similar to: Is it safe? Cochran etc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Is it safe? Cochran etc"

2009 Feb 09
R equivalent of SAS Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests?
In SAS, for a two-way (or 3-way, stratified) table, the CMH option in SAS PROC FREQ gives 3 tests that take ordinality of the factors into account, for both variables, just the column variable or neither. Is there an equivalent in R? The mantelhaen.test in stats gives something quite different (a test of conditional independence for *nominal* factors in a 3-way table). e.g. I'd like to
2014 Jun 13
p values con LMER
Hola Manuel lo he tratado de hacer pero me sale Error: unexpected string constante in: "anova(a,as,test=Chisq") no tengo ni idea de por qué... Me resulta alucinante no poder contar ya con pvals.fnc. ¿Será imposible hacerse con ello? Saludos, Miguel -------------------------------------------- El vie, 13/6/14, Manuel Azcárate <mazcarategarcia en> escribió:
2010 Dec 29
Problem applying Chi-square in R and Cochran's Recommendations
Sir, I have a problem here while applying chisquare test to the following Data ( below the subject of this mail) ...when I wanted to test the significance using three different free statistical packages, here R, EpiInfo and OpenEpi. *Only OpenEpi accepts the test based on Cochran's Recommendations. * R says " chi squared approximation may be incorrect." Does it mean the same as
2014 Jun 13
p values con LMER
Existe discusión sobre el uso de los p-valores en modelos mixtos. Como se ha dicho antes, para mi lo más adecuado es comparar modelos mediante la función anova. Por Internet se puede encontrar un buen libro de Douglas Bates y en español, busca modelos mixtos con R de Luis Cayuela, enfocado hacia ecología, pero está muy bien El 13/06/2014 14:00, "Jorge I Velez"
2005 Oct 20
numerical issues in chisq.test(simulate=TRUE) (PR#8224)
Hi, This report deals with p-values coming from chisq.test using the simulate.p=TRUE option. The issue is numerical accuracy and was brought up in previous bug reports 3486 and 3896. The bug was considered fixed but apparently was only mostly fixed. Just the typical problem of two values that are mathematically equal not ending up numerically equivalent. Consider this series of three 2x2
2014 Jun 13
p values con LMER
Hola a todos, quería preguntaros un medio para obtener los valores p usando lmer. He tratado con pvals.fnc, que es lo que me habían recomendado, pero por algún motivo no está ya disponible etc. Ésta es la función que tengo, pero da las "t", sin los valores p. Aunque Baayen indica que valores por encima de 2 son significativos necesito saber las p. resultado = lmer(rt_ln ~ (fre_ln *
2003 Apr 11
Pearson's Chi-squared Test
How i can perform a Pearson's Chi-squared Test in this data set: | Outcome -----------------+-----------+----------------------------------+ Treatment | Sex | None |Some | Marked | Total -----------------+------------+--------+--------+-------------+ Active | Female | 6 | 5 | 16 | 27
2013 Mar 02
print method like print.anova()
I have a print method for a set of statistical tests, vcdExtra::CMHtest, for which I'd like to have more sensible printing of pvalues, as in print.anova(). [Testing this requires the latest version of vcdExtra, from R-Forge **|install.packages("vcdExtra", repos="")|** ] With my current print method, I get results like this, but all Prob values
2008 Nov 26
Chi-Square Test Disagreement
I was asked by my boss to do an analysis on a large data set, and I am trying to convince him to let me use R rather than SPSS. I think Sweave could make my life much much easier. To get me a little closer to this goal, I ran my analysis through R and SPSS and compared the resulting values. In all but one case, they were the same. Given the matrix [,1] [,2] [1,] 110 358 [2,] 71 312 [3,]
2005 Jun 26
chisq.test using amalgamation automatically (possible ?!?)
