Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "breaks in hist()"
2005 Nov 02
Visualizing a Data Distribution -- Was: breaks in hist()
> > Leaf Sun wrote:
> > The histogram is highly screwed to the right, say, the range
> > of the vector is [0, 2], but 95% of the value is squeezed in
> > the interval (0.01, 0.2).
I guess the histogram is as you wrote. See
for a short explanation.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Berton Gunter
2009 Nov 24
Graphic Device - View/get all graphics
Hi Listers,
I am producing some graphics that the commands are in a FUNCTION...
The problem is that I end up viewing just last graphic and in my FUNCTION
there are 4 graphics with the PAR command function... Like those below...
How do I view/get the other 3 graphics? Any help?
Thanks in advance...
hist(rw_mean_app,main='Bootstrap Method
2008 May 19
How hist() decides breaks?
Hi Folks,
I'd like to know how hist() decides how many cells to use
when it ignores my "suggestion" to use say 'hist(...,breaks=50)'.
More specifically, I have the results of 10000 simulations,
each returning an 8-vector, therefore 8 variables each with
10000 values. Some of these 8 have somewhat skew distributions.
Say one of these 8 variables is X.
I ask for H <-
2001 May 07
unexpected breaks in hist
Hello R-list,
I've been using hist to plot histograms of some data, but I get variable
numbers of bins. I understood from reading the help file that breaks will
set the number of bins. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm plotting measures from subsets of a larger data set. Depending on the
data subset the number of bins varies despite having set breaks to 5 in
all cases.
2010 Jul 09
how to plot two histograms overlapped in the same plane coordinate
Dear R-help listers,
I am new. I just want to get helps on how to plot two histograms
overlapped in the same plane coordinate. What I did is very ugly.
Could you please help me to improve it? I want to got a plot with semi-
transparent overlapping region. And, I want to know how to specify the
filled colors of the different histograms.
I also prefer other solutions other than ggplot2.
2011 Dec 07
Rank samples by breaks in hist and assign result as factor
Hi R users,
My goal is to rank my samples according to how they fall out in a
histogram with 10 bins to produce a ranking for each sample according
to where it falls on the histogram, with a "1" to represent one tail
of the hist, a "10" to represent the other tail, and a "5" for the
median/mean. I have a number of different data sets to do this with
and in all cases
2010 Dec 01
How to draw a rect() behind a hist() ?
I have the following code:
hist(gps$heartpercent, breaks=5)
rect(90, par("usr")[3], 100, par("usr")[4], col = "red")
How do I get the rectangle to appear behind the histogram. Barring that,
how can I make certain bars of the histogram to be a certain color?
2003 Sep 18
hist will not use parameter xaxs (PR#4219)
Full_Name: Mark Wall
Version: 1.6.0
OS: linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I want to plot a histogram of a *subset* of some data:
>t = c(0:9)
This means I should plot a histogram from 0 to 5 with breaks at 1,2,3,4. This
should produce exactly 5 bars of frequency=1. Instead I get 5 and 1/4 bars. I
do not want the
2009 Jun 04
Understanding R Hist() Results...
Think I'm missing something to understand what is going on with hist(...)
For my example I count 7 unique years, however, on the histogram there only 6. It looks like the bin to the left of the tic mark on the x-axis represents the number of entries for that year, i.e. Frequency.
I guess it looks like the bin for
2005 Sep 25
hist(x, ...) with normal distribution curve
I am looking for a histogram or box plot with the adding normal
distribution curve
I think that must be possible, but I am not able to find out how to do.
Regards Knut
2012 Feb 21
breaks display of hist
How can I display the xlim of the boundaries of all or specific breaks in a histogram? I generated the attached plot with hist and would like to know which values of x correspond to the frequency 329 and display these values on the x axis?
2007 Apr 13
labels cut partially on hist
Dear List,
I have the following function where I plot on one page a histogram and a boxplot.
I use option labels = TRUE in hist to show labels. However the label on the highest bar in the
histogram is not showing entirely. How can I correct this?
Thanks for any suggestions?
histtst <-
function(n = 100,...){
set.seed(15) # makes rnorm reproducible
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
x <-
2005 Dec 13
superimpose density line over hist
Hi all,
I'm trying to superimpose a rchisq density line over a histogram with
something like:
lines(density(rchisq(length(alnlength), 4)),col="red")
But the rchisq line won't appear anywhere,
Anyone knows what I am missing here?
Thanks in advance,
2010 Jan 03
Thin bars in R hist !!??
I am trying to plot a histogram with my dataset that has 68 elements, 67 of
which are zero and the last one is 18. It can be reproduced as follows:
x<-array(0, dim=(68))
x[1] = 18
I am trying to plot its histogram using:
hist(x, breaks=10, xlim=c(0, 100), axes=F)
axis(2, at=seq(0, 70, 5)) # for the y-axis
axis(1, at=seq(0, 100, 10)) # for the x-axis
As you would also see if you
2005 Dec 11
(PR#8376 inconsistency between plot(hist(...)) and hist(...)
On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 clausen at econ.upenn.edu wrote:
> Full_Name: Andrew Clausen
> Version: 2.1.0
> OS: Debian GNU/Linux
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Hi,
> When I type
> hist(x, freq=F)
> I get a density function, as I expect. However, if I type
> plot(hist(x, freq=F))
> then I get the same output as if I had
2005 Apr 06
Error in hist.default(A) : `x' must be numeric
Dear everybody!
I have load a list A of numbers and want a histogram to be drawn.
the Machine returns:
Error in hist.default(A) : `x' must be numeric
I found out, that the list is of type data.frame.
Error in as.double.default(A) : (list) object cannot be coerced to double
What schould I do?
Than you in advance!
2004 Sep 01
using hist() with tapply()
I've been passing the hist() function to tapply() to quickly generate histograms based on the list of factors supplied to tapply(). However, I have not figured out how to generate titles for each of the histograms, which paste in the unique values of the list factors as part of the histogram title. I'm hoping that someone can tell me how to do this.
Thanks for your time and
2003 Jan 31
hist (PR#2512)
The command hist(c(2,2,2,4,5,6)) returns a histogram that looks incorrect -- 3 in the bin labeled 2 on the left, but 1 each in the bins labeled 3,4,5 on the left.
Pam Surko
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 1
2008 Jan 30
"hist" combines two lowest categories -- is there a workaround?
When preparing a series of histograms I found that hist was combining
the two lowest categories or bins, 1 and 2. Specifying breaks, as
illustrated below, resulted in the correct histogram:
values <- sample(10,500,replace=TRUE)
hist(values,breaks = 0:10)
Apparently, the number of values strictly less than 1 is shown in the
first bin (and since none is less than 1,
2000 Mar 10
variable name to hist within apply?
After spending sometime trying to generate histograms of all the
numeric variables in a data frame using a for loop, I realized I could
use apply to create the histograms. This was one of those few moments
when I `see' the alternative to looping.
So, I can generate all the histograms with this command:
apply(toblo.df[,-c(40,52)],2,hist) # 40 and 52 are ID's
When I do this, the