similar to: Two problems compiling my shared library...

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2012 Oct 17
Unable to install rtiff package
Hello all, i am using Ubuntu 12.04 and I have R 2.14.1 When i try to install the rtiff package I got this error: > install.packages("rtiff") Installing package(s) into ?/home/lapalmejo/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14? (as ?lib? is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done trying URL
2010 Oct 01
Issues loading rtiff 1.4.1 with R 2.6.2 on Windows
Dear R-users, I successfully installed rtiff on by R installation, but when I tried to load it, I got: >local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Error in dyn.load(file, ...) : unable to load shared library 'C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-26~1.2/library/rtiff/libs/rtiff.dll': LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul
2011 Jun 05
Can't compile rtiff for OSX
I have libtiff installed from macports, and it is sitting there in /opt/local/lib: $ ls -l /opt/local/lib/*tiff* -rwxr-xr-x 2 root admin 796684 Jun 4 22:13 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.3.dylib -rw-r--r-- 2 root admin 990296 Jun 4 22:13 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.a lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 15 Jun 4 22:14 /opt/local/lib/libtiff.dylib -> libtiff.3.dylib -rwxr-xr-x 2 root admin 960 Jun
2008 Apr 19
nondigits in R_FILEVERSION mess up Windows build
I tried for the first time to build R from source on Windows, where I got the source code via svn. Per the Installation and Administration manual, I altered src\gnuwin32\MkRules so it had the the locally correct paths to HTML Help Workshop and Inno Setup 5. I also set USE_SVNVERSION=yes, as suggested in MkRules itself. Then, while in the directory src/gnuwin32 I ran 'make all
2008 Apr 29
non-digits in svnversion output mess up windows build if (PR#11341)
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Duncan Murdoch wrote: > This is not a bug, it's a feature. > > It stops me from distributing versions with unintentional uncommitted > changes. It does have that effect, but the error messages are pretty obscure: c:\Rtools\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: rcico.rc:9: syntax error and Error on line 12 in e:\R\R-svn\r-devel\src\gnuwin32\installer\R.iss: Value
2008 Apr 29
non-digits in svnversion output mess up windows build if (PR#11340)
This is not a bug, it's a feature. It stops me from distributing versions with unintentional uncommitted changes. Duncan Murdoch On 29/04/2008 2:30 PM, bill at wrote: > Full_Name: Bill Dunlap > Version: 2.8.0dev > OS: Windows XP > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > I tried for the first time to build R from source on Windows, where I > got
2008 Apr 29
non-digits in svnversion output mess up windows build if USE_SVNVERSION=yes (PR#11339)
Full_Name: Bill Dunlap Version: 2.8.0dev OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I tried for the first time to build R from source on Windows, where I got the source code via svn. Per the Installation and Administration manual, I altered src\gnuwin32\MkRules so it had the the locally correct paths to HTML Help Workshop and Inno Setup 5. I also set USE_SVNVERSION=yes, as suggested
2008 Feb 13
Hello, I have been having a great deal of difficulty using R CMD SHLIB to generate the .so file from my C file. I am using Win XP, and I have cygwin installed. I updated to the latest MinGW make files in order to get rid of some error. But I still get a few warnings (shown below), and no shared file (.so file) produced at the end. C:\cygwin\home\Deepak>R CMD SHLIB ssa.h
2012 May 08
file 2 is not in sorted order error building unsuffered consequences
Hi All, I just downloaded the source tar ball (Revision: 59324 Last Changed Date: 2012-05-07) and tried to compile on a Win x64 system. I am using Rtools version The only change I make is changing MkRules.dist -> MkRules.local and setting Multi=64 I have previously compiled unsuffered consquences without issue, but on the current version, I get this error windres -F pe-x86-64
2010 May 03
ISO Eric Kort (rtiff)
I wanted to ask Eric a question or two about the rtiff package, but his listed email address bounces w/ 550 error. Does anyone know how to reach him, or whether he's actively maintaining rtiff? If anyone's interested, my primary desire is for rtiff (or other tool) to provide me with the raw range of pixel values in a tiff file. rtiff dumps straight into a pixmap object, so the
2018 Feb 09
R Compilation gets stuck on Windows 64
Hi Avraham, A quick question - I realized I did not have *Perl* installed. So I installed *ActiveState Perl* right now. Also I see I need *texinfo* and *texi2any*. I was able to installed *texinfo* from here: But not sure where to get *texi2any*. Can you guide me in this step? Regards, Indrajit On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Indrajit Sen
2002 Jun 28
windres problem
Hello, I am trying to build an R package for Windows from an R package for Linux. There seems to be a "windres" problem somewhere. Here's what I get. C:\Temp>Rcmd build --binary VGAM > mm make[2]: windres: Command not found make[2]: *** [VGAM_res.o] Error 127 make[1]: *** [src/VGAM.dll] Error 2 make: *** [pkg-VGAM] Error 2 In more details, it goes like the following.
2014 Apr 09
building R under windows - comm: file 1 is not in sorted order
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Hi, I'm just trying to build R under windows, and receive the following error: windres -i dllversion.rc -o dllversion.o comm: file 1 is not in sorted order make[4]: *** [Rgraphapp.def] Error 1 make[3]: *** [rlibs] Error 1 make[2]: *** [../../bin/i386/R.dll] Error 2 make[1]: *** [rbuild] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 I have been working
2018 Feb 09
R Compilation gets stuck on Windows 64
Hi Avraham, What a coincidence, I have been following this post of yours: Looks like this post is slightly older than what you have shared previously. It is strange that you did not get the attachments. I am pasting the contents of the MkRules.local here:
2012 Oct 23
12-bit functionality in tiff package
Hi, We have recently been using the tiff package for reading tiff images into the Bioconductor Package EBImage. This has been extremely helpful in conjunction with other steps to eliminate dependencies on ImageMagick. However, it seems that 12-bit images are not supported. We were wondering if there are plans to extend the functionality of the readTIFF() function in the tiff package to
2015 Jan 08
New version of Rtools for Windows
On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Hin-Tak Leung <htl10 at> wrote: > > The r.dll crash is easy - you need to be using gcc-ar for ar, and gcc-ranlib for ranlib. I also posted a patch to fix the check failure for stack probing, as lto optimizes away the stack probing code, as it should. > > yes, lto build's speed gain is very impressive. > > I
2006 Feb 13
MinGW and the ld bug
Hi. I noticed that Brian Ripley found and corrected a bug in MinGW's ld.exe, see Thanks for this. I wonder if this is the same bug that cause my problems. I have tiny toy package with C code that installs perfectly on R Version 2.2.1 beta (2005-12-18 r36792) [this version was mislabelled "beta" the first few hours on CRAN when the stable
2007 Jan 12
Making TIFF images with rtiff
Many medical journals and publishers require that images, whether photographs or line art, be submitted as high resolution .TIFF images. One option for R users is to produce an image in one format and to convert it to a .TIFF file using a second software program. My experience has been that this option often results in images of poorer quality, often with blurry contours, and a loss of
2012 Dec 17
Problems with building R from sources
Hello all, I'm trying to build R 32bit from source in a Windows 64 machine. I have followed the steps in "R Installation and Adiministration" ( or at least I think I did everything described. I am not sure if I have installed the libjpeg, libtiff and libpng files though. I have upzipped them in the
2006 Jan 08
spandsp for 1.2.1 - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am getting the following error when starting: loader.c:325 __load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory loader.c:499 load_modules: Loading module failed! When I load and/or; if these are commented out, asterisk starts fine. I downloaded the spandsp version from