similar to: .Platform addition (was Re: where does R search when source()?)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: ".Platform addition (was Re: where does R search when source()?)"

2004 Sep 15
Splitting vector into individual elements
Is there a means to split a vector into its individual elements without going the brute-force route for arguments to a predefined function call? offred.rgb <- c(1, 0, 0) * 0.60; ## Brute force style offred.col <- rgb(offred.rgb[1], offred.rgb[2], offred.rgb[3], names = "offred") ## Desired style
2007 Apr 05
package for Matlab
Hallo, does a package for Matlab exist in R? If yes, where can I find it and how can I install it under R? Thanks, Corinna
2005 Feb 14
Test Tools
Anyone aware of tools available that can provide complexity metrics and/or code coverage analysis for R source? ---------------------------------------------------------- SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
2005 May 18
R Include File Guards
R 2.1.0/src/include from 2005/04/18 download Naming inconsistent for guards as well but that's pedantic. Simple convention: file <foo.h> #ifndef R_FOO_H file <R_ext/bar.h> #ifndef R_EXT_BAR_H Missing guards: <IOStuff.h> <Internal.h> <Parse.h> <R_ext/GraphicsBase.h> <R_ext/GraphicsDevice.h> <R_ext/GraphicsEngine.h>
2005 Jul 19
Had been looking into Luke Tierney's R_AllocatePtr() and was left with a question about exactly when does R reclaim heap memory. Implication of 'simpleref.nw' is that one can allocate C data on the R heap, and as long as pointer object is alive, the data and pointer will remain valid. But it calls allocString() which is implemented using R_alloc(). 'Writing R Extensions" says
2004 Jul 06
Enumeration in R
I want the equivalent of this 'C' declaration. enum StoplightColor { green = 3, yellow = 5, red = 7 }; This mostly works except the validity checking doesn't seem to occur automatically. What didn't I do to enable it? setClass("stoplightColor", representation(value = "integer"), prototype = integer(1))
2004 Aug 25
[Q] Apply Function Over Multiple Array Margins
Is there a canonical means to apply a function over multiple arrays simultaneously? For example, if I wanted to plot each line with a different color? Or is a for loop conversion my best option? x <- seq(0, 8, by = 2) y <- matrix(1:15, nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE) my.colors <- heat.colors(3) drawLines <- function(row) { lines(x, row) # want corresponding 'my.colors' here }
2004 Nov 09
Need car() and cdr() for '...'
Needed to redefine function "sum" for my MATLAB package. There's something similar in Chambers's Green Book (pg 351) so I modified it as such: library(methods) setGeneric("sum", function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) { if (nDotArgs(...) > 0) sum(c(sum(x, na.rm = na.rm), sum(..., na.rm = na.rm))) else standardGeneric("sum") })
2004 Jul 07
Win32 & C code
Hi, I'm trying to get C code working with R. This is my first time writing C on Windows and I'm making a mess of it. Help! I'm following the example in Roger Peng's "An Introduction to the .C interface to R". The C code is: #include <R.h> void hello(int *n){ int i; for(i=0; i < *n; i++) { Rprintf("Hello, world!\n"); } } I seem to be unable
2004 Sep 28
S4 method selection based on second argument
I'm translating some Matlab code and need some help figuring out how to change this call into an S4 generic method. In matlab, there's a function called 'repmat' with three calling sequences (all I have to deal with anyway): 1) B = repmat(A, m, n) 2) B = repmat(A, [m n]) 3) B = repmat(A, n) In all cases, A is the fill value, m is number of rows, and n is number of
2005 Jun 29
(PR#7972) row-side color bars ... in heatmap
Hi Kevin, >>>>> "krc" == krc <krc at> >>>>> on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:55:37 +0200 (CEST) writes: krc> Full_Name: Kevin R. Coombes krc> Version: 2.1.0 krc> OS: Windows XP krc> Submission from: (NULL) ( krc> When revC = TRUE and RowSideColors is set to a list of krc>
2007 Dec 17
gene shaving method
Does anyone know if Hastie's gene shaving method is implemented in R Thanks, Aimin
2007 Apr 26
SweaveInput and absolute paths
Hi, Is there a way to turn off the automatic inclusion of "./" at the beginning of a path specified in an \SweaveInput{} instruction? I'd like to create some reusable "template modules" of Sweave code and put them in a standard directory like /Resources/Affymetrix Then the corresponding file that uses one of these would include a command like
2004 Jul 10
where does R search when source()?
Exactly where does R search for foo.R if I type source("foo.R")? Only from current working directory (same as getwd()), from all directories specified by e.g. $PATH? Thanks. Daehyok Shin
2004 Jul 10
where does R search when source()?
Exactly where does R search for foo.R if I type source("foo.R")? Only from current working directory (same as getwd()), from all directories specified by e.g. $PATH? Thanks. Daehyok Shin
2010 Jul 20
loop through files and create object
Hi R users, I am a newbie and therefore the naive question. Sorry but I was unable to find an answer online. I would like to read 47 data sets (country1.raw, country2.raw, ... country47.raw) and save into a matrix each time (data1, data2, ....data47). for (i in 1:47){ data(?) <- read.csv(file.path("country", i, ".raw", fsep = ""), header = TRUE) } The read.cvs
2009 May 22
Returning only a file path on Windows
I am choosing a file like this: #Bring up file selection box fn<-file.choose() fp<-file.path(fn,fsep='\\') Unfortunately, the file path contains the short file name and extension as well. I had hoped to get only the path so I could make my own long filenames (for output graphs) by concatenation with this file path. Of course I can split the string and assemble the components from
2009 Nov 23
CRAN Server download statistics (Was: R Usage Statistics)
Hi All, It seems that the question of how may people use (or download) R, and it's packages is one that comes up on a fairly regular basis in a variety of forums (There was also recent thread on the subject on Stack Overflow). A couple of students at UCLA (including myself), wanted to address the issue, so we set up a system to get and parse the APACHE logs every night, and
2018 Apr 13
Fwd: R Timeseries tsoutliers:tso
Hello, Writing to seek help in regard to some unexpected performance anomaly i am observing in using tsoutlers:tso on the mac vs on an AWS cloud server.. I am running the following code with very small dataset of about 208 records. d.dir <- '/Users/darshanpandya/xxxxxx' FNAME <- 'my_data.csv' d.input <- fread(file.path(paste0(d.dir,"/zzz/"),FNAME,fsep =
2007 Mar 15
Sweave bug using 'FDR' in chunk label (PR#9567)
Full_Name: Kevin Coombes Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm running R 2.4.0 on a Windows XP machine, with only the default packages loaded. Running Sweave or Stangle on the following Rnw file: -------------- % bug.Rnw \begin{document} Demonstrate an Sweave/Stangle bug. <<info>>= sessionInfo() @ <<getFDR>>= x <- 1 @