similar to: Bug in Configurator.change_privilege?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Bug in Configurator.change_privilege?"

2006 Oct 22
Configuration Error?
I''m trying to get a rails app running with this configuration: Mongrel, Apache 2.2, mod_proxy load balancer and Rails 1.1.6 error I have a rails app on another server working with (apparantly) the same configuration and it runs fine so I''m stumped. I''m wondering if anyone has any insight into the error I have pasted below. It seems to be one of those errors that
2007 Jul 13
Mongrel + Insert Web Server Here
Which web server does mongrel fair best with? -Ron
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2011 May 19
unicorn doesn't restart properly after cap deploy (not using Bundler)
Hey guys, I''m sending USR2 to unicorn after cap deploy, and the old master is getting replaced by a new master that doesn''t work. Here are some similar threads I found ... I''m not using Bundler, and I have working_directory
2007 Oct 01
Error with Mongrel_cluster
Hi Guys, I?m getting this error with mongrel_cluster. I am able to start mongrel through mongrel_rails start but the cluster is not working. Initially mongrel_rails wouldn?t work but after I added $ORACLE_HOME and $PD_LIBRARY_PATH variables it worked but mongrel_cluster isn?t working still. The mongrel log file looks like below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -----------begin
2007 Sep 23
performance observation on redhat
Hi, I made an interesting observation using webservers (not just mongrel) under red hat enterprise linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 5). Maybe this is helpful or somebody with deeper networking expertise can comment on this. Once client said that 1-2% of the response of our server were unacceptably slow (really huge 3s-21s). So I did more ab and httperf tests and notice that very few
2007 Aug 11
The Team is In Place
Hello Everyone, I''d like to just officially announce that the new volunteers are in charge and given control of the project. I won''t be doing anything more than helping them get ramped up, but they''ll be in charge of doing all the stuff you folks want and are basically the owners from now on. Everyone in the new volunteer list will probably do a little announce, but
2007 Nov 03
Mongrel Cluster: Rolling restart?
Hi all, Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there a reason mongrel_rails cluster::restart stops all ports and then restarts them again? Wouldn''t it be better to restart each port one-by-one in series so that upstream proxy servers can fail over while the restart is occurring, or am I missing something? Thanks, eden
2006 Oct 29
Question for Zed
Zed, I purchased your book and was reading through it. On page 25 it states: "Mongrel will give precedence to the parameter values in the config file over those in the command line." I was wondering why this is not the other way around, preference given to the command line options. Thanks, ~Wayne
2007 Dec 12
logger & debug level
greetings, i am getting the below error message in my mongrel log and I want to turn that 22 levels into a full trace. but i am unsure where or how to configure the debug level for mongrel. any advice? thanks - john /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-debug-0.9.3/cli/ruby-debug/ interface.rb:24:in `join'': can''t convert nil into String (TypeError) from
2010 Dec 11
Problem using rvm in bash script
I am using rvm installed on Ubuntu 10.04 as recommended in the rvm docs (including changes to .bashrc) and all is working well with several versions of Rails, and Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. If I run rvm use 1.9.2 it says Using /home/colinl/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0 and if I run rvm info It shows exactly what I would expect for 1.9.2 and I can start the rails server and all is well. The problem arises if
2007 Nov 08
Mongrel wiki?
Dear Mongrels, The same questions keep coming up over and over on the list, which is ok, but not really optimal. If we added a wiki to the Mongrel site to handle FAQs, what wiki should it be? Required features would be: * Spam protection * Doesn''t look shitty I would probably spring for Trac (and also migrate the bugtracker) if noone else has opinions, but I''m sure some of
2007 Aug 08
The (Potentially) New Maintainers
Hello Everyone, Been head down with personal stuff, but I wanted to shoot out this email saying that I''ve collected the list of volunteers and decided that I''d just hand the keys over to them and see how they do. The list of people I have so far is: Ezra Zygmuntowicz <ezmobius at> "Kirk Haines" <wyhaines at> "Wayne E. Seguin"
2007 Feb 15
Gem install from script
Hello all, Apologies if this is not the right place for this question, but I thought I''d start here. We''re trying to install the latest Mongrel from inside a script. Using ''gem install -v 1.0.1 mongrel'' causes a prompt to come up asking whether to install the "ruby" or "mswin32" variant. Select which gem to install for your platform
2007 Nov 15
Digest Auth and Mongrel
If I have a low volume application and I want to use DigestAuth to limit access to the site, is it possible to do this with just mongrel/mongrel_cluster? I''m thinking I''m going to have to include Apache to make this work, and I heard that Rails 2 has methods to do this, but thought I''d ask. Mike B. ----------------------------------------------------------------
2007 Apr 03
are memory limits on mongrel possible?
Is there any documentation I can look at that might talk about how to put memory limits on mongrel? For instants, I might want to limit mongrel to 100 megs of ram. I know that I can monitor mongrel with monit and restart it automatically if it becomes a ram piggy.
2007 Dec 29
difference between mongrel 1.0 and 1.1
i was searching the mongrel site and also this list, but didnt find any answer. maybe somebody can describe to me, what the differences are from mongrel 1.0 to 1.1 and which i should use in a production environment. regards, mz -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 26
Hi all, 1.0.2 final will drop as soon as I get the win32 builds from Luis. Watch for it. In the future we won''t do RCs but will just make point releases, because no one really installed them except for ourselves. This is what Zed used to do and what we should have done all along. Note that the bug tracker is empty:
2007 Oct 25
Patch for X-SendFile on Windows
A new TRAC entry with patch has been added (initially for Camping) to allow X-SendFile on Windows to use DirHandler to send files on drives other than the current drive, if the DirHandler base path is "/" (which is the way Camping uses DirHandler). As it was, "/" gets expanded to "C:/", and then you can''t serve files on any other drive, which I needed to do
2007 Oct 22
TST is right out
Hi Zed, I checked in a pure-Ruby URI classifier to Mongrel trunk. Ola''s Java port of the TST had some bug, and I don''t think it''s necessary in the first place. The Ruby classifier is around 25 lines instead of the 400-odd lines for the C extension and the 200-odd for the Java extension. It uses a Regexp which is perhaps shady: @matcher = do