similar to: debian packages and html help on linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "debian packages and html help on linux"

2001 May 25
Cook-Weisberg confidence curves
Is there an existing function to compute Cook-Weisberg confidence curves for non-linear model parameters in R? Kari Ruohonen -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !)
2007 Sep 14
covariates in nlmer function
I am trying to explore nlmer by running some nlme examples from Pinheiro & Bates (2000). I do not seem to find information how to specify fixed effects covariates to nlmer models. Specifically, I tried to run the "Carbon Dioxide Uptake" example from p. 368 onwards in the PB200 book. The model without fixed effects covariates runs well but how to tell nlmer to include Type and
2004 Sep 15
loading error of the Rcmdr library on Debian Sid
Hello, I just tried to get Rcmdr package working, resulting in: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: tcltk Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: foreign Loading required package: abind Loading required package: lmtest Loading required package: multcomp Loading required package: relimp Loading
2001 Sep 26
Seeking optimal mixture
This is maybe not directly an R problem but I have used R to try to solve it so I think somebody may be able to help. I have a mixture model with three components and a quadratic Scheffe polynomial p1x1+p2x2+p3x3+p12x1x2+p13x1x3+p23x2x3 fitted to the response. Now I'd like to compute the mixture corresponding the maximum response. Model for Y1 has the parameters p1=124.02 p2=60.973 p3=41.479
2010 Nov 09
location of Tisean executables when using RTisean and jumping between linux and windows
Hi, I wonder if someone could help. I needed to transfer (copy) a workspace file that had been generated in linux (R 2.11) to windows running the same version of R 2.11 (but of course windows binary). Usually, there is no problem in doing this and all objects work as expected. I am often doing this to be able to produce wmf or emf graphic files that I need. This time I had some spectra that I
2004 Mar 21
Near-perl-like levels of obfuscation
Dirk Eddelbuettel and Albrecht Gephardt have created many Debian packages of R packages from CRAN and other archives. I wanted to install all these Debian packages on a machine running the Debian testing distribution. One way to do this is to search (using the apt-cache program) for all Debian package names that begin with 'r-', extract the package name, and concatenate all those names
2008 Dec 08
residual standard error in rlm (MASS package)
Hi, I would appreciate of someone could explain how the residual standard error is computed for rlm models (MASS package). Usually, one would expect to get the residual standard error by > sqrt(sum((y-fitted(fm))^2)/(n-2)) where y is the response, fm a linear model with an intercept and slope for x and n the number of observations. This does not seem to work for rlm models and I am wondering
2012 Feb 09
Tr: Re: how to pass weka classifier options with a meta classifier in RWeka?
Le jeudi 09 f?vrier 2012 ? 15:31 +0200, Kari Ruohonen a ?crit : > Hi, > I am trying to replicate a training of AttributeSelectedClassifier with > CFsSubsetEval, BestFirst and NaiveBayes that I have initially done with > Weka. Now, I am trying to use RWeka in R. > > I have a problem of passing arguments to the CfsSubsetEval, BestFirst > and NaiveBayes. I have first created an
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander . First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes! I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA... Here is the list. Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2008 Jun 17
read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet" text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK. This is what happens: > SurveyData <-
2005 Feb 01
Rcmdr doesn't seem to work
Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including Rcmdr) I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it is what happens: > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: strucchange Loading required package: sandwich Loading required package: relimp Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package:
2009 Mar 16
[OT] Debian now has a new section 'gnu-r'
Joerg Jaspert, one of the ftpmasters / archive maintainers within Debian, today posted a new list of 'Sections' to debian-devel-announce (see eg here ) This now includes a new Section: gnu-r Everything about GNU R, a statistical computation and graphics system which
2011 Jan 30
updating r-cran- packages on a new Ubuntu lucid system
I am setting up a new Ubuntu lucid system on a Dell Precision T3500, quad core, E5507, x86_64 box and am having some difficulty updating r-cran packages as per the instructions at Perhaps the instructions are incomplete or wrong, or I've misunderstood something, and/or I've run into a dependency problem among r-cran- packages, vcd in
2000 Mar 10
logit and polytomous data
I am new to generalized linear models and studying McCullagh & Nelder (1989). Especially, I have a problem resembling the \"cheese taste\" example (5.3.1. p. 109) of the book. I tried to analyse the cheese example with R but failed to do so because R allowed me to use logit link function only with binary family that supposes 0 <= y <= 1. Do I need to scale the y\'s or
2010 Aug 26
I am trying to use Rcmdr 1.5_4 with R-2.11.1 (order to run to run the new version of misdist-0.5.3 which is built under R-2.11.1). however relimp is required for Rcmdr and the version of relimp_1.0.1 downloaded from CRAN will not work with the latest version of Rcmdr (I get error message telling me to reload it). Is there any way round this problem or will there be a new version relimp that is
2010 Nov 09
Qt interfaces to R/ Windows version as well as using PyQT
Is the project on creating R GUIs using QT interfaces still on? Any plans of using PyQT Regards Ajay Ohri Websites- Linkedin- On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Kari Ruohonen <kari.ruohonen at> wrote: > Hi, > I wonder if someone could help. I needed to transfer (copy) a workspace > file that
1999 Aug 31
SAMBA digest 2218
--- wrote: > SAMBA Digest 2218 > > For information on unsubscribing see > > Topics covered in this issue include: > > 1) > by "Brandon Schnell" <> > 2) AutoCAD R14 and Eagle Point > by Hank Burton <> > 3) Can't locate point and
2005 Aug 10
Not loading libraries
Dear list, I have a bunch of libraries that are automatically loaded when I start the R environment. How do I remove them? Output: fredrik at theodor:~/dokument/Thesis/Book$ make Making file voicing.tex from voicing.Rnw Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Loading required package: tcltk Loading required package: rgl Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: strucchange Loading
2012 Mar 23
Help with R package forecast
When I type library() to see what is installed the following list in RED comes up. Packages in library '/home/jason/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13': abind Combine multi-dimensional arrays aplpack Another Plot PACKage: stem.leaf, bagplot, faces, spin3R, and some slider functions biglm bounded memory linear and
2009 Sep 22
Rcmdr package dependencies
Dear r-devel members, My Rcmdr package "depends" on several other packages (tcltk, grDevices, utils, and car) and "suggests" a number of others (abind, aplpack, colorspace, effects, foreign, grid, Hmisc, lattice, leaps, lmtest, MASS, mgcv, multcomp, nlme, nnet, relimp, rgl, and RODBC). The reason for the distinction is that I don't want all of these packages to load when