similar to: robust correlation in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "robust correlation in R"

2004 Apr 08
plot help
Hie! I do not manage to make several plots on a same graph ( for example two densities on the same graph ) thanks for the answer Pierre Clauss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ce message et toutes les pi佽ces jointes (ci - apres le \"message\" ) sont 侀tablis a l'attention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont strictement confidentiels. Si vous n'侁tes
2011 Dec 30
good method of removing outliers?
Happy holidays all! I know it's very subjective to determine whether some data is outlier or not... But are there reasonally good and realistic methods of identifying outliers in R? Thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 03
(sans objet)
- Peut-on poser des questions en fran?ais? - Tr?s simple. Je fais un programme "truc.r" (sous emacs) Ce programme r?alise des graphiques. Je voudrais les enregistrer au fur et ? mesure -- sinon, quand la session est finie, ces graphiques sont perdus-- J'ai essay?: pdf("truc.pdf") Mais le fichier "truc.pdf" cr?? est vide. Comment fait-on? Merci et salutations
2002 Jul 26
estimating missing data
Hello R group Do you know if an EM algorithm exits for R to estimate missing data in a sample? I just found knn algorithm in to the package emv but it doesn't look to be the usual EM algorithm. Thanks Xavier -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",
2005 Feb 03
help on "stack" function
So in fact : I have a data wich colnames are : "id","VEMS5A","VEMS6A","VEMS7A","VEMS8A","VEMS9A","VEMS10A","VEMS11A","VEMS12A","VEMS13A","VEMS14A","VEMS15A","VEMS16A","VEMS17A","VEMS18A","cohort") With "VEMS5A" is the value when
2018 May 10
Modèle à Equations structurelles
Bonjour, Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider avec le code R pour estimer les mod?les ? ?quations structurelles via l'approche PLS,int?grer des variables mod?ratrices et m?diatrices et afficher les graphique simultan? des mod?les interne et de mesure? Cdt. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Feb 03
he^lp on "stack" function
Excuse me. I don't understant how to use the function "stack". I'm not sure to know the good syntax. I've got a data witch column names are the time when the mesures was done and an other who indicates the age of the subjetcs. I would like to do a new matrix with patients older than a value and the new matrix will contain in the first column the time of the mesures and in
2008 Jan 02
extracting pvalue from ANOVA with repeated measures
I made an ANOVA with repeated mesures (aov(Mesure~Distance*Genre*Correct+Error(Sujet/(Distance*Genre*Correct)), data)) and I would like to extract the pvalues. The output is: ----------------------------------------------------------- Error: Sujet Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Residuals 21 97.082 4.623 Error: Sujet:Distance Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Distance
1999 Oct 20
File names and e-acute char
Hi. Samba 1.9.15p8 under IRIX 6.1 (yes I know, it's old stuff ...) The susers on Windows 9x/WindowsNT just put their strange file name or directory name (like /usr/people/mesure_?t? ) on the IRIX. However, from the IRIX side, it's impossible toaccess to such files/directory. What's more, my ARkeia backup client stalls on such a name and fouled up my backup database... NB: Oops: for
2002 Jun 14
exponential smoothing
could someone help me to write a fonction doing an exponential smoothing in case of a multivariate time serie? I tried ewma <- function (x, lambda = 1, init = 0) { if (is.ts(x)) filter(lambda*x, filter=1-lambda, method="recursive", init=init) else stop(message="first argument should be a time serie") } but I can't apply that to multivariate Thanks
2002 Jul 23
function running in package gregmisc
Hello, I've got a problem using the function "running" in package gregmisc For example: test<-c(1,2,3,4,5) running(test,fun=var,width=3) gives 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:4 3:5 NA NA 2 3 4 which is wrong because var(test[1:3]) [1] 1 Where am I wrong? Thanks Xavier -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2003 Dec 18
bootstrap pValue in DClusters
Hello R-List I use DClusters package (I work in a cancer regestry). I have 2 questions about it: 1-how is it possible to get back the bootstrap pValue? I mean the pValue of the calculated statistic with respect of the distribution of this statistic under the null hypothesis. 2-how is it possible to test an overdispersion in the poisson model? for choosing a best model I need this mesure of
2018 May 10
Modèle à Equations structurelles
Dear Yaya You will get more responses if you can post in English which is the language of the list. If you want advice about package choice you need to tell us what packages you have considered and rejected. You would also benefit from searching the CRAN Task Views - possibly the Psychometrics one might help you. If you want someone to send you code, as appears from your mail, you are out
2003 Apr 14
isoMDS and stress
Hi all, I try to calculate the stress of a configuration using the formula in the isoMDS help, but I don't have the same result than the stress returned by isoMDS : > library(mva) > library(MASS) > data(swiss) > swiss.x <- as.matrix(swiss[,-1]) > swiss.dist <- dist(swiss.x) > swiss.mds <- isoMDS(swiss.dist) initial value 2.979731 iter 5 value 2.431486 iter 10
2007 May 03
reshape question
Hello all, A quick question concerning a behavior of reshape I fail tu understand, probably something obvious but I just can't see it. With the following data frame further referred to as tab :
2018 May 10
Modèle à Equations structurelles
In my previous mail, I was asking help to fit structural equations models by using Partial Least Square (PLS) approch.I have used package plspm. I want to know how to manage moderating and mediating variables. I also want to show simultanously the graph of internal model and measurement model. Thks. Le jeudi 10 mai 2018 ? 15:42:46 UTC, Michael Dewey <lists at> a ?crit :
2002 Aug 19
install the SJava package on unix
Hi, I've got a problem to use the SJava package with R. I have a SUN solaris 8 machine. Then I did R INSTALL -c SJava_0.65-0.tar.gz without problem Now I try the test provided on the web site: library(SJava) and here I receive the error message: Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
2005 Apr 24
large dataset import, aggregation and reshape
Dear useRs We have a data-set (comma delimited) with 12Millions of rows, and 5 columns (in fact many more, but we need only 4 of them): id, factor 'a' (5 levels), factor 'b' (15 levels), date-stamp, numeric measurement. We run R on suse-linux 9.1 with 2GB RAM, (and a 3.5GB swap file). on average we have 30 obs. per id. We want to aggregate (eg. sum of the measuresments under
2002 Jun 20
security = domain / security = server
I understand that the difference between "server" and "domain" mode is that in "domain" mode"Samba fully uses the domain capabilities. He behaves like another NT Server or Windows 9x do by participating in domain trust relationships." Could someone please explain me 1. What is it exaclty that "domain" mode does, that "server" mode
2001 Nov 20
Formulating anova for partially nested model
Hello, I'm trying to analyse data from an incomplete design with four factor : - fr : number of the batch - op : ID of operator - meth : method used - mat : nature of the material used and one variable - mv : mesure - trmv : transformed mesure str(matvol) `data.frame': 120 obs. of 6 variables: $ fr : Factor w/ 30 levels "1","2","3","4",..: