similar to: String manipulation---mixed case

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "String manipulation---mixed case"

2004 Dec 02
How about a mascot for R?
R users, How come R doesn't have a mascot? Linux has one and so does LaTeX, so shouldn't R? I personally think that associating a "friendly face" with R would be a good thing for R (one letter names can be quite intimidating). I apologize if this is addressed in the FAQ. I searched the FAQ as well as the mailing list archives and checked ?mascot but to no avail. ;-)
2004 Dec 11
Paths for Shell Scripts called from R
Hello list, I suspect this is more a linux question than an R question, but I'll describe my situation in case anyone here knows of an elegant solution. I'm using Sweave and R to create thousands of customized reports. Within an R loop, I have R create a table.tex file using the CAT function which, for each iteration, creates a unique table.tex file in a subdirectory of the directory
2010 Sep 22
cwhmisc package error
R-listers, I'm working on a project where I need to get the lowercase of the county variable in a dataset alike to the example below (only difference is that the full dataset has all the states and counties in the southeast United States). I keep getting this strange error with the lowerize function (which didn't occur the first few times I use the code below), and oddly enough the error
2004 Sep 12
Discrepency between R and MlwiN
When playing around fitting unconditional growth models using R and MlwiN today, I produced two different sets of estimates that I can't reconcile and wondered if anyone here has an idea: The data is two-level repeated measures data with measures nested within child. There are two measures per child. I've fit an unconditional growth model as in Singer and Willet (2003) that allows for
2005 Mar 04
how to draw graphs within clickable hyperlink
Hi all I want to draw a graph containing points and edges. Package graphics could do this. However I want to make each those points and edges clickable with a hyperlink on them. Anybody know how to do this? Thanks very much.
2011 Aug 05
a question on list manipulation
Hi R users, I have a list: > x $A [1] "a" "b" "c" $B [1] "b" "c" $C [1] "c" I want to convert it to a lowercase-to-uppercase list like this: > y $a [1] "A" $b [1] "A" "B" $c [1] "A" "B" "C" In a word, I want to reverse the list names and the elements under each
2006 Sep 25
Rows of a data frame to matrix
useRs, I have a data frame where four of the columns of the data frame represent the values of a two-by-two matrix. I'd like to, row-by-row, go through the data frame and use the four columns, in matrix form, to perform calculations necessary to create new values for variables in the data frame. My first idea was to use apply: apply(as.array(data.frame[,1:4]), 1, matrix, nrow=2) Though
2011 Feb 17
Dependency on R-Forge Package
In building a package, is it possible to make the package depend upon another package that is only available on R-Forge (not CRAN). For example, by doing something in the DESCRIPTION file I'd like to add a dependency to my package such that when the user install my package it will automatically install this other package from R-forge as well. Any help greatly appreciated. Damian
2003 Aug 26
matching-case sensitivity
Hi All, I am trying to match two character arrays (email lists) using either pmatch(), match() or charmatch() functions. However the function is "missing" some matches due to differences in the cases of some letters between the two arrays. Is there any way to disable case sensitivity or is there an entirely better way to match two character arrays that have identical entries but written
2013 Apr 15
how to transform string to "Camel Case"?
Dear all, Given the following vector: > (z <- c('R project', 'hello world', 'something Else')) [1] "R project" "hello world" "something Else" I know how to obtain all capitals or all lower case letters: > tolower(z) [1] "r project" "hello world" "something else" > toupper(z) [1] "R
2012 Dec 02
Change case of factor in data frame
I am trying to write a function to change the case of all of the text in a data frame to lower case. I do not have foreknowledge of the data frame names or the data types of each column. It seems that if one references the data frame by index, then it returns class "data.frame" but if it is referenced by name, it returns class "factor" or whatever the column actually is:
2010 Jun 17
When I am connecting to the server via ODBC I got the following error. >library(RODBC) channel <- odbcConnect("my server", uid="***" , case="*****") Error in switch(case, toupper = case <- 1L, tolower = case <- 2L, postgresql = case <- 2L, : Invalid case parameter: nochange | toupper | tolower | common db names How to fix this error? Thanks --
2008 Aug 20
Conversion - lowercase to Uppercase letters
I would like to know how to convert a string with characters to all uppercase or all lowercase? If anyone could let me know if there exists a function in R for the conversion, that will be very helpful. Regards, Suman [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 17
lower/upper case question
Dear R People: Is there a function to convert a character string to all uppercase or all lowercase please? I'm sure that I've used one before but I'm drawing a blank. Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess at
2003 May 14
Is there a simple method of changing text into 'Proper Ca se'
Yes and no. Given your response it appears that "Proper Case" is not a term that everyone uses. In Excel there is a function "Proper" which in essence changes "this line into something like this" into "This Line Into Something Like This." My look at casefold seesm to be that is is a wrapper of two functions to change text into either Lower or Upper case.So
2015 Aug 18
A few questions for the braintrust
I have a few questions to throw out to the collective braintrust. 1. in core/fs/pxe/tftp.c, when communicating using udp, in connecting, transmitting and receiving functions, errors are not communicated to the user. In fact the comment after transmit specifies "/* If the WRITE call fails, we let the timeout take care of it... */" The question is: Should we notify the user that there
2011 Oct 14
change uppercase variables
 Hello everyone, I'm trying to change the name variables of a big dataset. Here's more than 300 variables. The point is that I have to match it with another dataset that have same variables, but in lowercase, the I can use rbind and do my work. Is there any function for changing uppercase or lowercase variables? Thank you in advance! José [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 09
Call for testing: OpenSSH-5.6
Hi, OpenSSH 5.6 is almost ready for release, so we would appreciate testing on as many platforms and systems as possible. This is a moderately large release, with a number of new features and bug fixes. Snapshot releases for portable OpenSSH are available from The OpenBSD version is available in CVS HEAD: Portable OpenSSH
2001 Nov 16
case conversion and/or string comparison
This is no doubt trivial but after searching the help files and the web, I cannot seem to find it. 1) How do I convert 'hgt' into 'HGT' in R? 2) How should I have used the help facilities to find this? At the end of the day, all I want to do is case insensitive string matching... i.e. 'if ("HGT" == 'hgt') print('this should be true')' I tried
2011 Dec 05
Toggle cASE
Hello R-help list,   I am looking for way to toggle the case of the characters like a flip-flop; that is from ''Hello'' to "hELLO" or vice versa.   I know that there are a number of functions like casefold, tolower, toupper, etc. but these functions change the case in an uniform way.   Thanks in advance,   Antonio Rivero Ostoic         Antonio Rivero Ostoic PhD Student,