similar to: AIC and numbers of parameters

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2004 Dec 04
AIC, AICc, and K
How can I extract K (number of parameters) from an AIC calculation, both to report K itself and to calculate AICc? I'm aware of the conversion from AIC -> AICc, where AICc = AIC + 2K(K+1)/(n-K-1), but not sure of how K is calculated or how to extract that value from either an AIC or logLik calculation. This is probably more of a basic statistics question than an R question, but I thank
2010 Jan 26
AIC for comparing GLM(M) with (GAM(M)
Hello I'm analyzing a dichotomous dependent variable (dv) with more than 100 measurements (within-subjects variable: hours24) per subject and more than 100 subjects. The high number of measurements allows me to model more complex temporal trends. I would like to compare different models using GLM, GLMM, GAM and GAMM, basically do demonstrate the added value of GAMs/GAMMs relative to
2009 Oct 25
Getting AIC from lrm in Design package
I am trying to obtain the AICc after performing logistic regression using the Design package. For simplicity, I'll talk about the AIC. I tried building a model with lrm, and then calculating the AIC as follows: likelihood.ratio <- unname(lrm(succeeded~var1+var2,data=scenario,x=T,y=T)$stats["Model L.R."]) #Model likelihood ratio??? model.params <- 2 #Num params in my model AIC
2012 Jun 30
Significance of interaction depends on factor reference level - lmer/AIC model averaging
Dear R users, I am using lmer combined with AIC model selection and averaging (in the MuMIn package) to try and assess how isotope values (which indicate diet) vary within a population of animals. I have multiple measures from individuals (variable 'Tattoo') and multiple individuals within social groups within 4 locations (A, B, C ,D) crucially I am interested if there are
2009 Apr 29
I am fitting logistic regression models, by defining my own link function, and would like to get AICc values. Using the glm command gives a value for AIC, but I haven't been able to get R to convert that to AICc. Is there a code that has already been written for this? Right now I am just putting the AIC values into an excel spreadsheet and calculating AICc, likelihood, and AIC
2010 Aug 22
coxme AIC score and p-value mismatch??
Hi, I am new to R and AIC scores but what I get from coxme seems wrong. The AIC score increases as p-values decrease. Since lower AIC scores mean better models and lower p-values mean stronger effects or differences then shouldn't they change in the same direction? I found this happens with the data set rats as well as my own data. Below is the output for two models constructed with the rats
2004 Jul 16
Does AIC() applied to a nls() object use the correct number of estimated parameters?
I'm wondering whether AIC scores extracted from nls() objects using AIC() are based on the correct number of estimated parameters. Using the example under nls() documentation: > data( DNase ) > DNase1 <- DNase[ DNase$Run == 1, ] > ## using a selfStart model > fm1DNase1 <- nls( density ~ SSlogis( log(conc), Asym, xmid, scal ), DNase1 ) Using AIC() function: >
2006 Dec 16
question about trailing arguments in an S4 method
I'm trying to add arguments to the AIC method for some classes -- things like weights=TRUE to calculate AIC weights corr=TRUE, nobs to calculate AICc delta=TRUE to put a delta-AIC column in the output. The problem is that AIC is defined as AIC(object, ..., k=2) where k is the constant associated with the penalty term and ... is a list of objects that will have their AICs calculated
2005 Nov 17
loess: choose span to minimize AIC?
Is there an R implementation of a scheme for automatic smoothing parameter selection with loess, e.g., by minimizing one of the AIC/GCV statistics discussed by Hurvich, Simonoff & Tsai (1998)? Below is a function that calculates the relevant values of AICC, AICC1 and GCV--- I think, because I to guess from the names of the components returned in a loess object. I guess I could use
2005 Oct 29
LaTex error when creating DVI version when compiling package
Dear Listers, I got this message when compiling a package: * creating pgirmess-manual.tex ... OK * checking pgirmess-manual.text ... ERROR LaTex errors when creating DVI version. This typically indicates Rd problems. The message is quite explicit but I struggled a lot before understanding that the trouble comes from a single file "selMod.rd" among 44 topics. Even though I have
2012 Mar 31
Is this is correct way to calculate AIC value for time series ?
