Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to write a new "top-level" Trellis/lattice function?"
2006 Apr 13
panel.abline() and trellis.focus() on multipage plots
I'm recently working on a multipage bwplot() using the lattice package. In
this context I was trying to use the panel.abline() function individually on
certain panels but not all. After some research I found the trellis.focus()
and trellis.unfocus() functions which enabled me to do something like:
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 3)
do.call("panel.abline", list
2001 Aug 13
printing lattice plots
I'm trying to print several plots to a multi-page postscript file.
Some plots are output of basic commands, some are produced by "trellis"
commands (from the package lattice).
Right now I'm not able to get a straightforward black and white color
scheme for the latter kind: when I open the postscript file the "trellis"
plots are invisible, or parts of them are
2003 Mar 21
trellis plot
<html><div style=''background-color:''><P><FONT size=4>Hi there,</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4>I need some help about trellis plot. I have the following plot.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4>x <- c(rep(LETTERS[1:4],13), rep(LETTERS[4:1],12))</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4>y <-
2008 May 06
Lattice problems / cannot load lattice
My problem is simple: since having updated the lattice package, I cannot
load lattice anymore. If I type in the command 'library(lattice)' the
loading fails with the following message:
--- cut here ---
Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) :
shared library 'lattice' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc,
2008 May 16
Lattice box percentile plot
Dear Nabble.
I am trying to draw a box percentile plot with trellis using the panel in
Hmisc. I really want to colour the plots in. I can alter several of features
of the plot by changing the trellis par settings but I just can’t fill the
shape in.
Here is some example code which alters line colour and dot symbol:
2012 Dec 11
lattice question: how to change the dot on boxplot to line
How does one change the dot for the median in a boxplot drawn using
lattice? I have been looking at
> names(trellis.par.get())
[1] "grid.pars" "fontsize" "background"
[4] "panel.background" "clip" "add.line"
[7] "add.text" "plot.polygon"
2003 Aug 05
bwplot colours
Dear All,
is any way I can change the colours of the box and umbrella of a bwplot
without having to go to the length of:
trellis.par.set("box.rectangle", box.rectangle)
but straight from the call:
bwplot(y ~ x | z, mydata) ?
Federico Calboli
2004 Jun 24
More problems with lattice and postscript
Dear List members,
I am trying to produce some trellis graphics and to save them in a
postscript file but I only get blank files. R behaviour is certainly
strange because I use a loop to generate the graphics (see code below).
When I change the loop variable myself the postscript graphics are OK.
I am using R 1.9.1 (2004-06-21) on Debian GNU/Linux which I try to keep
updated on a daily basis. I
2005 Jul 28
lattice/ grid.layout/ multiple graphs per page
OS: Linux Mandrake 10.1
release: R 2.0.0
editor: GNU Emacs 21.3.2
front-end: ESS 5.2.3
I have a set of lattice plots, and want to plot 4 of them on the page.
I am having trouble with the layout.
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2,2)))
pushviewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
working trellis
2005 Apr 27
lattice plot problem!
Hello everybody,
Could I consult you two questions?
Recently I write some code about lattice plot.
1) bwplot function
I know the lattice default background color is grey and the box color is green, but I don't like the color. So I change the background color to white use the
> trellis.device(bg="white")
then I modify the
> panel=function(...)
2004 Apr 13
lattice problem in R-1.9.0
Hi all,
I just installed R-1.9.0 on Windows 2000 from binaries. Yesterday, on
R-1.8.1 I ran a script that looked like:
tmp <- expand.grid(A = 1:3, B = letters[1:2])
tmp$z <- runif(NROW(tmp))
trellis.device(png, file = "x1081.png", theme = col.whitebg)
xyplot(z ~ A | B, data = tmp,
panel = function(x, y, i) {
panel.xyplot(x, y)
2004 Nov 20
how to suppress whiskers in a bwplot?
dear R-help,
i have looked carefully through the R-help archives for information on how
to suppress whiskers in a bwplot. someone asked this question a while
ago, but the answer he received is not available in the archives.
but i did manage to get my hands on a panel function (called
"my.panel") that is supposed to do this (the function is reproduced at the
end of the email, below).
2005 Mar 09
Lattice device page options-margins
I am using lattice to make figures as pdfs:
trellis.device(device = "pdf",file = "Figure6.pdf",color = FALSE)
I need to specify some blank space on the left-hand margins (the pages
will be bound so we need about 0.5 inch)). I have tried a number of
solutions but none seems to work (e.g. par.set). Can this be done when
initiating the plotting device? Or is the some other way
2008 Dec 31
Lattice trellis.focus() with pdf
I have a the code for a plot that works perfectly running in R and
printing to a Quartz object but which doesn't work when I make the
trellis device a pdf.
The code is as follows:
trellis.device(device="pdf", new=TRUE)
dotplot(Y ~ X | C, groups=G, data=D, layout=c(2,1), ... )
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1)
for (y in 1:5) {
2009 Jun 17
lattice: axis ticks, axis alignment and remove axis from plot
Hi there,
I'm a bit confused concerning the axis tck setting in the lattice
package as the ticks on left sided axis aren't
drawn at all with the following setting:
dados <- data.frame(varsep = factor(rep(1:2,10)),
i = runif(20))
my.theme <- list(
axis.components = list(left = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 =
2), top = list(tck = 0, pad1
2003 Sep 09
lattice plot - portrait / landscape
How can I use portrait/landscape option in lattice
bwplot? Is there any option in trellis.device where I
can define this?
Thanks in advance,
2006 Mar 26
range and bwplot
is there an equivalent to the 'range' option of the boxplot function to be
found in the bwplot function of the trellis package?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 01
The functions prepanel.default.bwplot() and lpretty() are not running in Deepayan's
barley example concerning vertical bars with the lattice function barchart().
Why, is there a restricted use for the package lattice-Internal?
Urs Simmen
mailto:usimmen at dtc.ch
2009 Sep 04
Apparent bug in summaryBy (PR#13941)
Full_Name: Marc Paterno
Version: 2.9.2
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.8
Submission from: (NULL) (
summaryBy() produces incorrect results when given some data frames. Below is a
transcript of a session showing the result, in a data frame with 2 observations
of 2 variables.
thomas:999 paterno$ R --vanilla
R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for
2010 Nov 26
lattice: strange behavior (?) when using trellis.device(color=FALSE)
Dear expeRts,
I am not sure if I found a bug...
I would like to create a function that itself creates a lattice plot without
colors. Following http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help at r-project.org/msg64699.html
I use trellis.device() to set the colors to FALSE. Whenever I call the minimal
example below *with* trellis.device(), Quartz opens a window (I am working on a
MAC), which it shouldn't,