Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Changing axis labels in plots of zph objects (survival analysis)"
2007 Jan 25
cox.zph vs log-log survival plot
Excuse me for a more methodological than technical question. I'm developing a Cox model with 10 covariates. One of them is age (named "eta"). I've checked proportionality with cox.zph with age continuous:
> cox.zph(coxph(Surv(TTP,CENSOTTP)~eta))
rho chisq p
eta -0.0154 0.0225 0.88
and categorical (eta<60):
2010 Feb 05
Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.
Dear list:
I am attempting to use what I thought would be a pretty straightforward practical application of Cox regression. I figure users of the survival package must have come across this problem before, so I would like to ask you how you dealt with it. I have set up an illustrative example and included it at the end of this post.
I took a sample of 100 data points from each of two populations
2006 Jan 25
Dear R-users,
I am sorry if this is obvious. I am testing the proportional hazard
assumptions using cox.zph. If i am not wrong, a g(t) function must be
assumed. Four possibilities available in R are "km","identity" and "rank".
may i know what functions of time are these transformation assuming?
Thanks a lot in advance for your wisdom.
kind regards,
sing yee ling
2005 Jun 10
Estimate of baseline hazard in survival
Dear All,
I'm having just a little terminology problem, relating the language used in
the Hosmer and Lemeshow text on Applied Survival Analysis to that of the
help that comes with the survival package.
I am trying to back out the values for the baseline hazard, h_o(t_i), for
each event time or observation time.
Now survfit(fit)$surv gives me the value of the survival function,
2006 Apr 07
Why is transform="km" the default for cox.zph?
To enhance my understanding, and that of my students, I have a question
about cox.zph in the survival package.
If I have correctly gleaned the high-level point from the 1994
Biometrika paper of Grambsch and Therneau, it looks to me like
cox.zph provides a mechanism to test for a simple trend in plots
of a function of time, g(t) versus the scaled schoenfeld
residuals and it also provides some
2009 Mar 16
hazard function in a Cox model
-- begin included message ---
I am hoping for some advice regarding obtaining the values for the
hazard function in a cox regression that I have undertaken. I have a
model in the following form, analysed with the package survival (v.
2.34-1) and a log-log plot obtained using Design (v. 2.1-2).
For two variables, the lines in the survival curves crossed. The
statistician I been obtaining
2008 Nov 10
coxph diagnostics plot for shape of hazard function?
I've been banging my head against the following problem for a while
and thought the fine people on r-help might be able to help. I'm
using the survival package.
I'm studying the survival rate of a population with a preexisting
linear-like event rate (there are theoretical reasons to believe
it's linear, but of course it's subject to the usual sampling noise)
Some of the
2007 Sep 27
I got error message when applying the plot function to the cox.zph
object to create the Schoenfeld residual plots.
> plot(zph.revasFit[1])
Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) :
need finite 'ylim' values
In addition: Warning messages:
1: NaNs produced in: sqrt(x$var[i, i] * seval)
2: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf in: min(x)
3: no
2006 Nov 14
R-Help : Warning messages using plot(cox.zph)
I get a warning message when I plot cox.zph objects with the transform km and
rank, but not with id and log with the same data set.
Here's the command:
example is a coxph object
rk <- cox.zph(example, transform='rank')
and here's the warning message:
Warning messages:
1: suppression des ex-aequos de 'x' in: approx(xx, xtime, seq(min(xx),
2012 Oct 30
Checking for different hazard distributions in interval censored data
Hi all!
I have two survival data sets looking at similar effects in different settings. One data set is only right censored, but the other is interval censored. In the right censored data set, there is an effect of one factor that causes very different shapes in survival curves (and non-proportional hazards) and I'd really like to say that the same factor has a similar effect in the other
2012 Oct 08
Survival prediction
> Dear All,
> I have built a survival cox-model, which includes a covariate * time interaction. (non-proportionality detected)
> I am now wondering how could I most easily get survival predictions from my model.
