Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "WinMenu's question"
2004 Aug 13
Bug or feature in winMenuDel?
I just noticed the following in Rgui:
> winMenuAdd('test') # adds a menu
> winMenuAddItem('test', 'item', 'x') # adds an item to it
> winMenuDel('test') # deletes the menu...
> winMenuItems('test') # but leaves the item behind.
Would anyone object if I changed winMenuDel so that it deleted the
2003 Jun 03
winMenuAdd misbehaving?
Microsoft Windows R users,
I am operating Windows 2000 (build2195) with R1.7. It may be pertinent that
I am using a dual head screen with the initial RGui filing the entire area
of both screens.
When starting R I use the .First() function to add menu items to the RGui
interface using winMenuAdd() and winMenuAddItem(). The menus do not display
until the RGui window is physically manipulated in
2006 Mar 31
Segfault with too many menu items on Rgui
Hi all,
In the CHANGES file for R-2.3.0alpha, there is the following
winMenuAdd() now has no limits on the number of menus or items, and
names are now limited to 500 (not 50) bytes.
However, I can reproducibly get a segfault using this (admittedly
silly) example:
for( i in 1:5) winMenuAdd(paste("Test", letters[i], sep=""))
for(i in 1:5) for(j in 1:24)
2005 Apr 12
adding R site search to Rgui
From: Gabor Grothendieck
> On Apr 11, 2005 11:28 AM, Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> >
> > If you use R 2.1.0 beta (which you should consider seriously as
> > a good netizen ;-), this is as simple as
> >
> > > RSiteSearch("String manipulation---mixed case")
> > A search query has been submitted to
2007 May 14
RFC: allow packages to advertise vignettes on Windows
The vignette concept, which started in Bioconductor, seems to be
catching on. They are supported by R CMD build/check and documented
in the Writing R Extensions manual. I think vignettes are a fantastic
way to introduce new users to a package. However, getting new users
to realize that a vignette is available can be challenging.
For some time now, we have had a function in Biobase that
2011 Oct 27
Error installing packages
I got an error if I try to install a package. For example package emg:
R CMD check emg
Everything is fine.
I got the following errors:
* installing to library 'c:/R_2_13_1/library'
* installing *source* package 'emg' ...
Error in file_path_as_absolute(dfile) :
Datei './DESCRIPTION' existiert nicht
ERROR: installing package DESCRIPTION failed fo
2007 Nov 07
Adding submenus to existing consol GUI menu
If possible I would like to add two sub-menus to the R Console under
For example, I would like to add:
winMenuAddItem("File", "Load CSV...", "loadCSV()")
winMenuAddItem("File", "Save CSV...", "saveCSV()")
and have them appear under the initial 'File' item rather than add a new
'File' menu item. I seem to
2010 Nov 07
creating a scale (factor) based on a continuous variable nested within levels of factor
Hello R-helpers
I hope that my subject line is not detering anyone from helping me out:)
I have been stuck of a few hours now, and I don't seem to pinpoint
where the problem is.
I have a data.frame which is structured as follow:
'data.frame': 1665 obs. of ?8 variables:
$ time ? ?: num ?0 1.02 2.05 3.07 4.09 ...
$ hr ? ? ?: num ?62.4 63.6 64.6 65.5 66.2 ...
$ emg ? ?
2016 Apr 09
Arguments to utils:::menuInstallPkgs
On 09/04/2016 8:14 AM, Jose Claudio Faria wrote:
> Dears,
> Is it possible (in any viable way) to pass arguments to the base function
> (install.packages I think) using the utils:::menu?
No, but why not just call install.packages directly? (If you are using
Rgui in Windows, you can add menu items using winMenuAddItem).
Duncan Murdoch
> For example:
> >
2003 Nov 04
help with nomogram function
I have fitted a logistic regression model
> failed.lr2$call
lrm(formula = failed ~ Age + task2 + Age:task2, data = time.long,
na.action = na.omit)
using the Design package functions and would like to generate a
nomogram from this model.
the datadist information is generated and stored in
> ddist
time.long$Age time.long$task2
Low:effect 45
2007 Apr 13
stacked histograms
I want to produce stacked histograms where the total bar is divided up
according to the n levels of the grouping variable given in the group
I am using the lattice histogram function and its "group"-argument, but
it is not recognised. The "auto.key" argument, however, is, because it
me the correct group levels and when setting groups = NULL, auto.key =
2005 Apr 13
A suggestion for predict function(s)
Maybe a useful addition to the predict functions would be to return the
values of the predictor variables. It just (unless there are problems)
requires an extra line. I have inserted an example below.
"predict.glm" <-
function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response",
"terms"), se.fit = FALSE,
2007 Apr 11
Why warnings using lmer-model with family=binomial
Hi all!
My question is why, and what I can do about that
I sometimes, but not always, get warning-messages like
nlminb returned message singular convergence (7)
in: LMEopt(x = mer, value = cv)
IRLS iterations for PQL did not converge
when trying to fit a model looking like this:
family="binomial") to four
2004 Jul 20
Histogram without common borders
Is it possible to produce a histogram directly using the hist()
function with the common borders removed?
It can be done by plotting the histogram object using type 's'teps.
my.hist <- hist(x,plot=FALSE)
I would appreciate help
Ross Darnell
University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4067 AUSTRALIA
Email: <r.darnell at
2006 Jun 08
Plotting female and male signs
Dear R-users,
Just like other users (as seen from previous posts on the list), I would
like to use female and male signs in plots. I found B. Ripley's post
about using Unicode characters. However, it doesn't works for me.
> text(locator(1),"\u2640") produces the following error:
Error: invalid \uxxxx sequence
But I can specify other Unicode characters as long I
2004 May 23
Re: Windows versus Unix packages in CRAN ...
Concerning the Rmetrics packages,
(1) There is a _much_ better thing to do than
>simply ... to remove the stuff related to MS Win from zzz.R;
> in partricular the lines after if( .... ) to clear your message.
> As you can see, the info relates to the WinMenu under MS Win.
as Janusz Kawczak suggests, and that is to *wrap* the troublesome code
2004 Apr 21
Error with 1.9.0 - winMenuAdd not usable in .Rprofile
I had this problem too. The documentation for the winMenus says that these
functions are part of the utils package. R must be loading this library
after it sources in Rprofile. If you add library(utils) to the beginning of
your .First function, it should take care of the problem.
Brian Gregor, P.E.
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
Brian.J.GREGOR at
2004 Apr 16
Windows startup menu display problem in 1.9.0 (PR#6783)
Full_Name: Brian J. Smith
Version: 1.9.0
OS: WinXp
Submission from: (NULL) (
WinXP; R 1.9.0 running under Rgui.exe.
winMenuAdd calls via my .Rprofile file do not seem to work and, instead, result
in the following error message after the R GUI starts:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "winMenuAdd"
Any subsequent calls to winMenuAdd from
2010 Sep 18
Check for updates under Windows (Was: a reliable way to check the latest version of R on CRAN?)
Dear R developers,
I asked this question in r-help list but have not got a definite
solution yet, and I think it might be more appropriate to ask
developers or CRAN maintainers directly. Many software packages often
have a menu item like "Check for updates" under the "Help" menu, e.g.
Filezilla and Firefox, and I believe it is also necessary for R (at
least for R GUI under
2008 Jul 06
Windows Only: winMenuAdd() problem
I don't know whether the following is a Windows or R problem, nor whether it
is particular to my particular Windows version/setup. So any help would be
appreciated. First the problem, then the info. The following code can be cut
and pasted into your R session
### start R
### create a plot on device 2 (which can be determined by dev.cur())