i have attached time series file 1A1I_A_phi_psi_pot_r_k.txt i am not understanding formula() function,but what i read,from that 1 st method:- > t<-read.table(file.choose()) #choosing attached file > lm<-lm(t$V1~ 1) # i used Tilde sign > loglik<-logLik(lm) > AIC(loglik)
2006 Jul 12
AICc vs AIC for model selection
Hi, I am using 'best.arima' function from forecast package to obtain point forecast for a time series data set. The documentation says it utilizes AIC value to select best ARIMA model. But in my case the sample size very small - 26 observations (demand data). Is it the right to use AIC value for model selection in this case. Should I use AICc instead of AIC. If so how can I modify
2012 Feb 13
R's AIC values differ from published values
Using the Cement hardening data in Anderson (2008) Model Based Inference in the Life Sciences. A Primer on Evidence, and working with the best model which is lm ( y ~ x1 + x2, data = cement ) the AIC value from R is model <- lm ( formula = y ~ x1 + x2 , data = cement ) AIC ( model ) 64.312 which can be converted to AICc by adding the bias
2004 Oct 31
Obtaining fitted model information
Dear list, I am brand new to R and using Dalgaard's (2002) book Introductory Statistics with R (thus, some of my terminology may be incorrect). I am fitting regression models and I want to use Hurvich and Tsai's AICC statistic to examine my regression models. This penalty can be expressed as: 2*npar * (n/(n-npar-1)). While you can obtain AIC, BIC, and logLik, I want to impose the AICC
2007 May 03
factanal AIC?
Dear list members, Could any expert on factor analysis be so kind to explain how to calculate AIC on the output of factanal. Do I calculate AIC wrong or is factanal$criteria["objective"] not a negative log-likelihood? Best regards Jens Oehlschl?gel The AIC calculated using summary.factanal below don't appear correct to me: n items factors total.df rest.df model.df
2007 May 03
factanal AIC?
Dear list members, Could any expert on factor analysis be so kind to explain how to calculate AIC on the output of factanal. Do I calculate AIC wrong or is factanal$criteria["objective"] not a negative log-likelihood? Best regards Jens Oehlschl?gel The AIC calculated using summary.factanal below don't appear correct to me: n items factors total.df rest.df model.df
2006 Jun 06
How to create list of objects?
Hi I am doing several mle and want to store them in a list (or whatever is the right construct) to be able to analyse them later. at the moment I am doing: f <- list() f$IP <- mle(...) f$NE <- mle(...) but when I say: > summary(f) I get: Length Class Mode IP 0 mle list NE 0 mle list I don't get the output I would have, i.e. the one from >
2006 Jun 05
Calculation of AIC BIC from mle
R 2.3.0, all packages up to date Linux, SuSE 10.0 Hi I want to calculate AIC or BIC from several results from mle calculation. I found the AIC function, but it does not seem to work with objects of class mle - If I execute the following: ml1 <- mle(...) AIC(ml1) I get the following error messale: Error in logLik(object) : no applicable method for "logLik" Therefore I am using the
2001 Sep 11
Dear R collegues, I'm trying to understand what's AIC in R (ver. 1.3.1), and I'm getting a different answer if I look at the AIC(of the fitted model) or the aic in the summary( of the fitted model). Is this correct? Can somebody explain me the difference between the two values? or Is the AIC criterion not appropiated for Poisson models? R session: > t1 <- glm(tax ~ areal,
2001 Sep 11
Dear R collegues, I'm trying to understand what's AIC in R (ver. 1.3.1), and I'm getting a different answer if I look at the AIC(of the fitted model) or the aic in the summary( of the fitted model). Is this correct? Can somebody explain me the difference between the two values? or Is the AIC criterion not appropiated for Poisson models? R session: > t1 <- glm(tax ~ areal,