Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "how to compute the explained variance?"
2008 May 23
how to compute "explained variance" in metaMDS(vegan)?
Dear all,
I used metaMDS (vegan) to generate two NMDS axis and now I would like
to know the amount of variance explained for each axis. Is there a way to do
kind regards,
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2009 Feb 09
percentage of variance explained by factors
I've run a simple linear model: result<-lm(DV~A+B+C,data=Data)
My Data$A,Data$B, and Data$C are factors. So, lm automatically recoded
them into dummy variables. I have all the results I need but one.
Question: Where could I see the variance explained by all A dummy
variables together, then all B dummy variables together, and all C
dummy variables together - when other predictors
2011 Mar 11
variance explained by each term in a GAM
Picking up an ancient thread (from Oct 2007), I have a somewhat more complex
problem than given in Simon Wood's example below. My full model has more than
two smooths as well as factor variables as in this simplified example:
b <- gam(y~fv1+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3))
Judging from Simon's example, my guess is to fit reduced models to get
components of deviance as follows:
b1 <-
2009 Jan 23
Stat textbook recommendations?
I'm looking for a textbook that can explain some of the math behind
the intro-to-intermediate stuff like ANOVA, multiple regression, non-
parametric tests, etc.
A little background: I took an intro stats course last year and
would like to further my education. Being as that was the highest
(and only) stats class the local community college offers, it looks
like I'm on
2010 Sep 27
Ordered logit with polr won't match SPSS output
I am learning R via a textbook that performs analysis with SPSS and SAS. In
trying to reproduce the results for an ordinal logit model, I get very
similar point estimates for my cut-off points, but the parameters for the
covariate q60 do not match. The estimate for q51 also matches. Is this
because I need to change a base case for the ordered covariate q60? Can this
be done in or is it always the
2007 Aug 28
Variance explained by cluster analysis
As suggested in "De'ath, 2002. Multivariate regression trees: A new
technique for modelling species-environment relationships. Ecology, 83
(4):1105-1117" (for those interested), I am trying to compare the
performance of a multivariate regression tree to a cluster analysis.
A simple partitioning with k clusters (as done by `pam`) seemed
straightforward and appropriate
2009 Dec 01
How to compute contrast where there are interaction terms in the linear model?
Could somebody recommend some textbook how to compute contrast when
there are interactions terms? "Applied Linear Regression Models"
(book) mentioned contrast, but I cannot extend it to the case where
there are interaction terms.
2003 Jun 08
LDA: normalization of eigenvectors (see SPSS)
Hi dear R-users
I try to reproduce the steps included in a LDA. Concerning the eigenvectors there is
a difference to SPSS. In my textbook (Bortz)
it says, that the matrix with the eigenvectors
usually are not normalized to the length of 1, but in the way that the
following holds (SPSS does the same thing):
t(Vstar)%*%Derror%*%Vstar = I
where Vstar are the normalized eigenvectors. Derror
2008 Sep 09
PCA and % variance explained
After doing a PCA using princomp, how do you view how much each component
contributes to variance in the dataset. I'm still quite new to the theory of
PCA - I have a little idea about eigenvectors and eigenvalues (these
determine the variance explained?). Are the eigenvalues related to loadings
in R?
View this message in context:
2010 Jan 21
Anova unequal variance
I found this paper on ANOVA on unequal error variance. Has this be
incorporated to any R package? Is there any textbook that discuss the
problem of ANOVA on unequal error variance in general?
2018 Mar 28
coxme in R underestimates variance of random effect, when random effect is on observation level
I have a question concerning fitting a cox model with a random intercept, also known as a frailty model. I am using both the coxme package, and the frailty statement in coxph. Often 'shared' frailty models are implemented in practice, to group people who are from a cluster to account for homogeneity in outcomes for people from the same cluster. I am more interested in the classic
2007 May 18
gls() error
Hi All
How can I fit a repeated measures analysis using gls? I want to start with a
unstructured correlation structure, as if the the measures at the occations are
not longitudinal (no AR) but plainly multivariate (corSymm).
My data (ignore the prox_pup and gender, occ means occasion):
> head(dta,12)
teacher occ prox_self prox_pup gender
1 1 0 0.76 0.41 1
2011 Sep 10
Variable name with a '-'
My statistics teacher wrote a textbook and included .rdata files for the
problem set data. I downloaded these and opened one of them up. Then I used
the ls() command, and it gave me this:
> ls()
[1] "ex02-12"
However, when i try to use the object, it interprets it as ex02 - 12, and I
get the following error:
> ex02-12
Error: object 'ex02' not found
I don't know why
2012 Feb 13
R's AIC values differ from published values
Using the Cement hardening data in Anderson (2008) Model Based Inference in
the Life Sciences. A Primer on Evidence, and working with the best model
which is
lm ( y ~ x1 + x2, data = cement )
the AIC value from R is
model <- lm ( formula = y ~ x1 + x2 , data =
cement )
AIC ( model )
which can be converted to AICc by adding the bias
2009 Dec 10
PH Model assumption
Hi all,
I was trying to test the assumption of proportional hazards
assumption, I used the cox.zph function
Results are:
rho chisq p
x1 -0.0396 1.397 2.37e-01
x2 0.1107 9.715 1.83e-03
x3 -0.0885 7.743 5.39e-03
x4 0.0366 1.092 2.96e-01
x5 0.0242 0.455 5.00e-01
2002 Mar 21
table of variance analysis
Hello everybody !
I want to evaluate the goodness of the fit of a trend surface. I use the
Least square methods and the function surf.ls. The I write
tma3.sur3 <- surf.ls(3, x, y, z)
Now the question: is the Pr(>F) the probability to obtain a value of
F equal or greater than the obtained one ? Is the confidence level 0.05 ?
Thanks a lot for any help.
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Esta pregunta la hice en stackoverflow
nadie pudo contestarla.
1. Quiero generar N escuelas, con G grados y C divisiones.
2. Quiero asignar cada uno de T maestros a 2 divisiones en un grado y
Si tengo C=4 divisiones, puedo lograr lo que quiero con
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
0. La falta de 'elegancia' hace que sea mas dificil hacer cambios al
codigo. Por ejemplo cambiar n.classrooms <- 4 a n.classrooms <- 20
1. Cuando tengo solo 4 puedo hacer esto:
schoolGrade$A <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$B <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[1:cuttoff1]
schoolGrade$C <- Teachers$Teacher.ID[(cuttoff1+1):n.teachers]
schoolGrade$D <-
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Gracias Carlos,
Tu codigo es un gran paso en el sentido correcto pero no produce
exactamente lo que estoy buscando.
Mi "solucion" en stackoverflow
produce un data frame `schoolGrade` con 240 observaciones y 7 variables. Mi
objetivo es poder generar un data
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Perdon por no se lo suficientemente claro :(
Tu codigo produce `validPairs` que tiene 7 variables y 360 observaciones.
> validPairs[1,] V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 valid
60 e1 g1 c1 e1 g1 c2 Valid
indica que un maestro tiene asignado c1 y c2 en la escuela e1 y el grado
g1. Correcto? Si es asi, esto es casi lo que queira producir y creo que
puedo llegar a donde quiero usando tu codigo de base.