Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Using varPower in gnls, an answer of sorts."
1999 Nov 25
I have been attempting to learn a little bit about nlme without too
much documentation except the online help. The Latex file in the nlme
directory looks interesting but uses packages that I do not have so
that I have not been able to read it.
I have run the example from gnls to compare it with the results I
get from my libraries (code below - I have not included output as it
is rather
2005 Jul 26
evaluating variance functions in nlme
I guess this is a final plea, and maybe this should go to R-help but
here goes.
I am writing a set of functions for calibration and prediction, and to
calculate standard
errors and intervals I need the variance function to be evaluated at new
prediction points.
So for instance
2009 May 04
how to change nlme() contrast parametrization?
How to set the nlme() function to return the answer without the intercept parametrization?
Soybean[1:3, ]
(fm1Soy.lis <- nlsList(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),
data = Soybean))
(fm1Soy.nlme <- nlme(fm1Soy.lis))
fm2Soy.nlme <- update(fm1Soy.nlme,
2007 Oct 17
nmle: gnls freezes on difficult case
I am not sure this is a bug but I can repeat it, The functions and data
are below.
I know this is nasty data, and it is very questionable whether a 4pl
is appropriate, but it is data fed to an automated tool and I would
have hoped for an error. Does this repeat for anyone else?
My details:
> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
2008 Sep 27
seg.fault from nlme::gnls() {was "[R-sig-ME] GNLS Crash"}
>>>>> "VW" == Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) <Wolfgang.Viechtbauer at STAT.unimaas.nl>
>>>>> on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:00:19 +0200 writes:
VW> Hi all, I'm trying to fit a marginal (longitudinal)
VW> model with an exponential serial correlation function to
VW> the Orange tree data set. However, R crashes frequently
2001 Jun 01
nls works but not gnls
This works fine:
But this, identical except using gnls, doesn't converge:
Error in gnls(Vfs
2006 Feb 17
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance struct ure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
Works perfectly. Thank you.
-Hugh Rand
-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer Graves [mailto:spencer.graves at pdf.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:41 PM
To: Rand, Hugh
Cc: 'r-help at lists.R-project.org'
Subject: Re: [R] trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance
structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
How about this:
2004 Oct 01
gnls or nlme : how to obtain confidence intervals of fitted values
I use gnls to fit non linear models of the form y = alpha * x**beta
(alpha and beta being linear functions of a 2nd regressor z i.e.
alpha=a1+a2*z and beta=b1+b2*z) with variance function
varPower(fitted(.)) which sounds correct for the data set I use.
My purpose is to use the fitted models for predictions with other sets
of regressors x, z than those used in fitting. I therefore need to
2009 Jan 07
Extracting degrees of freedom from a gnls object
Dear all,
How can I extract the total and residual d.f. from a gnls object?
I have tried str(summary(gnls.model)) and str(gnls.model) as well as gnls(), but couldn?t find the
entry in the resulting lists.
Many thanks!
Best wishes
Dr. rer.nat. Christoph Scherber
University of Goettingen
DNPW, Agroecology
Waldweg 26
D-37073 Goettingen
phone +49 (0)551 39 8807
fax +49
2000 Feb 11
R CMD check [nlme|MASS] fails (PR#431)
Mmmh, seems as if I really should change my options as I seem to keep
sending off empty bug-reports ;-/ Sorry guys. Here is the content
that should have been in the last e-mail:
`R CMD check nlme' fails on my machine. The final output in
nlme-Ex.Rout is:
> library(nlme)
> data(Soybean)
> fm1 <- nlme(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), data = Soybean,
+ fixed =
2006 Jan 09
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
I have been using gnls with the weights argument (and varConstPower) to
specify a variance structure for curve fits. In attempting to extract the
parameters for the variance model I am seeing results I don't understand.
When I simply display the model (or use "summary" on the model), I get what
seem like reasonable values for both "power" and "const". When I
2001 Aug 08
NLME augPred error
Could someone explain the meaming of this error message from augPred:
> augPred(area3.pen.nlme, primary=~day)
Error in predict.nlme(object, value[1:(nrow(value)/nL), , drop =
Levels 1,2,3 not allowed for block
predict.nlme(area3.pen.nlme) does not produce an error.
area3.pen.nlme was created with:
> area3.pen.nlme <- nlme(area ~ SSlogis(day, Asym, xmid, scal),
2001 Jan 17
Pinheiro/Bates Soybean nlme failure
Dear Mixed Effect Friends,
Somehow, R(1021, Windows) seem to run differently from S Plus:
The soybean example from Pinheiro/Bates on page 290 fails
in R. (Soybean1 is Soybean with the NA and "critical" case
removed. Same procedure with full Soybean).
> fm1Soy.lis<-nlsList(weight~SSlogis(Time,Asym,xmid,scal),data=Soybean1)
> fm1Soy.nlme<-nlme(fm1Soy.lis)
Error: Singularity
2005 Jul 17
how to solve the step halving factor problems in gnls and nls
Hi R-users,
Could you give me some advice in
solving the problem of such error message from gnls and nls?
## begin error message
"Problem in gnls(y1 ~ glogit4(b, c, m, t, x), data.frame(x..: Step halving
factor reduced below minimum in NLS step "
"Problem in nls(y ~ 1/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/scal)), data = x..: step factor
reduced below minimum "?
Thank you in
2001 May 31
nlme and memory
I am trying to follow an example in Pineiro & Bates's book
Error: Calloc could not allocate (151974496 of 8) memory
This is not a large problem-- only 412 observations. I am using R-1.2.3
with automatic memory allocation. Does this message mean that I need to
2007 Jan 16
nonlinear regression: nls, gnls, gnm, other?
Hi all,
I'm trying to fit a nonlinear (logistic-like) regression, and I'd like
to get some recommendations for which package to use.
The expression I want to fit is something like:
y ~ A * exp(X * Beta1) / (1 + exp(-(x + X * Beta2 - xmid)/scal))
Basically, it's a logistic function, but I want to be able to modify
the saturation amplitude by a few parameters (Beta1) and shift the
2004 May 18
nlme: Initial parameter estimates
I am trying to fit a nlme (non linear mixed effect). I am using the SelfStart function SSlogis. However the data in my hand contains few observations per subject (4 or less), so the nlsList doesn't work... In this case I should fixe initial parameter estimates. I remark that values of initial estimates have a greater effect on the model fit (i.e. loglikelihood, AIC and also on
2001 Oct 07
Bug in Deriv? (PR#1119)
deriv seems to have problems with a minus-sign before a bracket.
Below are four examples of the same function, the top one
is wrong, all others are correct (hopefully).
Rest of expression not shown, it is the same for all versions.
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch x86
os Win32
system x86, Win32
major 1
minor 3.0
year 2001
month 06
day 22
language R
2011 Aug 09
nls, how to determine function?
Hi R help,
I am trying to determine how nls() generates a function based on the
self-starting SSlogis and what the formula for the function would be.
I've scoured the help site, and other literature to try and figure
this out but I still am unsure if I am correct in what I am coming up
dat <-
2004 Aug 19
NLME: Holding constant the across group correlational structure of the fixed effects in nlme
Hello all.
I was wondering if there is a way to hold constant the fixed effects correlation structure across multiple groups?
For example, I have two groups and I fit a three parameter logistic growth curve where the fixed effects are free to vary across the groups. I'll paste in the code as a concrete example:
> Result.NLME <- nlme(Score ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),