similar to: paired t-test vs pairwise t-test

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "paired t-test vs pairwise t-test"

2008 Apr 04
pairwise.t.test for paired data
Dear R-help, I have a question about pairwise.t.test and adjustment for multiple comparisons for paired data points. I have the following data: n=c("x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "y", "y", "y", "y", "y", "y",
2005 Aug 08
extract t-values from pairwise.t.test
Hi, how can I extract the t-values after running a pairwise.t.test? The output just list the p-values. Many thanks for your help. Cheers Guido ____________________________________ Guido J. Parra School of Tropical Environment Studies and Geography James Cook University Townsville Queensland 4811 Phone: 61 7 47815824 Fax: 61 7 47814020 Mobile: 0437630843 e-mail:
2008 Nov 12
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2009 Oct 27
Output pairwise.t.test to data.frame
# I'm doing a pairwise.t.test on a large dataset and need the output in a data frame so I can work further with it, e.g. so I can export it to a spreadsheet. Is there any way to coerce the results to an exportable format? # For example, if I do: test <- pairwise.t.test(numbers, factors, p.adj="bonferroni") # and then write.table(test, file="output.csv",
2008 Oct 25
pairwise.wilcox.test for paired samples
Dear R Core, pairwise.wilcox.test does not handle "paired = TRUE" correctly; e.g. set.seed(13) x <- rnorm(20) g <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10)) wilcox.test(x ~ g)$p.value # 0.075 pairwise.wilcox.test(x, g)$p.value # 0.075, o.k wilcox.test(x ~ g, paired = TRUE)$p.value # 0.105 pairwise.wilcox.test(x, g, paired = TRUE)$p.value # 0.075, wrong The line wilcox.test(xi, xj,
2004 Feb 15
father and son heights
Faraway's book titled "Practical Regression and Anova using R", with full text available online at: refers to a data set, stat500, which compares midterm and final grades. It can be used to illustrate similar concepts. A google search for will locate the actual data. --- Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 10:37:08 -0800
2004 Feb 14
Beginner's question about t.test()
Dear All, I am doing some exercise in statistics textbook on comparison of two experimental means. Is it possible to use t.test() do t-test when I have only two means, sample size, two standard deviations ? (no raw data). Thanks. Pramote
2010 Sep 10
A couple of typos in ?pairwise.t.test
Hi all, After my reply on R-Help to the relevant thread, I noted what appear to be a couple of typos in the Details section of ?pairwise.t.test. Note text with '**'. Current text: The **pool.SD** switch calculates a common SD for all groups and **used** that for all comparisons (this can be useful if some groups are small). This method does not actually call t.test, so extra arguments
2012 Jun 02
How can I export a paired t-test output table to an excel file?
Hi R users, Could anyone let me know how to export a paired t-test output table (see below) to an excel file? Jason, with(score2,pairwise.t.test(values,ind, + p.adjust.method="holm", paired=T)) Pairwise comparisons using paired t tests data: values and ind test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test1 1.0000 - - -
2012 May 22
Graph to visualize paired t test I have run the statistics and found no significance in my pairwise t test. I want to create a graph similar to the one I included showing similar slopes/lines for my data points. For my data a correlation graph is not appropriate and looks very confusing. Is the easiest way to create several lines between points I enter manually or is
2010 Sep 10
pairwise.t.test vs t.test
Dear all, I am perplexed when trying to get the same results using pairwise.t.test and t.test. I'm using examples in the ISwR library, >attach(red.cell.folate) I can get the same result for pairwise.t.test and t.test when I set the variances to be non-equal, but not when they are assumed to be equal. Can anyone explain the differences, or what I'm doing wrong? Here's an example
2006 Sep 07
pairwise.t.test vs. t. test
Hi, If I set the p.adjust="none", does it meant that the output p values from the pairwise.t.test will be the same as those from individual t.tests (set var.equal=T, alternative="t")? I actually got different p values from the two tests. See below. Is it supposed to be this way? Thanks Johnny > x [1] 61.6 52.7 61.3 65.2 62.8 63.7 64.8 58.7 44.9 57.0 64.3 55.1 50.0 41.0
2006 May 02
pairwise.t.test: empty p-table
Hi list-members can anybody tell me why > pairwise.t.test(val, fac) produces an empty p-table. As shown below: Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD data: val and fac AS AT Fhh Fm Fmk Fmu GBS Gf HFS Hn jAL Kol R_Fill AT - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fhh - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fm - - - - - - -
2004 Sep 01
How to personalize the rpart function: t.default(x)
I'm trying to personalize the rpart function by introducing a list('init','split','eval') in the argument method. But I receive an error message:"Error in t.default(x): argument is not a matrix". Can anyone tell me what the argument of this function is or where this function appears in the rpart function.Thanks Simone Vantini
2007 Aug 29
a new-bie question about obtaining certain value from the print out
Hi everyone, I am quite new to R. my command is t.test(c(1:5,7:11), y=c(1:10),alternative = c("two.sided"), paired = TRUE) The output is Paired t-test data: c(1:5, 7:11) and c(1:10) t = 3, df = 9, p-value = 0.01496 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.1229738 0.8770262 sample estimates: mean of the differences
2007 Mar 02
significant anova but no distinct groups ?
Dear all, I am studying a dataset using the aov() function. The independant variable 'cds' is a factor() with 8 levels and here is the result in studying the dependant variable 'rta' with aov() : > summary(aov(rta ~ cds)) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) cds 7 0.34713 0.04959 2.3807 0.02777 Residuals 92 1.91635 0.02083 The dependant variable
2006 Nov 08
Making a case for using R in Academia
Hello, new to the list, first message. This question perhaps might be more appropriate to R-sig-teaching, and I'd be happy to take it there if this is not the right place for it. I am teaching applied statistics at a small liberal arts college with limited resources, and we are currently using SPSS for our courses. Mainly the reason for this, as I understand it, is that this is what
2010 Mar 25
Expected pairwise.student.t and TukeyHSD behavior?
pairwise.t.test is returning NAs when one of the samples only has one entry, while TukeyHSD returns results (maybe not trustworthy or believable, but results). I stumbled on this because I did not realize one of my samples only had one entry while most of the others had several hundred, so I realize this is not a desirable situation. I'm really just curious about the difference between how
2011 Apr 28
Simple General Statistics and R question (with 3 line example) - get z value from pairwise.wilcox.test
Hi there, I am trying to do multiple pairwise Wilcoxon signed rank tests in a manner similar to: a <- c(runif(1000, min=1,max=50), rnorm(1000, 50), rnorm(1000, 49.9, 0.5), rgeom(1000, 0.5)) b <- c(rep("group_a", 1000), rep("group_b", 1000), rep("group_c", 1000), rep("group_d", 1000)) pairwise.wilcox.test(a, b, alternative="two.sided",
2012 Mar 28
discrepancy between paired t test and glht on lme models
Hi folks, I am working with repeated measures data and I ran into issues where the paired t-test results did not match those obtained by employing glht() contrasts on a lme model. While the lme model itself appears to be fine, there seems to be some discrepancy with using glht() on the lme model (unless I am missing something here). I was wondering if someone could help identify the issue. On