pseudo R2
2005 Jun 04
can R do Fixed-effects (within) regression (panel data)?
i want to ask 2 questions. 1) can R do Random-effects GLS regression which i can get from Stata? the following result is frome Stata.can I get the alike result from R? xtreg lwage educ black hisp exper expersq married union, re Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 4360 Group variable (i) : nr Number of groups = 545 R-sq:
2004 Feb 01
3 little questions
> From: Siegfried.Macho > > Dear R-helpers, > > 3 questions: > 1. Is there a package that contains a routine for computing > Kendall's W > (coefficient of concordance), with and without ties ? Is that the same as Kendall's tau, as in cor(..., method="kendall")? > 2. Is there a package that contains a routine for computing > Goodman' s
2004 Jan 23
Problem with hasArg() using R-files
Please do give reproducible example. The code you gave, which you claimed `works correctly' doesn't: > SDT.Optim <- function(crit = NULL, Hess = F) + { + q <- length(par); x <- data + if(hasArg(crit)) + cat("\n Crit present\n") + else +
2019 Jun 02
Incluir un rango de varias variables explicativas a un modelo
Hola, Quiero especificar una ecuación con varias variables explicativas de una manera eficiente sin necesidad de escribir todas y cada una. Tengo un conjunto de variables (junto con otras) dentro de una base de datos que se llaman pot23 pot311 pot312 pot 316 pot317........... pot80. No necesariamente están secuenciadas. Quisiera saber cómo indicar que incluya todas las variables de pot23 a pot80
2009 Apr 25
plm Hausman-Taylor model
Dear all- I am have trouble in using the model="ht" option in function plm from the plm library. I am using Package: plm Version: 1.1-1; R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) running on a FC-8 linux machine. Here is what I am trying to do: ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------- R> ###Prob 6 Chapter 3 Use R! Applied Econometrics with R (Kleiber
2019 Jun 04
Incluir un rango de varias variables explicativas a un modelo
Hola, gracias por la respuesta, No me funcionó debido a que los nombres de las variables no están seriadas, es decir, los nombres de las variables son del tipo: x23 x25 x30, x301 x320, x80. Entonces me da este error: Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'pot24' not found. Debido a que pot24 no existe, ya que de pot23 se brinca a pot30. En Stata es algo muy simple de hacer, solo
2010 Aug 05
multiple comparisons after glm
Dear list members, I have a question concerning multiple comparisons after using glm. My response variable is days until emergence of an insect species. The explanatory variables are sex (two levels), parasitoids added (two levels) and populations (34 levels). I would like to know now which populations are different in days until insect emergence. For this I used multiple comparisons as
2012 Sep 07
Problem with duplicates in row.names
Hello, I am drawing a heatmap with hundreds of genes. Everything work fine, except when I want to had the name of the genes as the row.names with >row.names (a)<-a$Name And there''s this things that duplicate are not allowed... How can I do to allow duplicates ??? I don''t have the choice I can''t just have numbers . Thanks for your help, I am new in R ... Fred
2009 Mar 03
R - MATLAB apply like function
Dear all, I very often use the R function "apply", for speedup purposes. I am now also using MATLAB, and would like to use the same kind of function. I have already asked MATLAB people, and the answer is : "vectorize"... but of course, this is not always possible. So, instead of using a FOR loop all the time, I tried using the bsxfun. So you R people, who might also use MATLAB,
2011 Mar 14
Javascript & Rails future
Hi, David H.H. announced recently that jquery is going to be the default in Rails 3.1, and that Prototype helpers / RJS are going into a gem. What does that mean for the future? Should we progressively forget about things like javascript helpers, RJS, and all these fun parts of rails? And start coding with jquery/json in mind? I''m not against that at all, but I have to admit I find RJS
2003 Nov 28
problem with nls()
I wanted to use the nls() module to solve a Problem from Sen & Srivastava (1990, p.209). Here is the (basic) code used to perform the estimation: library(SenSrivastava) library(nls) data(E9.8) # Use Linear Least Square for estimating start values lm.obj <- lm(R.1 ~ I.1 + S.1, data = E9.8) nls1.obj <- nls(R.1 ~ b.0 + b.1*(I.1^a.1-1)/a.1 + b.2*(S.1^a.2-1)/a.2,
2005 Feb 25
Problem using stepAIC/addterm (MASS package)
Hello, I'm currently dealing with a rather strange problem when using the function "stepAIC" ("MASS" package). The setting is the following: From model learning data sets ("learndata"), I want to be able to build prediction functions (in order to save them in a file for further use). This is done by the function "pred.function" (see below). Therein,
2012 Sep 09
how to save a heatmap.2 in png /jpeg /tiff
Hey, I am still working on my heat map (for those who are read my previous post about row.names)… Now, I would like to save my heat map.2 in .png or .tiff in order being able to work on the picture in photoshop, but it doesn't work. I'am using (as I have found on some forum) > png("heatmap.2.png) # and it just doesn't work. when I try doing it with::
2008 Nov 27
lmer refuses nested random factors
I am trying to run the following model in R > lmer(leaves.eaten~Geocytotype+(1|TEST/ PLANT),data=cyphoplantfeeding,family=poisson) My experimental setup is 41 replicates (TEST) of an experiment in which there are three Geocytotypes of a plant species in each TEST, and two plant pseudoreplicates per Geocytotype in each test (i.e. 3*2=6 plants per test). So my random factors are trying
2004 Dec 02
Dominant factors in aov?
Hi all, I'm using R 2.0.1. for Windows to analyze the influence of following factors on response Y: A (four levels) B (three levels) C (two levels) D (29 levels) with E (four replicates) The dataset looks like this: A B C D E Y 0 1 1 1 1 491.9 0 1 1 1 2 618.7 0 1 1 1 3 448.2 0 1 1 1 4 632.9 250 1 1 1 1 92.4 250 1 1 1 2 117 250 1 1 1 3 35.5 250 1 1 1 4 102.7 500 1 1 1 1 47 500 1 1 1 2 57.4
2004 Feb 16
nlme_crossed AND nested random effects
Dear R-help group, How can I define a lme with 3 factors(a,b,c), where c is nested in b, and a is crossed with b/c? I think that: lme(response ~ ..., data = Data, random = pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~ a - 1), pdIdent(~ b - 1)))) is one part of the answer and: lme(response~..., data=Data, random=~1|b/c) is the other part of the answer but how can I combine them?? Could anybody please help
2008 Apr 22
optimization and gradient
Dear all, I am using the functions 'optim' and 'nlminb'. For both, you can provide a function which computes the gradient of the objective function (to enhance speed and precision). In my case, both the objective function and the gradient take time to be computed and share many common computations (similar matrix, products, etc...). Therefore, I have to compute these
2005 Jun 24
lme4 extracting individual variance components
Hi, For further calculations I need to extract indivdual Variances of different random effects from a fitted model. I found out how to extract the correlations (VarCorr(m1)@reSumry$group1) but I was not able to find a way to extract the other components individually. To extract the Residuals I tried: (ranef(m1)@ stdErr) which unfortunately did not work. Thank you very much for your help!
2012 Dec 08
Hi List, I have spent more than 30 minutes, but failed to read in this file using the read.table() function. I could not figure out how to fix the following error. Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 6 elements Any help would be be appreciated. Thanks, Pradip Muhuri ####### below is the reproducible example xd1 <-