Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "About Coda Package"
2007 May 30
codamenu() :Error in coda.options....
Dear all,
I recently started having some problemd with the coda package. I have also deleted it and then installed the package again.
The problem is that I cant access the codamenu. That is ;
> library(coda)
> codamenu()
Error in
1999 Aug 04
First (well second) CODA hurdle problem
I am having not a little difficulty in using R-CODA version 0.4 with
R-Windows 0.64.2. Basically I want to produce some postscript plots from
the updates. It seems the WinBugs output is OK for cut-and-paste
operations but don't allow much flexibility for anything else.
So far, I can produce the .ind and .out files from WinBugs 1.2 and these
seem OK (in particular they are text files not
2005 Jan 25
CODA vs. BOA discrepancy
Dear List:
the CODA and BOA packages for the analysis of MCMC output yield different
results on two dignostic test of convergence: 1) Geweke's convergence
diagnostic; 2) Heidelberger and Welch's convergence diagnostic. Does that
imply that the CODA and BOA packages implement different ``flavors'' of
the same test?
I paste below an example.
Geweke's test
2004 Oct 31
Error Message: MCMCpack and coda
Hello All,
I'm trying to run a one-dimenional irt model using the packages MCMC and
coda on a rather large set of roll-call voting data with many missing
observations. Here's a sample of the code:
MCMCirt1d (Italy10, burnin = 1000, mcmc=50000, thin=100, verbose=TRUE,
theta.constraints = list(V549=1, V443=-1))
The MCMCirt1d command seems to work fine, but when I try to
2007 Jun 03
codamenu crash
Dear R users:
I am a newby to R, under Windows XP. Sorry if my question is too
obvious, but I have not found any answer in the archives.
I was using the R-Coda package with R version 2.4.1 and everything was
going OK. After upgrading to R v.2.5.0, I receive the following error
message when I'm trying to run codamenu():
"Error in coda.options(default = TRUE) : cannot change value of
1999 Aug 06
FW: RE: First (well second) CODA hurdle problem
My reply seems not to have made it to either list 24 hours after
I sent it, so I'm sending it again. Apologies if you get this
twice (or 4 times if you're on both lists, or 6 times if you're John)
-----FW: RE: [R] First (well second) CODA hurdle problem-----
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 09:40:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: Martyn Plummer <plummer at iarc.fr>
To: John Logsdon
2000 Apr 17
Maths in R documentation (PR#523)
The document R-exts contains the following example of using
mathematics in R documentation.
\deqn{p(x) = {\lambda^x\ \frac{e^{-\lambda}}{x!}}
{p(x) = lambda^x exp(-lambda)/x!}
There is a syntax error in there, but that's not my point.
The problem is that using "R CMD Rd2dvi" I find that putting
the alternate forms of the equation on top of each other doesn't
2011 Aug 23
pMCMC and HPD in MCMCglmm
Dear R users,
I?d like to pose aquestion about pMCMC and HDP.
I have performed a mixed logistic regression by MCMCglmm (a very good package)
obtaining the following results:
Iterations = 250001:799901
Thinning interval = 100
Sample size = 5500
DIC: 10.17416
G-structure: ~ID_an
post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CIeff.samp
ID_an 0.7023 0.0001367 3.678 2126
R-structure: ~units
post.mean l-95%
2011 Jan 21
User input in R program
HI Everybody
Does anyone know of documentation about different ways of obtaining user
input in R. I have used readline() but I wondered is there are sophisticated
packages that does things like validate answers or generate selection
bets regards
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2007 Feb 06
Hi Friends.. Well, I have setting OpenLDAP on CentOS 4.4 on a Blade Server..
I am trying of setting a cluster.. But I don't know that use: NFS or CODA..
What is you opinion?
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2013 Nov 09
Geweke Diagnostic in CODA package
Hi all:
The CODA package provides Geweke Diagnostic method for convergence
checking. The geweke.diag in CODA returns Z-score value but not give a
conclustion that it is convergence or not. So I'd like to know how
small/big the magnitude of Z-score is corresponding to the convergence of
a chain. That is, Doese Z-score smaller or more than *threshold *determine
the convergence? If so, how big
2007 Apr 18
Error in geweke.diag function of coda package
Hi R users,
Does anybody knows for the following erro after running
geweke.diag(MCMC.sampled, frac1=0.1, frac2=0.5)
Erro em glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart =
etastart, :
la??o interno 1; n??o ?? poss??vel corrigir o tamanho do passo
Al??m disso: Warning messages:
1: algoritmo n??o convergiu in: glm.fit(x = X, y = Y, weights = weights,
start = start,
1998 May 22
R-beta: CODA package for R
I have just uploaded the R port of the CODA (Convergence Diagnostics
and Output Analysis) package to CRAN. This is a suite of functions
for analyzing the output of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations and
diagnosing lack of convergence of the simulated output. It is designed
to work with (but is not necessarily limited to) the BUGS program:
I have made
1998 May 22
R-beta: CODA package for R
I have just uploaded the R port of the CODA (Convergence Diagnostics
and Output Analysis) package to CRAN. This is a suite of functions
for analyzing the output of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations and
diagnosing lack of convergence of the simulated output. It is designed
to work with (but is not necessarily limited to) the BUGS program:
I have made
2012 Jun 05
load coda in BRugs to perfor diagnostics
Dear all,
I just wrote a script to have each of my three mcmc chins running on a
different computer core to improve computation speed. To do it I use the
function sfLapply from the package snowfall.
Before using parallell computation, I did my diagnostic analyses just after
the model updating, but now I have to save the coda before.
Using the CODA package, it is possible to load the outputs in a
2010 Jan 31
lmer, mcmcsamp, coda, HPDinterval
I've got a linear mixed model created using lmer:
A6mlm <- lmer(Score ~ division + (1|school), data=Age6m)
(To those of you to whom this model looks familiar, thanks for your patience
with this & my other questions.) Anyway, I was trying this to look at the
significance of my fixed effects:
A6post <- mcmcsamp(A6mlm, 50000)
..but I got this
2010 Jul 21
How do you calculate DIC from coda files (R2WinBUGS)?
I tried calculating pD as 1/2 variance of the deviance, but I got hugely
inflated numbers.
Does anybody know how to calculate pD from the coda files output from
By the way, 'set DIC' is greyed out for some reason within WinBUGS, so I
can't monitor DIC.
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2008 Sep 04
Coda, Textwrangler, Writeroom, OS X
Hello Everyone,
Has anyone installed Markdown for Coda, Writeroom, Textwrangler, or OS
X? I'm really interested in using this more but I'm interested in
finding the best way to use. Biggest win for me would be for it to
work from within Writeroom. Textwrangler would be next, followed by
OS X, and Coda would be almost useless. I did see that MacPorts has 2
different distros of markdown
2010 Apr 10
Syntax highliter for Coda and SubethaEdit
> I am looking for a syntax highlighter I can use with Panic's Coda (or
> SubEthaEdit, which just work with Coda). Does this exist?
> --
> Puneet Kishor
It does. TheGeekInside has written it, I made a few modifications
myself, and you can get it from me (Twitter: c_freitag) or him, I
suppose (Twitter: thegeekinside).
2011 Mar 17
Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostics via coda package
I'm trying to run diagnostics on MCMC analysis (fitting a log-linear
model to rates data). I'm getting an error message when trying
Gelman-Rubin shrink factor plot:
Error in chol.default(W) :
the leading minor of order 2 is not positive definite
I take it that somewhere, somehow a matrix is singular, but how can
that be remedied?
My code: