Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200000 matches similar to: "non parametric bootstrap"
2004 Feb 13
parametric bootstrap and computing factor scores
We have a project on which we need to compare various methods for
computing factor scores. Are there any R routines available that do
parametric bootstrap or compute factor scores?
2009 May 12
Trouble with parametric bootstrap
I'm having trouble understanding how to construct a random number generator
for a parametric bootstrap. My aim is to bootstrap a Likelihood Ratio
statistic (under the null) for a linear model. The function at this point
is given by
boot.test.n01 <- function(data, indeces, maxit=20) {
y1 <- fit1+se(e2)*rnorm(314)
mod1 <- glm(y1 ~ X1-1, maxit=maxit)
y2 <-
2013 Jan 10
Semi Parametric Bootstrap
Greetings to you all,
I am performing a semi parametric bootstrap in R on a Gamma Distributed
data and a Binomial distributed data. The main challenge am facing is
the fact that the residual variance depends on the mean (if I am correct).
I strongly feel that the script below may be wrong due to mean-variance
#####R code#######
2010 Apr 14
Non-parametric Tests for location in R
How do I do the sign test and the sign rank test that SAS gives as an output
in proc univariate in R?
do not give the same output.
Also how do you pick what output you want displayed in R?
like if I want only the test statistic and p value displayed and nothing
else how do I do that.
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2008 Jul 26
parametric bootstrap
I am trying to find a parametric bootstrap confidence interval and when I used the boot function I get zero bias and zero st.error? What could be my mistake?
Thank you and take care.
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2009 Sep 24
Non-parametric test for location with two unpaired sets of data measured on ordinal scale.
Please forgive a stats question.
I have to sets of data (unpaired) measured on an ordinal scale. I want to test to see if the two sets are different (i.e. do they have the same location):
set1: 1,3,2,2,4,3,3,2,2
set: 4,4,4,3,3,5,4,4
What is the most appropriate non-parametric test to test location?
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2011 Jun 08
using stimulate(model) for parametric bootstrapping in lmer repeatabilities
Hi all,
I am currently doing a consistency analysis using an lmer model and
trying to use parametric bootstrapping for the confidence intervals.
My model is like this:
where E is the individual level for consistency analysis, A-D are
other fixed and random effects that I have to control for.
Following Nakagawa and Scheilzeth I can work out the
2011 Oct 14
non-parametric permutation and signed paired-difference distributions
Hi all
Consider the classic data below from Darwin on the heights of 15 pairs
of zea mays (corn) plants
either cross-fertilized or self-fertilized, where the goal is to see if
it makes a difference.
> head(ZeaMays)
pair pot cross self diff
1 1 1 23.500 17.375 6.125
2 2 1 12.000 20.375 -8.375
3 3 1 21.000 20.000 1.000
4 4 2 22.000 20.000 2.000
5 5 2 19.125
2008 Aug 29
non-parametric Anova and tukeyHSD
I have insect data from twelve sites and like most environmental data
it is non-normal mostly. I would like to preform an anova and a means
seperation like tukey's HSD in a nonparametric sense (on some sort of
central tendency measure - median?). I am searching around at this
time on the internet. Any suggestions, books, etc. would be greatly
Stephen Sefick
2009 May 12
adonis help - (non-parametric (permutational) manova)
I am trying to apply this technique (M.J Anderson 2001) to a dataset
of aquatic insect abundances. There is a sample in the unrestored and
restored segement of a stream for every time period. I would like to
compare the centroids of the distance matrices for the treatments up
(unrestored) and dn (restored) to see if there is a difference in
insect communities between the treatments. I will not
2007 Jun 08
pointwise confidence bands or interval values for a non parametric sm.regression
Dear all,
Is there a way to plot / calculate pointwise confidence bands or
interval values for a non parametric regression like sm.regression?
Thank you in advance.
2007 May 27
Parametric bootstrapped Kolmogorov-Smirnov GoF: what's wrong
Dear R-users,
I want to perform a One-Sample parametric bootstrapped Kolmogorov-Smirnov
GoF test (note package "Matching" provides "ks.boot" which is a 2-sample
non-parametric bootstrapped K-S version).
So I wrote this code:
---[R Code] ---
ks.test.bootnp <- function( x, dist, ..., alternative=c("two.sided", "less",
"greater"), B = 1000 )
2008 Jan 16
step-down bootstrap multiple comparisons in R?
I've been using SAS PROC MULTTEST to perform multiple comparisons on
data that are not normally distributed by using the stepdown bootstrap
procedures of Westfall and Young (1993). According to the SAS manual,
"the bootstrap method creates pseudo-data sets by sampling observations
with replacement from each within-stratum pool of observations. An
entire data set is thus created, and
2010 Jul 09
Non-parametric regression
I have two data sets, each a vector of 1000 numbers, each vector
representing a distribution (i.e. 1000 numbers each of which
representing a frequency at one point on a scale between 1 and 1000).
For similfication, here an short version with only 5 points.
a <- c(8,10,8,12,4)
b <- c(7,11,8,10,5)
Leaving the obvious discussion about causality aside fro a moment, I
would like to see how
2011 Nov 03
non-parametric sample size calculation
I am trying to estimate the sample size needed for the comparison of two groups on a certain measurement, given some previous data at hand. I find that the data collected does not follow a normal distribution, so I would like to use a non-parametric option for sample size calculation.
I found the pwr package but I don't think it has this option and on the internet found that
2006 Jul 11
non positive-definite G matrix in mixed models: bootstrap?
Dear list,
In a mixed model I selected I find a non positive definite random effects
variance-covariance matrix G, where some parameters are estimated close to
zero, and related confidence intervals are incredibly large.
Since simplification of the random portion is not an option, for both
interest in the parameters and significant increase in the model fit, I
would like to collect
2004 Sep 07
Multiple comparisons in a non parametric case
Dear all,
I am conducting a full factorial analysis. I have one factor consisting
in algorithms, which I consider my treatments, and another factor made
of the problems I want to solve. For each problem I obtain a response
variable which is stochastic. I replicate the measure of this response
value 10 times.
When I apply ANOVA the assumptions do not hold, hence I must rely on non
2005 Oct 11
Two factor (or more) non-parametric comparison of means
Can anyone suggest a good non-parametric test, and an R implementation of the test, that allows for two or more factors? Wilcoxon signed rank allows for only one.
John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
Baltimore VA Medical Center GRECC and
University of Maryland School of Medicine Claude Pepper OAIC
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Division of
2004 Sep 03
new user and non parametric test
Hi *
i'm trying to do my statistical analysis with R (on a debianGNULinux)
i've installed R and now i'll try to import my data from .xls
Where to search for non parametric test in R ?
I'm studing neurons velocity and i've to check if after the perfusion
with a factor x the velocity changes but as my variable is not normally
ditributed i've to try with non parametric
2008 Apr 14
Non-linearity with Parametric data
I am trying to test for non-linearity in a set of non-parametric data.
Furthermore, I would like to do so in a multi-variate model. Frankly, I
don't even know if this is possible, and if it is possible, I don't know if
it is implemented in an R package. Any advice would greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Charles G.