similar to: (no answer)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "(no answer)"

2004 Nov 19
help! a urgent question
Dear Sir/Madam, I am doing a project related to R. However, it is always difficult find some R functions. The R user guide seems not complete. Is there any free document about all R functions ? Who knows ? please help me. My email is Thank you very much --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Jun 01
read.fwf - Perl Not Found error
Hello I am trying to use read.fwf, but receive an error: Warning: perl not found Error: "scan" can't open file I guess I need to obtain a perl for windows95 program. Where can I find a suitable port? R-Version: 0.64.1 OS : Win95 Thanks Sylvano sylvano at -------------------------------- Sylvano Lucchetti sylvano at
2004 Aug 27
Plotting irregular grid as image or persp
Hi, I have an array of 2d node locations and an array triangles, and would like to plot something like a image or persp. An example of doing it with rgl is: library(ncdf) library(rgl) # wget teapot<-open.ncdf("") z<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"tris") l<-get.var.ncdf(teapot,"locations")
2005 Jun 06
R Graph Gallery : categorization of the graphs
Hello all, It seems that the next improvement to the R Graph Gallery is categorization of the graphics, that way each graph will be easier to find. That step should be done *carefully* if we want to avoid the opposite side-effect : graph not reachable through the categories. That's why the wisdom of the R community is required. Graphics will be classified in : - categories -
2007 May 04
Partitioning a kde2d into equal probability areas
Hi, I'd like to partition a 2d probability density function into regions of equal probability. It is straightforward in the 1d case, like qnorm(seq(0,1,length=5)) but for 2d I'd need more constraints. Any suggestions for how to approach this? Is seems like a spatial sampling problem but I'm not sure where to look. Thanks for your time, Dave -- Dr. David Forrest drf at
2003 Jul 11
postscript/eps label clipping
The following code produces an eps file with the tops of each of the ylabs clipped off. par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(runif(10), ylab="Function(Lengthy Expression)",xlab="Prediction") plot(runif(10), ylab=expression(Delta * Beta^2),xlab="Prediction") plot(runif(10), ylab="Function(Lengthy Expression)",xlab="Prediction")
2003 May 26
internet.R test hangs if http proxy needed (PR#3108)
Full_Name: Barry Rowlingson Version: 1.7.0 OS: RH8/Mandrake 9.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( internet.R in the tests directory hangs during 'make check' if an http proxy is needed for http access from the machine. This happens in the httpget function defined therein. It tries to make a direct socket connection to port 80 of a remote machine, and if local network policy does not
2003 Nov 28
wineserver and kernel 2.6-test10
Hi. I've tried GTA3 on wine with the kernel 2.6-test10 and I've found it a lot faster than with the 2.4.22. The problem is that the games is very fast but it's not smooth, once a second it'll block for some millseconds but this not happen always and not with the same frequency... this happens the same with or without kernel preemption. After some tryes I've discovered that
2003 Dec 05
Login only to permitted workstations
Hi everybody, i'm interested in forcing users to login only to certain machines. I saw in the output of pdbedit -Lv the voice "Workstations:", but i can't find a command to change this value... is it what i need? Is it there for future use? Thanks Matteo
2004 Dec 08
what about a mascot ?
My friend Veslot proposed me the Raven ! As a matter of fact the intelligence of this bird is comparable to one of a monkey, although its brain is close to a reptile brain. R is quite the same : small, compact, but so clever. This is a canadian website explaining (in french) the R-aven intelligence
2007 Mar 12
reading BMP into R
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2007 Mar 27
Using nnet
I have a problem when using nnet to predict the negative values. For example : X = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0),4,2) X Y = matrix(c(0,1,1,0)) - 0.5 # XOR - 0.5 Y nn = nnet(X,Y,size=3) val = predict(nn,X) val # this is expected to be close to Y, but it's not ! The 'val' is always positive. I tried to change the options, but the result isn't much better. Could someone give me an
2007 Apr 24
Random Number Generator of Park and Miller
Hi, I failed to search for R package providing random number generator of "Park and Miller". Anyone know any R package supporting this kind of function? Thanks, Grace -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2006 Apr 01
(no answer)
I have never taken a statistics class nor read a statistics text, but I am in dire need of help with a trivial data analysis problem for which I need to write a report in two hours. I have spent 10,000 hours of study in my field of expertise (high frequency noise-making plant biology) but I've always thought that statistics is something that can be mastered on short notice. Briefly, I have
2004 Dec 09
US 2004 Elections map
even for people who didn't like the outcome of the US elections this year, it must have been a joy to see all the nice (and not so nice) graphs that were shown. As an exercise, I recreated the map shown on the NY-Times website [ 20041103_px_ELECT_GRAPHIC.html ] If you're interested,
2005 Nov 09
Element-by-element multiplication operator?
Is there an element-by-element multiplication in R, like the .* operator in Matlab? eg: A (2x3) B (2x3) C=A.*B C (2x3) C = [[a11*b11 a12*b12 a13*b13]; [a21*b21 a22*b22 a23*b23]] I can't find one... Thanks -Mike Gates
2005 Aug 24
Call SAS from R
Hi All, I am new to post question on this list. I apologize if this question is too easy or irrelevant. I am doing a simulation study and I need to read a data file that can be easily read by SAS. So, what I try to do is to execute SAS in R and then read the output of SAS to R. I try the following code but it didn't work. system("c:\\program files\\sas institute\\v8\\sas.exe
2006 Sep 18
acos(0.5) == pi/3 FALSE
Hello, I don't know if the result of acos(0.5) == pi/3 is a bug or not. It looks strange to me. Inaki Murillo
2006 Feb 06
Classification of Imbalanced Data
Hi, I'm looking to perform a classification analysis on an imbalanced data set using random Forest and I'd like to reproduce the weighted random forest analysis proposed in the Chen, Liaw & Breiman paper "Using Random Forest to Learn Imbalanced Data"; can I use the R package randomForest to perform such analysis? What is the easiest way to accomplish this task? Thanks,
2003 Jun 20
udp 137/138 vs tcp 139
Hi! I have a samba PDC connected with 2 nics on the same network... (to increse bandwidth) well... connections on ports udp 137/138 go on the first nic, while tcp 139 goes out only on the second... why? Anybody knows?