similar to: R CMD check failure on minimal code

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "R CMD check failure on minimal code"

2006 Jan 10
Issue with c++ .C call
I am still having some difficulties with connecting R to a C++ function. I am able to call the function as expected after compiling the shared library and such. However, the call to the function is via .C; parameters from the .C call are not being passed correctly to the function. As an example, I have attached a GDB run of the code. I set a breakpoint on entry to the function I am calling
2005 Sep 27
Error in "make check-all"
Dear R-users, i'm a very newbie in linux, but decided to build R from source. Following the "R Installation and Administration" manual, i did this: ./configure --enable-R-shlib # this option is here because i intend to build the GNOME console after... make make check no problems in make check, but: make check-devel #and also make check-all indicated some WARNINGs in the log
2005 Oct 11
Error: .First.lib failed for 'SBMLodeSolveR'
Dear R-developers, I am getting the following error message (see bottom of e-mail) and can't make a clue out of it. The zzz.R file contains .First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) library.dynam("SBMLodeSolveR",pkg,lib) .Last.lib <- function(libpath) library.dynam.unload("SBMLodeSolveR", libpath) There is a file in the src directory which works if loaded
2005 Dec 22
(no subject)
Hi, I am new in writing R extension. I read the "Writing R Extensions", and search online but just cannot find the answer. I am trying to add c-code, which depend on GSL C library, into my R package. I am using Max OS-X 10.4.3, powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 I begin wtih package.skeleton, and then add my c file into folder src and then add file Makevars: PKG_LIBS=-lgsl
2009 May 27
"Error: package/namespace load failed"
I am writing my first R package, and I have been getting the following series of errors when I run R CMD check: * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Error: package/namespace load failed for 'REEMtree' Call sequence: 2: stop(gettextf("package/namespace load failed for '%s'", libraryPkgName(package)), call. = FALSE, domain = NA) 1: library(package,
2006 Jun 12
about integration of a library into package creation
hello, i try to create a package , and i call a library in the namespace file such as : useDynLib(quadprog) after checking my directory with the command "rcmd check" (i am on WindowsXP) i get an error: package / namespace load failed the path of the library is: D:\R\library\quadprog the path of the building files is: D:\RBuild\svcR and the comand i use to compile is: rcmd
2006 Jan 20
R CMD check, NAMESPACE, import: bad error?
I'm seeing errors with R CMD check that I don't understand when checking a package that uses a NAMESPACE file with an import directive. The imported package is listed in the DESCRIPTION file in the Imports field. DESCRIPTION contains: Imports: arules NAMESPACE contains: import(arules) The package builds without warnings and installs and loads just fine. But check has this to
2006 Jun 06
vague errors on R CMD check for very minimal S4-style package
Hello, I have a very minimal package "simplepkg" (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, and R) with S4 classes/methods (defines a class "foo" and a show method for that class" - both the class and show method are exported). I can seemingly install the package, then load and use it: > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) sparc-sun-solaris2.10 attached base packages: [1]
2007 Mar 07
PXELINUX hanging when booting floppy images
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I am trying to create a PXE setup with floppy images for all needed utilities - for example, BIOS flash for various motherboards, disk diagnostic tools, memtest86+, etc. I've gotten memtest86+ to work (using the .bin), and some of the disk images work - however, some disk images will not boot. All of the images were pulled from working, bootable
2004 Jan 15
Sjava question on MacOS 10.3
I am running R-1.81, apple's JVM installed with OS 10.3.2, and installed Sjava-0.65.X (a patched version of Sjava for MacOS from Simon Urbanek, which I know is inherently dangerous, but...). This version installed fine and some aspects seem to work as expected. However, this is one of the examples and causes R to hang. Any insights? What other information should I provide to make it easier
2005 Jun 17
Rmpi installation over MPICH
This is a rather obscure question, I realize. I have written to the package author but have not heard back as of yet. I have read the README in the package, as well, but it didn't give me enough detail to diagnose the problems that I am having. (I did edit out the LAM-MPI check in I am working to install Rmpi on top of MPICH on a beowulf cluster. Below is the output of the
2009 May 13
Checking a (new) package - examples require other package functions
I am creating an R package. I ran R CMD check on the package, and everything passed until it tried to run the examples. Then, the result was: * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in REEMtree-Ex.R failed. The error most likely occurred in: > ### * AutoCorrelationLRtest > > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout()) > > ### Name: AutoCorrelationLRtest > ### Title: Test for
2007 Mar 29
Error building R-alpha (from 28-Mar-07, r40918)
This could easily be my fault, but I don't see the same issue with r40902, so I am posting here: % uname -a Linux pressa #1 SMP Fri Mar 2 13:51:59 UTC 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux % gcc -v gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux) On a fresh download of R-alpha (r40918): configure .... make .... make install .... mkdir -p --
2006 Apr 12
*OUTPUT/*INPUT typemaps
Hi Have been looking again at SWIG output pointer parameters, as: The problem is, whenever I tried to include the SWIG/Ruby ''typemaps.i'' file, it threw loads of errors. A bit more investigation pinned the problem down to some secondary files that typemaps.i includes to map ''special'' types like File. So I tried
2006 Apr 19
par(tmag) question
Dear list, I'm trying to understand the graphical parameters by a systematic exploration of the par() function (if you are interested by the result it's here, the comments are all in french but it's pure R code under Sweave). I have a problem with par(tmag) illustrated by the following code:
2005 Oct 18
RMySQL problems
I get the following error trying to connect to a MySQL database: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > drv<-dbDriver("MySQL") > con<-dbConnect(drv, user="hothand", password=xxx, host="localhost", dbname="hh03"); Error in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : RS-DBI driver: (could not connect hothand at localhost on dbname
2006 Mar 09
lsa and Rstem?
Dear r-helpers, I can't get lsa to run because: > library(lsa) Loading required package: Rstem Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) : 'Rstem' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0? In addition: Warning message: cannot create HTML package index in: make.packages.html() > install.packages('Rstem') Warning in
2005 Jul 19
S4 Dispatching
Is it possible for S4 to (continue) dispatch to a class created during dispatching? The code below doesn't work; is this not possible or have I ommitted something? Concept was to create a SEXP with R_AllocatePtr, give it a class attribute, and continue dispatch. Example code below omits multiple parameters that can be different types. Essentially, any parameter would be converted to an
2006 Jan 24
R vs. Excel (R-squared)
Hello All- I found an inconsistency between the R-squared reported in Excel vs. that in R, and I am wondering which (if any) may be correct and if this is a known issue. While it certainly wouldn't surprise me if Excel is just flat out wrong, I just want to make sure since the R- squared reported in R seems surprisingly high. Please let me know if this is the wrong list. Thanks!
2006 Mar 16
sub returns garbage (PR#8687)
Full_Name: Todd Bailey Version: 2.1 OS: Mac OS-X 10.4.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( sub returns garbage in some strings when replacing something with nothing and fixed=TRUE. For example: > a=c('hello','hello'); sub('lo','',a,fixed=TRUE) [1] "hel" "hel\0\0" > a=c('hello','hello');