Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "GEE in Fortran"
2000 Mar 18
Corstr in the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments?
Dear all:
In the Gee (Generalized Estimation Equation) arguments:
The arument Corstr has sveral choices:
"independence" "fixed" "stat_M_dep" "non_stat_M_dep"
"exchangeable" "AR-M" "unstructured"
What does each term mean?
How do I choose among them?
How do I know the correlation structure of
2006 Apr 10
p values for a GEE model
Hi all,
I have a dataset in which the output Y is observed on two groups of
patients (treatment factor T with 2 levels).
Every subject in each group is observed three times (not time points but
just technical replication).
I am interested in estimating the treatment effect and take into account
the fact that I have repeated measurements for every subject.
If I do this with repeated measures
2008 Jul 07
GLM, LMER, GEE interpretation
Hi, my dependent variable is a proportion ("prob.bind"), and the independent
variables are factors for group membership ("group") and a covariate
("capacity"). I am interested in the effects of group, capacity, and their
interaction. Each subject is observed on all (4) levels of capacity (I use
capacity as a covariate because the effect of this variable is normatively
2014 Sep 22
Replace isnan and lgamma in Fortran subroutine in R package
I submitted a package which used Fortran functions isnan and lgamma. However, I was told that:
isnan and lgamma are not Fortran 95 functions.
I was asked to write 'cross-platform portable code' and so should not be writing GNU extensions to Fortran.
See http://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_mpath.html, which will shortly show installation failures under Solaris.
2018 Feb 26
How to model repeated measures negative binomial data with GEE or GLMM
Goal: use GEE or GLMM to analyze repeated measures data in R
GEE problem: can?t find a way to do GEE with negative binomial family in R
GLMM problem: not sure if I?m specifying random effect correctly
Study question: Does the interaction of director and recipient group affect
rates of a behavior?
Animals (n = 38) in one of 3 groups (life stages): B or C.
Some individuals (~5)
2024 Mar 28
GEEPACK vs GEE: What are the differences in the estimators calculated by geeglm() (GEEPACK) and gee() (GEE)?
I am interested in running generalized estimating equation models in R.
Currently there are two main packages for doing so in R, geepack and gee. I
understand that even though one can obtain similar to almost identical
results using either of the two, that there are differences between the
The paper that introduces the geepack package (
2010 Jul 29
How to get the standard error from GEE(Generalized Estimation Equations) output
I am having some difficulties to locate the standard error from GEE output.
-----------sample output using list (geemodel)------------------------
Link: Identity
Variance to Mean Relation: Gaussian
Correlation Structure: Exchangeable
gee(formula = days.sick1 ~ bmi + age + gender + surveyround2 +
surveyround3, id = childid, data = dat, family = gaussian,
2011 Jun 28
Testing the proportional odds assumption of an ordinal generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression model
Dear list members,
I am estimating an ordinal generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression model on repeated measurements data.
Is there any way (preferably in R) to test the proportional odds assumption of this model?
Thanks in advance.
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2010 Apr 29
Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE): Why is Link = Identity?
I'm running GEE using geepack.
I set corstr = "ar1" as below:
> m.ar <- geeglm(L ~ O + A,
+ data = firstgrouptxt, id = id,
+ family = binomial, corstr = "ar1")
> summary(m.ar)
geeglm(formula = L ~ O + A, family = binomial,
data = firstgrouptxt, id = id, corstr = "ar1")
2010 Sep 08
How to get OR and CI from GEE R package
I am fitting a GEE model using gee R package, but I am not sure how to get
OR and its CI?
Could anyone give me some hints?
Here are some output:
> gee.obj <- gee(Affection~Sibsex+Probandsex,id = FAMID,family = binomial,corstr = "independence",data =seldata)
Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27
running glm to get initial regression estimate
2011 Feb 03
Generalized Estimating Equations and a Reviewer Question I can’t answer
I am using the R statistical package in a pretty straightforward manner, just interested in getting summary statistics and reliable estimates of means, variances, confidence intervals, p-values using standard tests, etc. I've been using the generalized estimating equation package because I often deal with repeatedly sampled pairs of data from the same source, and my reading (and my
2011 Nov 21
Fortran runtime error with package cts on CRAN/Mac
As the author of package cts, I hope somebody on this list can kindly help (perhaps off-list)
to resolve the build/check issue with package cts for Mac. The error occurred on Mac machines only:
Here is the error message:
At line 10 of file machine.f
Fortran runtime error: Range error during floating point read
The source
2011 Aug 15
Get significant codes from a model output fit with GEE package
Does anyone know how could I get the significant codes from mixed model
output fitted with a GEE package?
The output I got is the following:
gee S-function, version 4.13 modified 98/01/27 (1998)
Link: Logit
Variance to Mean Relation: Binomial
Correlation Structure: Exchangeable
gee(formula = bru
2008 Sep 07
an error to call 'gee' function in R
Dear List:
I found an error when I called the 'gee' function. I cannot solve and explain it. There are no errors when I used the 'geeglm' function. Both functions fit the gee model. The project supervisor recommends me to use the 'gee' function. But I cannot explain to him why this error happens. Would you help me solve this problem? I appreciate your help.
2011 May 08
questions about the output of "gee" and its summary
Dear R-helpers,
I am using the package "gee" to run a marginal model.
Here is the output.
In my simulated data, both x and z are time-varying, so I include their
interaction terms with time indicator (i.e. tind=0, if time 1, and 1 if time
The data is simulated, so the true parameter of z both at time 1 and time 2
is 5, which is very close from the model output
for time 1, z =
2010 Sep 10
gee p values
windows Vista
R 2.10.1
Is it possible to get p values from gee? Summary(geemodel) does not appear to produce p values.:
> fit4<- gee(y~time, id=Subject, data=data.frame(data))
Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27
running glm to get initial regression estimate
(Intercept) time
1.1215614 0.8504413
> summary(fit4)
2003 Oct 24
gee and geepack: different results?
Hi, I downloaded both gee and geepack, and I am trying to understand the
differences between the two libraries.
I used the same data and estimated the same model, with a correlation
structure autoregressive of order 1. Surprisingly for me, I found very
different results. Coefficients are slightly different in value but
sometimes opposite in sign.
Moreover, the estimate of rho (correlation
2010 Jun 17
Modifyiing R working matrix within "gee" source code
Dear all,
I am working on modifying the R working matrix to commodate some other
correlations that not included in the package. I am having problem to locate
where the R matrix are defined for regular matrices, i.e. independence,
exchangeable, AR and unstructure. it might have something within
.C("Cgee",but don't understand it well enough to know. Can you anyone
/*gee source
2009 Mar 24
repolr output
Hello all,
I am unsure of how to interpret the output from a Generalized Estimating
Equation analysis of an ordinal response. I hope someone can enlighten
me. The analysis was done using package 'repolr'. The data consists of
a Score on a 3-point scale from 56 Subjects after repeatedly washing
their hands with soap. Two soap Products were tested, each panelist
washed 10 times = 10
2005 Nov 18
Likely cause of error (code=1) in compar.gee/gee
I'm attempting a comparative analysis using the function compare.gee,
package (ape), which uses phylogeny as a correlation matrix in gee
(package gee), in R version 2.2.0 on a Windows XP PC. I'm looking to
model the relationship between a continuous explanatory variable and a
binary response variable for 600 species, taking into account the
phylogeny of those species.