Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches similar to: "Time line plot in R?"
2004 Oct 16
Cox PH Warning Message
Can anybody tell me what the message below means and how to overcome it.
Warning message:
X matrix deemed to be singular; variable 2 in: coxph(Surv(age_at_death,
death) ~ project$pluralgp + project$yrborn + .........
2009 Mar 03
preparing data for barplot()
What is the best way to produce a barplot from my data? I would like
the barplot to show each person with the values stacked
val1+val2+val3, so there is one bar for each person When I use
barplot(data.matrix(realdata)), it shows one bar for each value
To post here, I created an artificical data set, but it works fine.
fakedata <- as.data.frame(list(LETTERS[1:3]))
2010 Dec 07
please show me simple example how to plot "Distance-Weighted Least Squares" fitting
I got simple x,y pairs of data and simple scatterplot and just cannot figure
how to do it , there are many examples but always there is error popping out
please show me an example stripped with additional data just core of what I
need to do to get this damn line
View this message in context:
2011 Dec 23
Help transforming a dist
I'd like to convert a dist into a table/matrix/thingy of the form:
A B value
A C value
B C value
(assuming the dist was over 3 names).
Is there a way to do this without using a for loop?
Taral <taralx at gmail.com>
"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
? ? -- Unknown
2012 Dec 07
Converting character to numeric: Error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
Dear R users,
I am facing a pretty a unusual problem while converting character to
numeric. Any input would be appreciated.
Below is the code and error faced:
*> str(cmie.dts)*
*'data.frame': 4397 obs. of 1 variable:*
* $ INE001A01036: chr "1482181740.000000" "1482181740.000000"
2012 Feb 02
"shifted" bar chart / battleship curve
What I want to do is create a horizontal bar chart matrix for a set of data that have a common set of variables (e.g., % of As, % of Bs, etc.) listed on the Y-axis and groups (e.g., Classes) on the X-axis. The key here is that the bars for each individual class plot are "centered" rather than left or right-justified. In archaeology plots similar to this are called battleship curves or
2012 Jul 17
Table/Frame - output
I would like to output a nicely formatted data frame to a bitmap.
Is this possible in R?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Table-Frame-output-tp4636790.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Dec 11
converting manual command to loop command
Dear useRs,
i have certain commands for some operations in R. They are good if you have a small dataset but my dataset, apart from what i used in the recent past, is prety large. I want to convert these massive sets of commands into a simple loop.
Your help is required on it
thanks in advance
kindly note:
"e" is matrix whose each column has to be executed into a distance vector
2012 Feb 17
How to change the order of columns in a data frame?
Dear all,
I have a data frame in which the columns need to be ordered. The first column X is at the right position, but the remaining columns X1-Xn should be ordered like this: X1, X2, X3 etc instead of like below.
> colnames(pos1)
[1] "X" "X1" "X10" "X11" "X12" "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16"
2009 Jul 23
remove multiple columns by name from dataframe
Hi there,
I'm trying to remove multiple columns by name from a data.frame. As a
result I need to get back the modified data.frame without the removed
columns. My columns I want to delete are listed in a vector called
data <- read.csv2("data.csv")
delete <- c("col1", "col2", "col3")
newData <- subset(data, select =
2007 Nov 01
Start plot really at baselines x=0, y=0
Dear R
Plots without par arguments do start not at zero (means, the box around is somwhere outside the specified plotrange). How to start really from zero, pe. basline y=0?
every standart par works like this:
Thanks for help
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2011 Oct 03
Assigning factor names to interaction plot
Hi everyone,
I have the following problem:
I have three variables, 'group', 'city' and 'pressure'
There is an interaction effect between group and city and I'd like to show
this in an interaction plot:
interaction.plot(group, city, pressure, type="b",
col= c(1:2),
leg.bty="o", leg.bg="blue", lwd=1,
2011 Jan 20
ANOVA plotting
Dear List,
I recently started using R and I have a simple question. I am running R (v.
2.12.1) and Rcmdr (v.1-6.3) on Mac (Snow Leopard).
I am using a data set I used before for practicing ANOVA with R, so I know
what the results should look like. I can get ANOVA table using both Rcmdr
and GUI. However, I cannot make R prepare the ANOVA diagram (with boxplots,
showing the data points, including
2012 Nov 21
Scaling values 0-255 -> -1 , 1 - how can this be done?
I have a dataframe in which I have values 0-255, I wish to transpose them such that:
if value > 127.5 value = 1
if value < 127.5 value = -1
I did something similar using the "binarize" function of the biclust package, this transforms my dataframe to 0 and 1 values, but I wish
to use -1 and 1 and looking for a way in R to do this.
2012 Jun 19
Possible bug when using encomptest
Hello R-Help,
Issues (there are 2):
1) Possible bug when using lmtest::encomptest() with a linear model
created using nlme::lmList()
2) Possible modification to lmtest::encomptest() to fix confusing fail
when models provided are, in fact, nested.
I have
2011 Jan 29
Parallelizing cor() for large data-set using Cluster
I am running my code in a cluster at Arizona State University.
I have a huge climate data,
66000 X 500
I am not sure if I can find correlation of such a huge data in the cluster.
Normally I allocate 20000M and operate on 5 X 20000.
Even this is taking lot of time. Is there any way I can find
cl = cor(cdata) utilizing the computers in the clusters(I am using 32 nodes
I am using the
2012 Dec 22
Character Variable in X axis scatter plot
I am very new to R statistics.
Have installed R-2.15.2 ; Rcmdr 1.9-2 ; RStudio 0.97.237 on Debian Squeeze and also windows7
I can Import from Excel File OK
.Workbook <- loadWorkbook("/media/4C90-B739/Oct13-Dec21Bsl.xls")
JJData <- readWorksheet(.Workbook, "Oct13-Dec21Bsl")
have a data frame with following.
2010 Jan 28
Compiling problem on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
I''m trying to compile wxruby for Ruby 1.9 on Ubuntu Karmic 64 bit, but I
can''t get it to work. I''ve already done this for the 32 bit version (on
another machine, of course), so I don''t see where''s the problem with
that. I thought, I had all neccessary libraries installed, but maybe you
know better... After compiling for a long time, rake fails
2009 Oct 27
ANNOUNCE: Puppet 0.25.1 released!
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Puppet 0.25.1 - code name "zoot" - is now available. The 0.25.1 release
is a maintenance release in the 0.25.x branch.
The release is available at:
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