Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "bivariate normal distribution"
2006 Jan 23
mutlivariate normal and t distributions
Dear R-help list members,
I have created a package 'mnormt' with facilities for the multivariate
normal and t distributions. The core part is simply an interface to
Fortran routines by Alan Genz for computing the integral of two
densities over rectangular regions, using an adaptive integration
method. Other R functions compute densities and generate random
The starting
2006 Apr 23
bivariate weighted kernel density estimator
Is there code for bivariate kernel density estimation?
For bivariate kernels there is
kde2d in MASS
kde2d.g in GRASS
KernSur in GenKern
(list probably incomplete)
but none of them seems to accept a weight parameter
(like density does since R 2.2.0)
Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
Visit our SunSITE at
2011 Jan 16
\examples{} in Rd file
[Hope this is the right list where to send...]
An attempt to update package 'mnormt' involves the addition of a
small new function called 'pd.solve'. When I come to the package
checking stage, an error occurs in parsing pd.solve.Rd.
The full transcript of the outcome is copied below (it includes details
on my installation) but the critical point is where the \examples{}
2005 Feb 05
plot smooth density estimates for bivariate data
Hi, there.
Suppose I have a bivarariate data matrix y1 and y2. I want to plot a 3-D
picture of the estimated density f(y1, y2) against y1 and y2? How can I do
that? Do I use persp() or density()?
Thanks for your help.
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2011 Jan 20
auc function
Hi, there.
Suppose I already have sensitivities and specificities. What is the quick R-function to calculate AUC for the ROC plot? There seem to be many R functions to calculate AUC.
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2007 Apr 03
bivariate interpolation
Hi. I'm trying to take a data set with two independent and one dependent
variable and enter a x,y value to predict the dependent with a nonparametric
technique. I've been using interpp in the akima package, (windows xp, R
2.4.1), but get values that are orders of magnitude off when the predictors
are slightly out of the range of the data set. Can you recommend a function
for me?
2010 Jul 13
create variables with indexes
Hi, there:
Suppose I want create variables with indexes in their names, e.g., X_1_1, X_1_2, X_1_3, ..., X_1_10, X_2_1, X_2_2, X_2_3, .. X_2_10,..., X_10_1, X_10_2, ... X_10_10. It looks like I need to use 2 indexes I and J so I is looped from 1 to 10, and J is looped from 1 to 10. But I don't know how to automatically produce X with these combination of indexes. Should I use paste function?
2008 Mar 06
calculate AUC and plot ROC in R
Hi, there:
Could someone tell me a simple function of plot ROC curve and calculate
AUC in R? My setting is very simple, a column of the true binary
response and another column of predicted probabilities.
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2008 Jun 11
specifying ranges in scatter plot
Hi, there:
Does anyone know how to specify the ranges in the axises when I make
scatter plots using pairs()? In the general plot function, I can use
xlim and ylim option. But how can I do this if I use pairs()?
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2006 Apr 08
cross product
Hi, there.
How do I calculate the cross-product in the form of
\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}^{t} \Sigma X_{i} using R code without using do loop?
X_{i} is the covariate matrix for subject I, \Sigma is the covariance
Thanks for your help.
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2009 Apr 27
plot estimates and their 95% confidence intervals
Hi, there:
I have a dataset with 50 states and for each state, I have its associated mean estimate (for some parameters) and the lower and upper bound of the 95% CI. The data look like below:
state ami_mean ami_low ami_up
1 MS -0.58630 -0.90720 -0.29580
2 KY -0.48100 -0.75990 -0.19470
3 FL -0.47900 -0.62930 -0.32130
I would like to have a plot the 95% CI (characterized by
2008 Dec 11
how to get the CDF of a density() estimation?
I've estimated a simple kernel density of a univariate variable with
density(), but after I would like to find out the CDF at specific
How can I do it?
thanks for your help, with it I am very close to finish my first
little bit more serious work in R,
2004 Nov 17
how to estimate conditional density
Hi, there.
Suppose I have a bivariate data set y1 and y2. Can anybody tell me how to
estimate the conditional density of f(y1|y2) and vice versa? Thanks.
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2003 Apr 24
Fast R implementation of Gini mean difference
I have written the following function to calculate the weighted mean
difference for univariate data (see
http://www.xycoon.com/gini_mean_difference.htm for a related
formula). Unsurprisingly, the function is slow (compared to sd or mad)
for long vectors. I wonder if there's a way to make the function
faster, short of creating an external C function. Thanks very much
for your advice.
2003 May 20
Output to connections
In the document "R Data Import/Export", section "Output to connections",
there is the following portion of code:
## convert decimal point to comma in output, using a pipe (Unix)
zz <- pipe(paste("sed s/\\./,/ >", "outfile"), "w")
cat(format(round(rnorm(100), 4)), sep = "\n", file = zz)
## now look at the output
2003 Jun 21
optim with contraints
There seems to exist peculiar cases where optim does not take care
of constraints on the parameters to be optimized over. The call to
optim is of the form
opt <- optim(cp, fn=sn.dev, gr=sn.dev.gh, method="L-BFGS-B",
lower=c(-Inf, 1e-10, -0.99527),
upper=c( Inf, Inf, 0.99527),
control=control, X=X, y=y, hessian=FALSE)
The code has worked fine
2003 May 13
RMySQL crashes R
I have justed upgraded R v1.7.0 on Windows NT 4 and have installed the
latest RMySQL (version 0.5-1)and DBI (version 0.1-5) packages.
When I issue the following commands (tactfully adjusted) R just crashes and
disappears, any ideas?
m <- dbDriver("MySQL")
con <- dbConnect(m, dbname="xxx", user="xxx", password="xxx",
2006 Feb 21
color quantization / binning a variable into levels
Hi all,
I'd like to quantize a variable to map it into a limited set of integers
for use with a colormap. "image" and filled.contour" do this mapping
inside somewhere, but I'd like to choose the colors for plotting a set of
polygons. Is there a pre-existing function that does something like this
well? i.e., is capable of using 'breaks'?
2005 Nov 08
Output glm
How can I obtain the likelihood ratio of a Poisson regression model?
dr. Marziliano Ciro
Facolta' di Economia
Universita' degli Studi di L'Aquila
p.zza del Santuario, 19
67040 Roio Poggio, L'Aquila
tel.: 0862 434836
fax: 0862 434803
2003 Jun 10
fitting data to exponential distribution with glm
I am learning glm function, but how do you fit data using exponential
distribution with glm?
In the help file, under "Family Objects for Models", no ready made option
seems available for the distribution as well as for other distributions
satisfying GLM requirements not listed there.