Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "source of "susbcript out of bounds error" in nmle"
2005 Oct 26
help with a self-starting function in nonlinear least squares regression.
Hello. I am having a problem setting up a self-starting function for
use in nonlinear regression (and eventually in the mixed model version).
The function is a non-rectangular hyperbola - called "NRhyperbola" -
which is used for fitting leaf photosynthetic rate to light intensity.
It has one independent variable (Irr) and four parameters (theta, Am,
alpha and Rd). I have created this
2005 Oct 27
syntax of nlme with nesting
This may appear too elementary to some on this list, but not to me. My
apologies if this is the case. I have mastered the lme function but the
nlme function has me stumped.
I am attempting to fit a nonlinear mixed model with 4 levels of nesting.
I am getting a cryptic error message and do not know what is wrong with
the syntax of the call. This is the call:
2005 Oct 26
self starting function for nonlinear least squares.
Following on my posting of this morning, concerning a problem that I am
having constructing a self-starting function for use with nls (and
eventually with nlsList and nlme), the following is the self-starting
function called NRhyperbola:
> NRhyperbola
function (Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd)
# Am is the maximum gross photosynthetic rate
# Rd is the dark resiration rate (positive value)
2005 Nov 09
strategies to obtain convergence using nlme
Hello. I am working on an analysis involving the nonlinear mixed model
function (nlme) in R. The data consist of measures of carbon fixation
by leaves as a function of light intensity and the parametric function
(standard in this area because it has a biological interpretation) is a
non-rectangular hyperbola. I cannot get the nonlinear mixed model
(nlme) function to converge cleanly. I am
2012 Jun 12
Specifying spatial correlation Form in nmle
Dear R users,
I'm applying a correlation structure in a mixed model (nmle function) to
control for spatial correlation between land parcels that are adjacent to
each other. I generated X,Y coordinates in ArcGIS for each land parcel and
used them in the correlation form like this:
test.exp<-corExp(1, form = ~ X + Y)
test.exp<- Initialize(test.exp,dataset)
However, the correlation
2003 Jul 25
Memory explosion, plotting nmle grouped data object
I am using R 1.7.1 on RH linux 9.0
> sum(unlist(lapply(ls(),function(x)object.size(get(x)))))/1024^2
[1] 2.424263
so I am not using much memory (I have a gig of ram on my machine)
now in nlme
> gtest<-groupedData(log(X8)~Time|sub,all[,c(names(all)[1:9],"X8")],outer=~A*B)
> object.size(gtest)/1024
[1] 59.98438
> plot(gtest,outer=~Dose*chem,key=FALSE,asp=.5)
2001 Dec 03
problems with nmle
Following the Indomethicin example in Pinheiro & Bates, chapter 6,
page 277 etc, coming to the following comand:
fm2Indom.nlme <- update( fm1Indom.nlme,
random = pdDiag(A1 + lrc1 + A2 ~ 1) )
debugging nlme gives the following output:
Browse[1]> n
debug: modelResid <- ~eval(model, data.frame(data, getParsNlme(plist,
fmap, rmapRel, bmap, groups, beta, bvec, b, level,
2005 Nov 16
nmle question
I have 16 subjects with 1-4 obs per subject.
I am using the package "nlme" to fit a simple random effects (variance
components model) with 3 parameters: overall mean (fixed effect),
between subject variance (random) and within subject variance (random).
I need a 3x3 variance-covariance matrix that includes all 3 parameters
in order to compute the variance of a specific
2006 Nov 16
nmle for time of structural change?
Hi, All:
Does 'nlme' require the nonlinear function to be differentiable?
I'm fitting structural change models to many related time series, and
I'd like to improve the estimates of the change point times through some
type of pooling. Unfortunately, I've so far been unable to get 'nlme'
to work for me. The following toy example is the closest I've come
2007 Oct 17
nmle: gnls freezes on difficult case
I am not sure this is a bug but I can repeat it, The functions and data
are below.
