Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "A question about bugs.R: functions for running WinBUGs from R"
2008 Jan 31
R2WinBUGS is broken
Dear R-users,
I am trying to use the following code to reproduce results from Prof.
Gelman's book, but have the listed error for R2WinBUGS version (the openbugs
version is good). I am using R-2.6.1 on windows XP, and all the R packages
are most current ones. schools.bug can be found at
http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/bugsR/runningbugs.html . Can anyone
help me to figure out what's
2010 Jan 19
Help on using WinBUGS on Mac
Dear all,
I had trouble in setting up WinBUGS on my Mac, and I'm seeking for some help
I followed the instruction by Tom Palmer here:
I installed Darwine 1.1.21, and downloaded WinBUGS14. However, when I
double-clicked the WinBUGS14.exe file, a black-box dialog window poped up,
and I got error message in the Wine log as
2009 Aug 17
Bayesian data analysis - help with sampler function
I have downloaded the Umacs (Universal Markov chain sampler) and submitted the following sample code from Kerman and Gelman.
s <-Sampler(
sigma.y =c(15,10,16,11,9,11,10,18),
y =c(28, 8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12),
theta =Gibbs(theta.update,theta.init),
V =Gibbs(V.update,mu.init),
mu =Gibbs(mu.update,mu.init),
tau =Gibbs(tau.update,tau.init),
2006 Apr 29
Making R talk to Win/OpenBUGS in Linux (again)
I'm back!
I've just learned that, on a fully updated Fedora Core Linux5 sytem,
the working solution to access Winbugs under wine via the R package
"rbugs" no longer works. Here was my last post on this topic (with
the formerly working solution) from January.
Currently, what happens is that WinBUGS starts up, but just
2008 Dec 20
Problems installing lme4 on Ubuntu
Hash: SHA1
While I'm not an R expert, I have used R on Windows XP. Now I've moved
to Ubuntu (Intrepid), and I'm trying to configure R to work with the
Gelman and Hill _Data Analysis Using Regression and
Multilevel/Hierarchical Models_. So far, it's not working.
I start by following the instructions for installing arm and BRugs at
2006 Jan 16
Current state of support for BUGS access for Linux users?
I'm going to encourage some students to try Bayesian ideas for
hierarchical models.
I want to run the WinBUGS and R examples in Tony Lancaster's An
Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics. That features MS
Windows and "bugs" from R2WinBUGS.
Today, I want to ask how people are doing this in Linux? I have found
a plethora of possibilities, some of which are not
2008 Sep 17
A Simple Question
I am trying to run your SCHOOLS example as following and I get an error message stated that : Error: could not find function "bugs"
Would you please help me since I would like to run some WINBUG programs from your R by reading external data and I am new to R?
Do I missing some function? Should I install some extra files?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!!
> schools
2009 Jan 19
WinBUGS with R
Dear UseRs,
I am having some problems using R with WinBUGS using the R2WinBUGS
package. Specifically, when I try to run bugs() I get the following
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
.C(..): 'type' must be "real" for this format
To give a little more context, my bugs() command (for a multilevel
ordinal logit similar to Gelman and Hill, Data Analysis Using
2009 Jan 20
R and WinBUGS (via R2WinBUGS) error
Dear UseRs,
Apologies, I tried to post to the list yeasterday, but (for some
reason) part of my message got missed off. Here's a second attempt.
I am having some problems using R with WinBUGS using the R2WinBUGS
package. Specifically, when I try to run bugs() I get the following
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
.C(..): 'type' must be "real" for this format
2005 May 17
The error in R while using bugs.R function
Dear R users,
I followed the instuctions on Dr. Gelman's web to install all
of documents that bugs.R needs, but when I try to run the school example that the web posted in R, I got an error: couldn't find function "bugs", what's wrong?
2012 Feb 01
problem working directory WinBUGS using R
I am trying to use WinBUGS using R, but i am having some problems using
bugs function:
out <- bugs(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params,
model.file = "model.txt",
n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, DIC =
TRUE, working.directory = getwd())
WinBUGS file is in working directory=D:/Line/documents but R looks for
2008 Feb 29
bugs.seed= and summary.only= option in R2WinBUGS
Dear R user:
I am using R2WinBUGs to call WinBUGS from R. But I have some problems in
using either the option bugs.seed and summary.only in the function bugs.
Here are the programs and error messages. It appears that if I don't use
either option, the program runs fine. I am using R2.5.1 and WinBUGs14.
The program is not running:
> schools.sim <- bugs(data, inits,
2012 Oct 03
Errors when saving output from WinBUGS to R
Dear all
I used R2WinBUGS package's bugs() function to generate MCMC results. Then I
tried to save the simulation draws in R, using read.bugs() function. Here is
a simple test:
#fake some data to test
x1=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
x2=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
x3=rnorm(N, mean=0,sd=1)
lambda2= exp(beta0+
2005 Jan 06
rbugs in linux
I am trying to run the "schools" example in the rbugs library (running
winbugs in linux via wine-20041201) but keep getting the following
error. Note I have tested wine and winbugs to confirm that both are
Error in runBugs(bugs, script.file, n.chains, workingDir, useWine, wine, :
BUGS stopped before getting to coda.
The command I'm using is:
2008 Aug 22
WinBUGS with R
Dear Users,
I am new to both of things, so do not blame me too much...
I am busy with semiparametric regression and use WinBUGS to sample
The code to call Winbugs is as follows:
data <- list("y","X","n","m") #My variables
inits.beta <- rep(0,K)
inits.beta0 <- 0
inits <-
2012 Jul 09
R to winbugs interface
Hello everyone,
I need some help regarding calling WinBUGS from R. I
have a model for WinBUGS and an R code which calls WinBUGS. On running the
code I am being shown the error message :
Error in file(con, "wb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In file.create(to[okay]) :
cannot create file 'c:/Program
2011 Jan 13
Openbugs and rbugs on mac with wine
Hello list,
I?ve been trying to get OpenBUGS running on my mac using the wine
emulator. I can run Openbugs just fine by doing:
wine ~/OpenBUGS312/OpenBUGS.exe
In the terminal, so OpenBUGS works. When I try to run the schools
example using rbugs(), the OpenBUGS process starts in wine, but it
just sits there, no log, no script, no output of any sort. The rbugs
() call makes the init,
2012 Dec 04
Winbugs from R
I am trying to covert a Winbugs code into R code. Here is the winbugs code
model{# model’s likelihoodfor (i in 1:n){time[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i], tau ) # stochastic componenent# link and linear predictormu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * cases[i] + beta2 * distance[i]}# prior distributionstau ~ dgamma( 0.01, 0.01 )beta0 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)beta1 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)beta2 ~ dnorm( 0.0, 1.0E-4)#
2003 Aug 10
Support for Bayesian statistics in R
I'm just starting to learn to use R, and although I'm seeing lots of
functions aimed at doing orthodox statistical analyses, I don't see the
same for Bayesian analyses. What support does R have for Bayesian
2005 May 25
The error while using R2WinBUGS
Dear all,
I tried to run WinBUGS model in R by using package R2WinBUGS, but I
failed because of the massage : cannot calculate DIC for model in log
file of WinBUGS14. In fact, the model works in WinBUGS and I can get
summaries of the model, such as density, stats..., except DIC , because
DIC may not be appropriate in this kind of model due to some
reasons(according to the manual of WinBUGS14),