On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:37:28 -0400, Duncan Murdoch
<murdoch@stats.uwo.ca> wrote :
>I just noticed the following in Rgui:
>> winMenuAdd('test') # adds a menu
>> winMenuAddItem('test', 'item', 'x') # adds an
item to it
>> winMenuDel('test') # deletes the menu...
>> winMenuItems('test') # but leaves the item behind.
> "x"
>Would anyone object if I changed winMenuDel so that it deleted the
>menu and any items or submenus in it as well?
I made this change in r-devel, along with some other ones that allow
items to be added to the popups and the graph window menus as well as
the standard ones.
Duncan Murdoch