Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1500 matches similar to: "summary method in URCA package doesn't work"
2011 Mar 30
Dear All,
My question is:
how can I estimate VECM system with "unrestricted trend" (aka "case 5")
option as a deterministic term?
As far as I know, ca.jo in urca package allows for "restricted trend"
only [vecm
<- ca.jo(data, type = "trace"/"eigen", ecdet = "trend", K = n, spec =
2008 Mar 20
Cointegration no constant
I am trying to estimate a VECM without constant using the following code:
sjf <- finland
sjf.reg<-ca.jo(sjf, type = c("eigen"), ecdet = c("none"), K = 2,spec=c("transitory"), season = NULL, dumvar = NULL)
While the cointegration test does not use a constant, it is used in the cajools which I do not want. I am sure I am
2011 Apr 29
question of VECM restricted regression
Dear Colleague
I am trying to figure out how to use R to do OLS restricted VECM regression. However, there are some notation I cannot understand.
Please tell me what is 'ect', 'sd' and 'LRM.dl1 in the following practice:
#OLS retricted VECM regression
sjd <- denmark[, c("LRM", "LRY", "IBO", "IDE")]
2011 Nov 11
Fwd: Use of R for VECM
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: vramaiah at neo.tamu.edu
To: "bernhard pfaff" <bernhard.pfaff at pfaffikus.de>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 9:03:11 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Use of R for VECM
Hello Fellow R'ers
I am a new user of R and I am applying it for solving Bi-Variate (Consumption and Output) VECM with Co-Integration (I(1)) with three lags on
2004 Mar 26
Package update: 'urca' version 0.3-3
Dear R-list member,
an update of package 'urca' has been uploaded to CRAN (Mirror: Austria).
In the updated release unit root and cointegration tests encountered in
applied econometric analysis are implemented. The package is written in
'pure' R and utilises S4 classes.
In particular, the Johansen procedure with likelihood ratio tests for the
inclusion of a linear trend,
2005 Nov 19
cointegration rank
Dear R - helpers,
I am using the urca package to estimate cointegration relations, and I
would be really grateful if somebody could help me with this questions:
After estimating the unrestriced VAR with "ca.jo" I would like to impose
the rank restriction (for example rank = 1) and then obtain the
restricted estimate of PI to be utilized to estimate the VECM model.
Is it possible?
2012 Mar 07
VECM simulation
Dear members,
I estimated a vector error correction model (VECM) using the "ca.jo"
function in package "urca". I need to simulate the estimated model using R.
I am aware how to simulate a VAR(p) model. Since the VECM is
in difference form, I can't modify the VAR simulation codes to VECM. May
one help me in this regard please?
[[alternative HTML version
2009 Sep 02
Cointegration/urca package
I estimate vector error correction model (vecm) model. I have only one cointegratio relationship. I write :
joh.vecm.rls <- cajorls(joh.vecm, r=1)
The output estimation is :
lm(formula = substitute(form1), data = data.mat)
up.d expl.d upd.d r.d
ect1 -1.34e-01 4.55e+02 6.91e+00 2.43e+03
2008 Apr 07
'URCA' is not a valid package Error
Thank you Matthieu for your helpful suggestions.
Unfortunately I still have problems.
I have tried to compile it via your suggestion.
this is strange... you should have the usual summary...
I have on my machine
test2<-ur.df(nottem, type="none", lags=1)
When I type in "library(urca)" I receive the following.
"Error in
2010 Aug 30
Johansen test
Hi all, I am working on exporting "Johansen test statistics" (Johansen test:
"ca.jo" in package "urca")to Excel. The problem is that the function output
is not a number, but like this:
# Johansen-Procedure Unit Root / Cointegration Test #
The value of the
2007 May 15
urca package - summary method -
I am using the package urca and I am interested about the KPSS test.
That works fine except the method "summary" did not work in the script,
only when it is typed direct in the console the results are shown( not a
source file).
Is there any problem with these method ?
2006 Jun 29
Cointegration Test in R
I'm using the blrtest() function in the urca package
to test cointegration relationships.
Unfortunately, the hypothesis (restrictions on beta)
specifies the same restriction on all cointegration vectors.
Is there any possibility to specify different restrictions on
the cointegration vectors?
Are there any other packages in R using cointegration tests?
Thanks and best regards.
2004 Mar 25
S+Finmetrics cointegration functions
Dear all,
S+Finmetrics has a number of very specilised functions. I am
particularly interested in the estimation of cointegrated VARs (chapter
12 of Zivot and Wang). In this context the functions coint() and
VECM() stand out. I looked at package "dse1", but found no comparable
functionality. Are there any other packages you could point me to? In
general, are there efforts for
2008 Nov 12
problem with urca package
Dear R users,
I have the joined txt file in the following direct directory C://
I have written the following lines:
PIBTUN<-read.table("C:/AF.txt", header=F);
but I have obtained the following message:
Error in embed(z, lags) : 'x' is not a vector or matrix
I don't What's the problem, can you please help me
2008 Dec 16
Cointegration and ECM in Package {urca}
Dear R Core Team,
I am using package {urca} to do cointegration and estimate ECM model,
but I have the following two problems:
(1) I use ca.jo() to do cointegration first and can get the
cointegration rank, alpha and beta. The next step is to test some
restrictions on beta with blrtest(),bh5lrtest(), and bh6lrtest(). But
none of them can add restrictions on all the cointegration
2011 Apr 16
Dear R users,
I am quite new to R, so most of the problems I've encountered working with
it are technical, absurd or simple things. Sorry.
Despite this, I am struggling with cajolst function for a day and still
nothing. The problem is that I can't get an estimate for the break point
(which is in the slot "bpoint") by using cajolst function.
Finally, I've tried Johansen and
2008 Jan 10
question regarding kpss tests from urca, uroot and tseries packages
Hi R users!
I've come across using kpss tests for time series analysis and i have a question that troubles me since i don't have much experience with time series and the mathematical part underlining it.
x<-c(253, 252, 275, 275, 272, 254, 272, 252, 249, 300, 244,
258, 255, 285, 301, 278, 279, 304, 275, 276, 313, 292, 302,
322, 281, 298, 305, 295, 286, 327, 286, 270, 289, 293, 287,
2006 Jul 10
''uninitialized constant'' error
Hi All,
I am fairly new to Ruby and backgroundRB. I am trying to run a simple example in Windows to get my feet wet with backgroundRB and am running into an ''uninitialized constant'' error when I invoke the controller on my rails app.
In ''MyTest'' Controller
def longrun
session[:job_key] = MiddleMan.new_worker(:class =>
2012 Aug 21
Trace values in the function ca.jo()
Hi all R users,
I'm trying to replicate the same results that are given in a published
article after been granted
the same data that the authors use.
I'm having problems to determine the cointegration rank of my data set using
the Johnasen's trace test.
This trace test is already programmed in the package ur.ca and can be found
in the function
After I run the ca.jo()
2012 Oct 24
Five cases of the Multivariate VECM
I was studying several packages related to time series analysis (urca,
vars, tseries). I understand that we can estimate a VECM and also test
restrictions on alphas and betas. However, I couldn't find a function that
allows me to specify the five cases of VECM (restricted constant,
unrestricted constant, restricted and unrestricted trend and no constant).
Is there any function that