Dear List, If any of observed and/or expected data has less than 5 frequencies, then chisq.test (Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data from package:stats) gives warning messages. For example, x<-c(10, 14, 10, 11, 11, 7, 8, 4, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) y<-c(9.13112391745095, 13.1626482033341, 12.6623267638188, 11.0130706413029, 9.16415925139016,
2008 Nov 16
chisq.test with simulate.p.value=TRUE (PR#13292)
Full_Name: Reginaldo Constantino Version: 2.8.0 OS: Ubuntu Hardy (32 bit, kernel 2.6.24) Submission from: (NULL) ( For many tables, chisq.test with simulate.p.value=TRUE gives a p value that is obviously incorrect and inversely proportional to the number of replicates: > data(HairEyeColor) > x <- margin.table(HairEyeColor, c(1, 2)) >
2009 Nov 26
Testing for strength of fit using R
Dear all, I am trying to validate a model by comparing simulated output values against observed values. I have produced a simple X-y scatter plot with a 1:1 line, so that the closer the points fall to this line, the better the 'fit' between the modelled data and the observation data. I am now attempting to quantify the strength of this fit by using a statistical test in R. I am no
2012 Mar 06
How to apply two parameter function in data frame
I know this is something simple that I cannot do because I do not yet "think" in R. I have a data frame has a variable participation (a factor), and several other factors. I want a chisq test (no contingency tables) for participation vs all of the other factors. In SPSS I would do: CROSSTABS /TABLES= (my other factors) BY participation /FORMAT=NOTABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ
2003 Jul 15
Why two chisq.test p values differ when the contingency table is transposed?
I'm using R1.7.0 runing with Win XP. Thanks, ...Tao ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? >x [,1] [,2] [1,] 149 151 [2,] 1 8 >t(x) [,1] [,2] [1,] 149 1 [2,] 151 8 >chisq.test(x, simulate.p.value=T, B=100000) Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 1e+05 replicates) data: x X-squared = 5.2001, df =
2003 Dec 09
p-value from chisq.test working strangely on 1.8.1
Hello everybody, I'm seeing some strange behavior on R 1.8.1 on Intel/Linux compiled with gcc 3.2.2. The p-value calculated from the chisq.test function is incorrect for some input values: > chisq.test(matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 12555), 2, 2), simulate.p.value=TRUE) Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value (based on 2000 replicates) data: matrix(c(0, 1, 1,
2005 Dec 20
2 x 2 chisq.test (PR#8415)
Full_Name: nobody Version: 2.2.0 OS: any Submission from: (NULL) ( 2 x 2 table, such as > x [,1] [,2] [1,] 10 12 [2,] 11 13 > chisq.test(x) Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction data: x X-squared = 0.0732, df = 1, p-value = 0.7868 but, X-squared = 0.0732 is over corrected. when abs(a*d-b*c) <= sum(a,b,c,d), chisq.value
2011 Oct 11
Chi-Square test and survey results
An organization has asked me to comment on the validity of their recent all-employee survey. Survey responses, by geographic region, compared with the total number of employees in each region, were as follows: > ByRegion All.Employees Survey.Respondents Region_1 735 142 Region_2 500 83 Region_3 897 78
2012 Dec 03
Chi-squared test when observed near expected
Dear UseRs, I'm running a chi-squared test where the expected matrix is the same as the observed, after rounding. R reports a X-squared of zero with a p value of one. I can justify this because any other result will deviate at least as much from the expected because what we observe is the expected, after rounding. But the formula for X-squared, sum (O-E)^2/E gives a positive value. What
2005 May 26
Chi Square Test on two groups of variables
Dear R help I have been trying to conduct a chi square test on two groups of variables to test whether there is any relationship between the two sets of variables chisq.test(oxygen, train) Pearson's Chi-squared test data: oxygen X-squared = 26.6576, df = 128, p-value = 1 > chisq.test(oxygen) Pearson's Chi-squared test data: oxygen X-squared = 26.6576, df = 128,
2002 May 23
Find if there is independence
Hello I have the matrix a<-matrix(c(2,1,0,1,2,2,1,5,7,2,5,12),nrow=6) a [,1] [,2] [1,] 2 1 [2,] 1 5 [3,] 0 7 [4,] 1 2 [5,] 2 5 [6,] 2 12 Suppose that in the first row we have 3 men of England, 2 with hair, and 1 no In the second we have 6 italian men, 1 with hair and 5 no ... I want to find if there is a dependence between men withouth hair and