Thanks! I had to chuckle at the ''simply'' part. For you, that
most likely take about 15 minutes to put together. For me, that''s a
completely different issue. :)
I''ve solved it with Apache for now...I was just wondering how
it''s done
in the Mongrel world.
Mike B.
Quoting "Wayne E. Seguin" <wayneeseguin at>:
> On Nov 15, 2007 1:54 PM, barsalou <barjunk at> wrote:
>> If I have a low volume application and I want to use DigestAuth to
>> limit access to the site, is it possible to do this with just
>> mongrel/mongrel_cluster?
>> I''m thinking I''m going to have to include Apache to
make this work, and
>> I heard that Rails 2 has methods to do this, but thought I''d
> It shouldn''t be an issue. Simply add a mongrel handler in front of
> requests to do so.
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