Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "RE: zero-inflated count models (was polr problem solved)"
2003 Oct 29
One inflated Poisson or Negative Binomal regression
I am interested in Poisson or (ideally) Negative Binomial regression
with an inflated number of 1 responses
I have seen JK Lindsey's fmr function in the gnlm library, which fits
zero inflated Poisson (ZIP) or zero inflated negative binomial
regression, but the help file states that for ' Poisson or related
distributions the mixture involves the zero category'.
I had thought
2004 Mar 04
Resolution of problem re location polr and of MASS
First, my apologies for not giving all the details in my first post.
Second, the problem was somewhat more complicated than simply using
help.search('polr') or library(MASS). When I tried these, I got
notices that polr could not be found anywhere, and that no package
called MASS existed. When I went to the CRAN site, there was no
package called MASS. I am not sure how I installed R
2004 Oct 08
polr and optim question
Hello again
I am trying to fit an ordinal logistic model using the polr function
from MASS. When I run
model.loan.ordinal <- polr(loancat~age + sex + racgp + yrseduc +
needlchg + gallery + sniffball + smokeball + sniffher +
smokeher + nicocaine + inject + poly(year.of.int,3) + druginj +
I get an error
Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian =
2005 Apr 14
gnlr/3 question
Hi list,
I'd like to fit generalized gamma and weibull distributions to a number
of data sets. I've been searching around and found references to R and
Jim Lindsey's GNLM package, which has the gnlr and gnlr3 procedures that
can do this.
Now, I'm completely new to R, and I'm working my way through the
introduction... Nevertheless, I'd like to ask if someone could post
2004 Oct 09
polr problem solved
I'd like to thank John Fox and Chuck Cleland for their help in resovling
this issue. It turned out to be something simple, but perhaps others
have had similar problems
In my original data frame, I had 4 categories of race/ethnicity. One of
the categories (other) was very small, and not similar to any of the
other three categories, so I created a new data frame deleting those
2004 Mar 03
Location of polr function
I am running R 1.8.1 on a Windows platform
I am attempting to fit an ordinal logistic regression model, using the
polr function, as described in Venables and Ripley. But when I try
model4 <- polr(ypsxcat~committed + as.factor(sex)
+ as.factor(drugusey) + anycsw + as.factor(sex)*committed
+ as.factor(sex)*as.factor(drugusey)+as.factor(sex)*anycsw, data =
I get a message
2000 Mar 11
polr question
Dear friends.
Do Polr in Mass change the sign of the coefficients ? Example (McCullagh 1980)
freq <- c(19,29,24,497,560,269)
yy <- ordered(gl(3,1,6))
z4 <- polr(yy~x,weights=freq)
> z4
polr(formula = yy ~ x, weights = freq)
2003 Oct 29
Where is rmutil package?
Pursing my earlier question, when I tried loading Lindsey's gnlm, I got
Loading required package: rmutil
Warning message:
There is no package called 'rmutil' in: library(package, character.only
= TRUE, logical = TRUE, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
According to the R documentation
rmutil is in the standard
2010 Jul 06
nls + quasi-poisson distribution
Hello R-helpers,
I would like to fit a non-linear function to data (Discrete X axis,
over-dispersed Poisson values on the Y axis).
I found the functions gnlr in the gnlm package from Jim Lindsey: this can
handle nonlinear regression equations for the parameters of Poisson and
negative binomial distributions, among others. I also found the function
nls2 in the software package
2005 Jan 25
Threshhold Models in gnlm
I am interested in fitting a generalized nonlinear regression (gnlr) model
with negative binomial errors.
I have found Jim Lindsay's package that will do gnlr, but I have having
trouble with the particular model I am interested in fitting.
It is a threshhold model, where below a certain value of one of the
parameters being fitted, the model changes.
Here is a sample:
1999 Mar 22
gnlr shape parameter
Is there a simple say of extracting the shape parameter from gnlr? The
return given is the actual function rather than the value. I have looked
at all the values returned by names(gnlr).
returns the function definition rather than the value found.
Simple case I am using it is for censored normal data (rather simpler than
survival4 it seems). The value
2003 Dec 08
R^2 analogue in polr() and prerequisites for polr()
(1)In polr(), is there any way to calculate a pseudo analogue to the
R^2. Just for use as a purely descriptive statistic of the goodness of
(2) And: what are the assumptions which must be fulfilled, so that the
results of polr() (t-values, etc.) are valid? How can I test these
prerequisites most easily: I have a three-level (ordered factor)
response and four metric variables.
2009 Apr 20
doing zero inflated glmm for count data with fmr
Hello R users,
Doing My PhD I collected count data which I believe is zero inflated. I have
run a statistical model with lmer and family=poisson and got
summary(model)@sigma=1 so I believe there is no overdispertion. I would
like to use the fmr function from the 'gnlm' library but I just cannot
figure out from the examples in the help page and some forums out there how
to convert the lmer
2002 Feb 07
newbie question: polr and glm.control
I'm running polr() and getting warning messages from glm.fit(). It seems
reasonable to use glm.control() to turn on the trace and follow what
glm.fit() does when called by polr(); or is it?
glm.control(maxit=10, trace=TRUE)
polr(act~., data=mm)
The glm.control() sets the trace TRUE, but there's no change in the output
from polr().
Many thanks in advance for any help/pointers.
2010 Sep 06
likelyhood maximization problem with polr
Dear community,
I am currently trying to fit an ordinal logistic regression model with the
polr function. I often get the same error message :
"attempt to find suitable starting values failed", for example with :
(I know the response variable Species should be nominal but I do as levels
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
I'm getting an error message using polr():
Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) :
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
The outcome variable is ordinal and factored, and the independant variable
is continuous. I've checked the source code for both polr() and optim()
and can't find any variable called
2007 Feb 20
R: Re: summary polr
Hi all,
The problem is that when you try to use the function summary of a polr object in a function, it does not work.
The problem is not related to the formula or the structure of data involved.
It is probably related to the use of the function "vcov" in the code of summary for polr, and the iterative procedure to estimate the Hessian.
Anyway, here there is an example extracted from
2007 Jun 11
How do I obtain standard error of each estimated coefficients in polr
I obtained all the coefficients that I need from polr. However, I'm wondering how I can obtain the standard error of each estimated coefficient? I saved the Hessian and do something like summary(polrObj), I don't see any standard error like when doing regression using lm. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!
- adschai
2007 Jul 25
Function polr and discrete ordinal scale
Dear all,
To modelize the abundance of fish (4 classes) with a set of environmental variables, I used the polr and predict.polr functions. I would like to know how to bring the cumulated probabilities back to a discrete ordinal scale.
For the moment I used the predict.polr function with the argument "class". Is there an other way?
polrf <- polrf <- polr_mod(formula =
2005 Mar 22
error with polr()
Dear Sir,
I get an error message when I use polr() in MASS package.
My data is "ord.dat". I made "y" a factor.
y y1 y2 x lx
1 0 0 0 3.2e-02 -1.49485
2 0 0 0 3.2e-02 -1.49485
3 0 0 0 1.0e-01 -1.00000
4 0 0 0 1.0e-01 -1.00000
5 0 0 0 3.2e-01 -0.49485
6 0 0 0 3.2e-01 -0.49485
7 1 1 0 1.0e+00 0.00000
8 0 0 0 1.0e+00 0.00000
9 1 1 0