Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "g-inverse question"
2009 Feb 04
reference for ginv
?ginv provides 'Modern Applied Statistics with S' (MASS), 3rd, by
Venables and Ripley as the sole reference.
I happen to have this book (4th ed) on loan from our library, and as far
as I can see, ginv is mentioned there twice, and it is *used*, not
*explained* in any way. (It is used on p. 148 in the 4th edition.)
ginv does not appear in the index of MASS. ginv is an implementation of
2003 Aug 07
ginv vs. solve
Why do
give different results?. It seems that I am missing some basic feature of
matrix indexing.
Thanks in advance,
2011 Mar 07
a numeric problem
### An numeric problem in R ########
###I have two matrix one is##########
A <- matrix(c(21.97844, 250.1960, 2752.033, 29675.88, 316318.4, 3349550,
24.89267, 261.4211, 2691.009, 27796.02, 288738.7, 3011839,
21.80384, 232.3765, 2460.495, 25992.77, 274001.6, 2883756,
39.85801, 392.2341, 3971.349, 40814.22, 423126.2,
2005 Oct 15
solve() versus ginv()
Dear All,
While inverting a matrix the following error appears on my console:
Error in solve.default(my_matrix) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
With this respect, I have been replacing the solve() function with ginv(): the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of a matrix.
These are the questions I would like to ask you:
1. Would you also replace solve() with ginv() in
2010 Jul 05
if using ginv function, does it mean there is no need to use solve function any more?
since ginv can deal with both singular and non-singular conditions, is there
any other difference between them?
if I use ginv only, will be any problem?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Apr 22
Required Packages etiquette
Dear friends,
I am writing a package that I think may be of interest to many people so I
am in the process to build-check-write-thedocumentation for it.
I have some questions regarding the "rules" that a package
should abide in order to be consistent with the other packages on CRAN.
I have read and reread the Writing R extension manual and googled the
mailing list and I have found
2001 Oct 18
AW: General Matrix Inverse
Thorsten is right. There is a direct formula for computing the Moore-Penrose
using the singular value composition of a matrix. This is incorporated in
the following:
mpinv <- function(A, eps = 1e-13) {
s <- svd(A)
e <- s$d
e[e > eps] <- 1/e[e > eps]
return(s$v %*% diag(e) %*% t(s$u))
Hope it helps.
2004 Feb 06
How to get the pseudo left inverse of a singular squarem atrix?
>I'm rusty, but not *that* rusty here, I hope.
>If W (=Z*Z' in your case) is singular, it can not
have >inverse, which by
>definition also mean that nothing multiply by it will
>produce the identity
>matrix (for otherwise it would have an inverse and
>thus nonsingular).
>The definition of a generalized inverse is something
>like: If A is a
2008 Feb 23
ginv and matlab's pinv give different results
Dear all;
I'm kind of confused with the results obtained using the ginv function
from package MASS and pinv function from Matlab. Accroding to the
documentation both functions performs a Moore-Penrose generalized
inverse of a matrix X. The problem is when I change the tolerance
value, say to 1E-3.
Here is some output from ginv
195.2674402 235.6758714 335.0830253 8.977515484 -291.7798965
2009 Feb 06
Linear model: contrasts
I am modelling a linear regression Y=X*B+E. To compute the effect of ?group? the B-values of the regressors/columns that code the interaction effects (col. 5-8 and col. 11-14, see below) have to be weighted with non-zero elements within the contrast "Group 1" minus "Group 2" (see below). My first understanding was that the interaction effects add up to zero in each group.
2002 May 16
foreign library - negative integers??
I am having a problem with the foreign library correctly reading some integer
data. Specifically,
d _ read.dta('aptaa.dta')
> d[1:5,]
scenario metcode yr ginv cons gocc abs dvac gmre gmer
1 1 AA 2002 0.007 1377 -0.071 51710 0.071 -0.011 -0.127
2 1 AA 2003 0.000 0 -0.016 62568 0.014 -0.043 -0.538
3 1 AA 2004 0.000 0 -0.002
2008 Jun 05
Limit distribution of continuous-time Markov process
I have (below) an attempt at an R script to find the limit distribution
a continuous-time Markov process, using the formulae outlined at
http://www.uwm.edu/~ziyu/ctc.pdf, page 5.
First, is there a better exposition of a practical algorithm for doing
this? I have not found an R package that does this specifically, nor
anything on the web.
Second, the script below will give the right
2004 Jul 06
Generate a matrix Q satisfying t(Q)%*%Q=Z and XQ=W
I have a question that is not directly related to R ... but I try to do it
in R ;-) :
I would like to generate a matrix Q satisfying (for a given Z, X and W) the
two following conditions:
t(Q)%*%Q=Z (1)
XQ=W (2)
Q is m rows and r columns
X is p rows and m columns
D is p rows and r columns
C is r rows and r columns
with m>p,r
2009 Aug 31
Problem in matrix definition?
I'm implementing a function to compute the moore-penrose inverse, using a code from the article: Fast Computation of Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices. Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews. Vol.8, No.2, August 2005
However, the R presents an error message when I use the geninv.
The odd thing is that the error occurs for some arrays, however they have the same size. And the R
2012 Mar 14
Moore-Penrose Generalized determinant?
Is there a function in R to calculate the generalized determinant of a
singular matrix? - similar to the ginv() used to compute the generalized
I can't seem to find any R related posts at all.
Thanks in advance,
Sean O'Riordain
Trinity College Dublin
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Moore-Penrose-Generalized-determinant-tp4471629p4471629.html
2008 Feb 19
Matrix inversion
I am trying to invert a matrix for the purposes of least squares. I
have tried a number of things, and the variety of results has me
1. When I try solve() I get the following:
>Error in solve.default(t(X) %*% X) : system is computationally
singular: reciprocal condition number = 3.76391e-20
2. When I try qr.solve(), I get:
>Error in qr.solve(t(X) %*% X) : singular matrix
2009 Sep 03
Rdonlp2 package question
Previous versions have this question have partially bounced.
I apologize if parts of this are showing up multiple times on the
Another try ...
There was at one time an R package called Rdonlp2 for solving
constrained nonlinear programming problems. Both the objective
and the constraints could be nonlinear in the decision variables.
The package is no longer in the CRAN list.
2000 Sep 29
Matrix inversion
I cannot find what is the function label for matrix inversion in R. I have
found 'ginv' for the moore-penrose in the MASS package, but there is
probably a simple inversion operator in the base package. Where can I find
Yvonnick Noel, PhD.
University of Lille 3
Department of Psychology
F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
(+33) 320 41 63 48
2004 Nov 02
problem to solve a matrix
Dear R group,
I have to solve a hessian matrix 40*40, called M, in order to obtain the
standart deviations of estimators.
When I use the function solve(M), I have the following error message:
"Error in solve.default(M) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular"
Do you know an alternative approach which could succeed? I have found some
information about the function
2009 Oct 30
R strucchange question: recursive-based CUSUM
Hello R users:
I'm trying now to apply the package strucchange to see whether there is
a structural change in linear regression. I have noted the following
problem that arises in my case with recursive-based CUSUM: generic
function recresid() in efp() generates an error, since (probably) it
cannot compute the inverse matrix of (X^(i-1)^T)*(X^(i-1)) at each step
(i-1), because the matrix