> My model was specified:
> coxph(formula = Surv(event_time_mod, event_indicator_mod) ~ Sex +
> ageC + HHcat_alt + Main_Branch + Acute_seizure +
2009 Mar 28
stratified variables in a cox regression
I am hoping for assistance in regards to examining the contribution
of stratified variables in a cox regression. A previous post by Terry
Therneau noted that "That is the point of a strata; you are declaring
a variable to NOT be proportional hazards, and thus there is no
single "hazard ratio" that describes it". Given this purpose of
stratification, in the
2006 Mar 31
andersen plot vs score process or scaled Schoenfeld residuals to test for proporti0nal hazards
Dear all,
I use the Andersen plot to check for proportional hazards assumption for a
factor (say x) in the Cox regression model and obtained a straight line that
pass through the origin. However, the formal test done by the R-function
cox.zph, which is based on the plot of Schonefeld residuals against time,
indicates that proportional hazards assumption is violated. Further, a plot
of the score
2009 Dec 10
PH Model assumption
Hi all,
I was trying to test the assumption of proportional hazards
assumption, I used the cox.zph function
Results are:
rho chisq p
x1 -0.0396 1.397 2.37e-01
x2 0.1107 9.715 1.83e-03
x3 -0.0885 7.743 5.39e-03
x4 0.0366 1.092 2.96e-01
x5 0.0242 0.455 5.00e-01
2003 Jun 11
COX PH models for event histories?
This is a question about the use of the Cox proportional hazards model to analyze event histories.
I am looking at the responses of sympathetic nervous system activity to a stimulus. The activity I observe is a burst that can only occur once per heart beat cycle (e.g., a binary count). Typically bursts occur in 60-80% of the heart cycles * sensory stimuli can modify these burst probabilities.
2004 Jun 28
fairnat with squid + Squid with ZPH
I''m trying to share internet on a LAN
I''ve a linux router with SQUID (with ZPH support) + FAIRNAT
The idea is:
- fairness sharing internet
- priorize interactive traffic
- if a web object is on squid-cache (HIT), user
can download it, with a rate = LAN rate
- Last Fairnat Script: www.metamorpher.de/fairnat/
- SQUID 2.5STABLE5 with ZPH patch
2004 Apr 14
zph / squid syntaxis ?
I''ve used old ZPH patch under squid 2.4 Stable4
and it works great !
Now I want to patch squid 2.4 stable 5,
with new patch, on http://www.it-academy.bg/zph/
I''ve patched and installed squid 2.5 stable 5
succefully, but I can''t get ZPH works.
I''m trying with
$TC class add dev $LANDEV parent 1: classid 1:7 htb rate 1Mbit
$TC filter add dev $LANDEV
2001 Nov 12
check() warnings for survival-2.6
I am not sure if this is the right place for that kind of questions, but
I wondered
that the recommended package survival did not pass R's check procedure
1) unbalanced braces:
* Rd files with unbalanced braces:
* man/Surv.Rd
* man/cluster.Rd
* man/cox.zph.Rd
* man/coxph.Rd
* man/coxph.detail.Rd
* man/date.ddmmmyy.Rd
* man/lines.survfit.Rd
2010 Jul 01
Modelling survival with time-dependent covariates
Hi all,
I am looking at the tutorial/appendix from John Fox on ?Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data? available here:
I am particularly interested in modelling survival with time-dependent covariates (Section 4).
The data look like this:
> Rossi.2[1:50,]
stop arrest.time week arrest fin
2006 Dec 21
zph patch website broken ?
I used to patch my squid with ZPH patch on
> The idea behind this patch is to allow classification
> of packets generated from the squid cache engine towards
> clients.
> The classification is based on whether the content is
> being served from cache (a cache HIT), or
> is being retrieved from a remote server (a cache MISS).
Very useful