I know this is nasty data, and it is very questionable whether a 4pl
is appropriate, but it is data fed to an automated tool and I would
have hoped for an error. Does this repeat for anyone else?
My details:
> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
2005 Sep 01
making self-starting function for nls
Hello. Following pages 342-347 of Pinheiro & Bates, I am trying to
write a self-starting nonlinear function (a non-rectagular hyperbola) to
be used in nonlinear least squares regression (and eventually for a
mixed model). When I use the getInitial function for my self-starting
function I get the following error message:
> getInitial(photo~NRhyperbola(Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd),dat)
2006 Mar 09
newbie question: grouping rows
Hi all,
I have a very simple question that I can't seem to find the answer to.
How do I extract rows that meet a certain criteria from a data frame
and group them into a new data frame? For example, if I want to make a
new data frame that only includes rows of data for which the p values
(given by one of the columns in the data frame) are less than a
certain value, how do I do this? It seems
2006 Jan 18
Windows package upates
Dear list
Having just started to use the Windows version, I am very impressed with
it's package handling as well as the gui.
So I tried to see what was due for update and packages such as Hmisc,
Matrix and others came up.
But when I had updated them - which took a few goes as something hung
between here and Bristol - I noticed that the default packages such as
nmle, MASS had disappeared. I
2010 Mar 31
nlsList{nlme} control of min and max parameter bounds?
Hi All
I'm analysing growth rates using a gompertz (logistic) curve and am attempting
to fit parameters for all of my study birds using nlsList.
I've been looking for an option in nlsList to set min and max limits for
parameter values during estimation, although I have failed to find any under
'control'. Other users seem to have reported that using control in the port
2006 Feb 12
lme, nlsList, nlsList.selfStart
Dear listers,
I am trying to fit a model using nlsList() using alternately a SSfol()
selfstart function or its developped equivalent formulae.
This preliminary trial works well
as well as a developped form:
mymod2<-nls(Conc~Dose * exp(lKe+lKa-lCl) *
2006 Nov 13
help with syntax of nlme call.
I am getting an error message in a call to nlme and cannot understand what
is happening. I explain the steps below in the hope that someone can
explain the error and how to correct it.
STEP 1: Data set: name: marouane.data. This is a data frame whose first few
lines are as follows:
> marouane.data[1:13,]
species plant leaf irradiance photosynthesis chlorophyll
2010 Apr 15
nlsList {nlme} - control arguments problem
Hi Rick
Thanks to Dieter Menne I did manage to solve the problem of imposing bounds on
the parameter space duirng an nlsList fit. He suggested using optim to optimize
the parameters prior to each fit. This worked well for me as I had a customized
selfStart function that then optimized the parameters for each individual
if you rewrote your selfStart function as:
powrDpltInit <-
2007 Jun 14
nlsList problems: control option does not effect output and strange environment search
Dear R-helpers,
I'm using R 2.5.0 under Windows and am trying to use nlsList from nlme
3.1-80 with the selfstart function for the four parametric logistic
function. My first test went well, but now I'm trying to do some more
sophisticated things and it does not work anymore.
I simulate my data from a five parametric logistic function like this:
2007 Aug 23
Lost in substitute: nlsList and nlme with dynamic formula
I am trying to use a dynamically create formula with nlsList and nlme, but I
cannot get the environment of the string-generated formal to work similarly
to the manually entered one.
Any idea?
# Pinheiro/Bates p 280
fm1Indom.lis = nlsList(conc~SSbiexp(time,A1,lrc1,A2,lrc2),
# works...
# Simulating
2008 Jan 25
nlsList (nlme) error
Hi All.
I'm trying to run nlsList an getting an error that makes no sense to
me. I have accuracy and reaction time data over many trials for each
person (id)
When I use nlsList code that is virtually identical to the example in
the doc file I get the following error. I've tried everything I could
think of and can't get around it. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?