similar to: followup: Re: Issue with predict() for glm models

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2004 Sep 22
Issue with predict() for glm models
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2013 Jun 22
Sparse Matrices and glmnet
Dear All, I am not going to discuss in detail the implementation of a model, but I am rather puzzled because, even if I manage to train a model, then I do not succeed in applying it to some test data. I am sure I am making some trivial mistake, but so far I have been banging my head against the floor. When I run the following code ###############################################
2007 May 09
I have a classification tree model similar to the following (slightly simplified here): > treemod<-tree(y~x) where y is a factor and x is a matrix of numeric predictors. They have dimensions: > length(y) [1] 1163 > dim(x) [1] 1163 75 I?ve evaluated the tree model and am happy with the fit. I also have a matrix of cases that I want to use the tree model to classify. Call it
2012 Jan 10
I want to use the grplasso package on a data set where I want to fit a linear model.? My interest is in identifying significant?beta coefficients.? The documentation is a bit cryptic so I'd appreciate some help. ? I know this is a strategy for large numbers of variables but consider a simple case for pedagogical puposes.? Say I have?two 3 category predictors (2 dummies each), a binary
2010 Feb 28
Gradient Boosting Trees with correlated predictors in gbm
Dear R users, I’m trying to understand how correlated predictors impact the Relative Importance measure in Stochastic Boosting Trees (J. Friedman). As Friedman described “ …with single decision trees (referring to Brieman’s CART algorithm), the relative importance measure is augmented by a strategy involving surrogate splits intended to uncover the masking of influential variables by others
2012 Mar 21
glmnet: obtain predictions using predict and also by extracting coefficients
All, For my understanding, I wanted to see if I can get glmnet predictions using both the predict function and also by multiplying coefficients by the variable matrix. This is not worked out. Could anyone suggest where I am going wrong? I understand that I may not have the mean/intercept correct, but the scaling is also off, which suggests a bigger mistake. Thanks for your help. Juliet Hannah
2010 Jul 30
hi! l have a question please help me
1) dmatrix1<-function(n,p,rho,sigma,k){ muvec1=zeros(1,p) truep<-as.matrix(c(3,1.5,0,0,2,0,0,0)) A=eye(p) for(i in 1:p){ for(j in 1:p){ A[i,j]=rho^(abs(i-j)) X=mvrnorm(n,muvec1,A) y=X%*%truep+as.matrix(rnorm(n,0,sigma)) Y=X[1:k,] w=y[1:k] Z=X[(k+1):n,] z=y[(k+1):n]}} return(list(X,Y,w,Z,z)) } I made this code which performs
2008 Nov 11
simulate data with binary outcome and correlated predictors
Hi, I would like to simulate data with a binary outcome and a set of predictors that are correlated. I want to be able to fix the number of event (Y=1) vs. non-event (Y=0). Thus, I fix this and then simulate the predictors. I have 2 questions: 1. When the predictors are continuous, I can use mvrnorm(). However, if I have continuous, ordinal and binary predictors, I'm not sure how to simulate
2009 Feb 19
Bug in predict function for naiveBayes?
Dear all, I tried a simple naive Bayes classification on an artificial dataset, but I have troubles getting the predict function to work with the type="class" specification. With type= "raw", it works perfectly, but with type="class" I get following error : Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid 'mode' argument Data : mixture.train is a training set with 100
2012 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] GetElementPtrInst question
Hi, You'd use an IRBuilder, like you did to create your LoadInsts. IRBuilder<> IRB(BB); IRB.CreateGEP(myreg1, myreg2); I assume because you asked this question, something went wrong when using the above method. What was it? :) Cheers, James ________________________________________ From: llvmdev-bounces at [llvmdev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eduardo [erocha.ssa
2006 Dec 14
xyplot: discrete points + continuous curve per panel
I have a number of x, y observations (Time, Conc) for a number of Subjects (with subject number Subj) and Doses. I can plot the individual points with xyplot fine: xyplot(Conc ~ Time | Subj, Groups=Dose, data=myData, panel = function(x,y) { panel.xyplot(x, y) panel.superpose(???) # Needs more here } ) I also like to plot on
2003 Dec 05
Odds ratios for categorical variable
Dear R-users: How does one calculate in R the odds ratios for a CATEGORICAL predictor variable that has 4 levels. I see r-help inquiries regarding odds ratios for what looked like a continuous predictor variable. I was wondering how to get the pairwise odds ratios for comparisons of levels of a categorical predictor variable. I can't seem to get the correct output using: >
2011 Feb 12
Predictions with missing inputs
Dear users, I'll appreciate your help with this (hopefully) simple problem. I have a model object which was fitted to inputs X1, X2, X3. Now, I'd like to use this object to make predictions on a new data set where only X1 and X2 are available (just use the estimated coefficients for these variables in making predictions and ignoring the coefficient on X3). Here's my attempt but, of
2012 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] GetElementPtrInst question
Hi all, How can I create an llvm::GetElementPtrInst in which the pointer and the index are in registers previously loaded with llvm::LoadInst ? I mean, the generated instruction will be like this: %1 = getelementptr i8* %myreg1, i32 %myreg2 here, %myreg1 and %myreg2 are previously created by load instructions (llvm::LoadInst). Please, let me know if there is an example of something similar.
2013 May 02
Questions regarding use of predict() with glmpath
I'm trying to do LASSO in R with the package glmpath. However, I'm not sure if I am using the accompanying prediction function *predict.glmpath()* correctly. Suppose I fit some regularized binomial regression model like so: library(glmpath);load(;attach(; fit <- glmpath(x, y, family=binomial) Then I can use predict.glmpath() to estimate the value of the
2009 Sep 01
understanding the output from gls
I'd like to compare two models which were fitted using gls, however I'm having trouble interpreting the results of gls. If any of you could offer me some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. Short explanation of models: These two models have the same fixed-effects structure (two independent, linear effects), and differ only in that the second model includes a corExp structure for
2012 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] GetElementPtrInst question
Hi James, Thanks for your quick reply. > I assume because you asked this question, something went wrong when using the above method. What was it? :) No, I am not using this method. I was trying to create a llvm::GetElementPtrInst . I didn't create IRBuilder. I am writing a ModulePass that insert new instruction to an existing Module. Besides, how can you get a reference to myreg1 ?
2008 Oct 23
error when using logistic.display within a loop
Dear list, I tried to apply the logistic regression to different response variables from a dataframe and would like to store the results using the function logistic.display from the "epicalc" package in a list, but got an error message "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : y values must be 0 <= y <= 1". All the response variables have value of 0 or 1. It worked
2005 Feb 10
skip missing values in plots
I really like these Trellis graphics but how do I get this code to skip the missing? logreg<-read.csv("logreg.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.string=" ") attach(logreg) bwplot(yesno~bc_pcb_tot |varlist, data=logreg, main="Box Cox PCB transformation", auto.key=TRUE, fontfamily = "HersheySans" ) Dean Sonneborn M.S. Public Health Sciences *
2008 Jun 17
Trouble with FUN(newX[, i], ...)
Hi, I am trying to train svm with some training data of about 4000 rows and 4000 columns. While running svm function I am ending up with the following error. trainfile <- read.csv('0_train_0016435.csv',head=TRUE,na.strings = "NULL") datatrain <- subset(trainfile,select=c(-Class)) model <- svm(datatrain, kernel="radial") Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) :