similar to: covariance analysis by using R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "covariance analysis by using R"

2006 Jun 06
about string
Hello sir: There are 2 questions about string. 1 How to calculate the width of a string? e.g string "abc"'s width is 3; 2 How can I get the "substring" in such kind of condition: "f:\\JPCS_signal.txt" "f:\\PC1_signal.txt" "f:\\PC2_signal.txt" What I wanna get is "JPCS" "PC1" "PC2".How can I achieve them by R
2005 Apr 04
How to extrct F value
Hello sir: Here's the result of repeated measures ANOVA. $"Error: Within" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) t 2 524177 262089 258.24 1.514e-06 *** Residuals 6 6089 1015 --- Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 My question is: How to extract the F value only? If the result is a
2006 Apr 13
about McNemar
Hello sir: How can I perform McNemar (paired chi square test) by using R? Thanks! ------------------------------ ******************************************* Xin Meng Capitalbio Corporation National Engineering Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology BioPharma-informatics & Software Dept. Research Engineer Tel: +86-10-80715888/80726868-6438 Fax: +86-10-80726790 Email??xmeng
2005 Nov 24
a question
Hello sir: Here's a question: x<-1:5 y<-c(2,1,4) I wanna get the different elements between x & y,i.e. 3,5. How can I get the result(3,5) via R function? Thanks a lot for your help. My best! ------------------------------ ******************************************* Xin Meng Capitalbio Corporation National Engineering Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology
2006 Apr 19
about "intersection set" and "union set"
Hello sir: group1:1,2,3,4 group2:1,3,4,5 group3:2,4,8,9 .. ... group1000:9,3,8,2 I wanna get the "intersection set" and "union set". I've tried command "setdiff"and "union",but only two groups is permited.How can I deal with multi groups to find the "intersection set" and "union set"? Thanks a lot! My best
2006 Sep 27
exact 95% confidence intervals
Hello sir: As to the 2*2 table format for reporting results comparing a new test to true diagnosis,when I got the sensitivity and specificity,how can I calculate the exact 95% confidence intervals (based on the binomial distribution) for sensitivity and specificity via R? Thanks a lot! My best! ------------------------------ ******************************************* Xin Meng Capitalbio
2005 Aug 30
about "pnorm"
As to the function"pnorm",the default degree of freedom(df) is infinite. I wanna know how to set the df as I want. Help on pnorm doesn't have df setting.The only choice are:"mean, sd, lower.tail, log.p",but no df. For instance: sample size=6 df=6-1=5 t value=9.143 I wanna to the corresponding p value by using function "pnorm". How can I do it? Thanks a lot
2006 Sep 20
about BATCH and parameter file
Hello sir: I use Rcmd to execute R code,such as : "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.2.1\\bin\\Rcmd.exe" BATCH globalLowessRun.r globalLowessRun.r is a R function written by myself. But I wanna make the "globalLowessRun.r" changeable,such as globalLinearRun.r or gridbasedLowessRun.r,and so on. How can I achieve this goal via Rcmd.exe BATCH ? The only finding is: Rcmd BATCH
2005 Nov 25
covariance analysis by using R
Hi, Is anyone has solved MR Xin Meng problem (see below) ? We have the same analysis configuration : 10 groups (including control one) with 2 mesures for each (ref at t0 and response at t1). We expect to compare each group response with control response (group 1) using a multiple comparison procedure (Dunnett test). In order to perform this test, we have to normalize our data (as you) to
2008 Jul 24
how to export ".xls" file with colorful cells?
Hi all: I wanna know how to expoort ".xls" file. And in the exported ".xls" file, how to set different cells with different color? Thanks a lot! My best. ------------------------------ ******************************************* Xin Meng Capitalbio Corporation National Engineering Research Center for Beijing Biochip Technology BioPharma-informatics & Software
2004 Sep 08
Thanks a lot for your timely rely. I still wonder whether I can use "a":"d" instead of 1:4. I remember I fulfill it successfully according to the guidance of some materials on R,but fail to find it now. Thanks again! ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting
2006 Feb 23
read file of EXCEL format
Hello sir: How can I read data file of EXCEL format from disk("d:\\data.XLS" for example)? I can only read data file of .txt format read.delim("d:\\data.txt",header=T,,but only EXCEL format is available at present. Thanks a lot
2004 Sep 08
a little question about R
Hello,sir: Here's a little question about R which needs your help.Thanks in advance. If I wanna make a sequence just like a,b,c,d (In other words,a vector consists of 4 characters :a,b,c,d ).How can I do it in a shortcut manner? Yes,I can do it as following: c("a","b","c","d") and the result is:[1] "a" "b" "c"
2004 Dec 21
about colnames
Try colnames(df)[4:6] <- c("x","y","z") -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of xmeng at Sent: 21 December 2004 09:45 To: r-help at Subject: [R] about colnames Hello sir: If there's a data frame(with name "df"): a b c d e f
2007 Mar 20
about hcluster
Hi all: As to hcluster,how can I control the cluster is performed according to rows(genes for instance) or columns(samples for instance)? I can't find the parameters for it. Thanks a lot! My best!
2007 May 18
add info
hi all: If there's a dataframe: x y 1 a 2 b 3 c The info of the data such as : name date author The result I want is: name date author x y 1 a 2 b 3 c In other words,I wanna add the info above the dataframe. How can I do it ? Thanks a lot! My best
2006 Dec 18
Hello sir: a data with 2 columns: id x a 1 b 2 c 3 I wanna get such kind of plot: x: a b c y:1 2 3 But the plot command doesn't permit string character as x. How can I get it ? Thanks a lot ! My best
2011 Nov 28
Running Shell Script with R
I'm having some trouble getting my shell script to work. I've checked out the Intro to R Manual and a host of other websites, but I still can't get the script to work when I submit the job to the cluster. Here is my main R code: ##Load Libraries ##... ## Load Time Data Args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE); print(Args); timeDat <- read.flowSet(files=NULL, path=Args[1]);
2011 Jun 28
About the covariant
Hi all,I have some questions about the covariants of regression. My target: To explore the trend of CD4 level through a period of time. Response variable: CD4 count Explanatory variable:time Also, the demology information is available,such as gender,occupation,income level... Q1,Are these variables of demology information called covariant? Q2,How can I correct the impact of
2006 Jan 23
Image Processing packages
Hi, I've been looking for Image Processing packages. Thresholding, Edge Filters, Dct, Segmentation, Restoration. I'm aware, that Octave, Matlab etc. would be a good address but then I'm missing the "statistical power" of R. Does anybody know of packages, projects etc. Comments on wether the use of R for such matters is useful are welcome. Greetings Thomas Kaliwe